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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文


 2023-08-31 09:08  


摘 要


关键词:商务英语教学; 跨文化意识;跨文化能力


1. Introduction 1

2. Concepts of Business English and Business English Education Objectives 1

2.1 Concepts of business English 1

2.2 Business English education objectives 2

3. Survey on the Current Situation of Intercultural Communication Competence of English Major 3

3.1 Survey design 3

3.2 Result and Analysis 12

3.3 Conclusion 12

4. Problems in the Cultivation of Intercultural Communication Competence in Business English Teaching 13

4.1 Insufficient faculty 13

4.2 Imperfect curriculum system 14

4.3 Unupdated teaching model 15

4.4Curriculum setting emphasizes theoretical teaching while ignoring practical teaching 16

5. Improvement of Business English Teaching 16

5.1 Changing English teacher’s ideas and improving their professional competence 16

5.2 Reconstructing the curriculum system according to the students’ needs 17

5.3 Strengthening the reform of Business English teaching model and instruction 19

5.4 Establishing a practical teaching system compatible with the professional training objectives 20

6. Cultivation of Intercultural Communication Ability in Business English Teaching 21

7. Conclusion 24

Works Cited 25

1. Introduction

Under the situation of global economic integration, business activities between China and the world are becoming more and more frequent. Cultural differences will be the biggest challenge for Chinese enterprises to go global and foreign enterprises to enter the Chinese market. International business activities involve cross-cultural communication, and the cultural differences between countries have a great impact on the success of business cooperation. China has gradually adapted to the globalization of the world economy. With the increase of foreign investment in China and the strengthening of foreign economic and trade relations between Chinese enterprises, cross-cultural business activities at different levels are becoming more and more frequent. The demand on business English talents that understand international business rules and can communicate in English with people from different cultural backgrounds are on the rise. English teaching should be based on the need of modern society, to cultivate interdisciplinary talents as the ultimate goal of cultivating interdisciplinary talents who understand the rules of international business and grasp the cultural characteristics of various nationalities in the world. The society puts forward higher requirements for new business English talents. Traditional teaching of business language and knowledge must be broken down. Only by integrating into intercultural communication can we better adapt to the current global economic trend.

2. Concepts of Business English and Business English Education Objectives

Business English is a new interdisciplinary major. In recent years, the business English major has set off a climax of colleges and universities, especially in the field of economy and trade. Students are required to master relevant business knowledge on the basis of proficiency in English language, and be able to flexibly use and practice in international business activities. In view of this, the cultivation of business English professionals should be based on the principle of "attaching importance of language basis, broadening business knowledge, strengthening practical ability and improving comprehensive quality"(LuiLiying 2001), and the goal of cultivating application-oriented talents for strong English communicative ability and business practice ability should be set to construct the corresponding scientific system.

2.1 Concepts of business English

Business English is one of the most important functional varieties of English, which is the inevitable result of social development and the inevitable trend of the development of English linguistics. It should be said that the emergence of business English was after the Second World-War. With the end of World-War II, human society entered a high-speed economic and technology development, the economic globalization trend was more obvious and had entered a prominent phase. With the prosperity and stable development of American economy after the war, English has become the most widely used language in the world. It is built on the basis of ordinary English and can be said to be the specific application of ordinary English to business activities, practicality and pertinence are its remarkable characteristics. With the acceleration and development of communication between international business activities, business English plays an increasingly important role in international business activities, especially in all modern foreign-funded enterprises. We need more practical and innovative business English. Therefore, business English has become an indispensable tool and bridge for foreign trade communication, so as to reduce and avoid misunderstandings in trade exchanges and enhance friendly relations between trade parties. Business English is a window for enterprises to understand the international market and products, as well as one of the important ways of external marketing.

2.2 Business English education objectives

The goal of business English education also includes understanding the rules of international business activities. Students should have strong intercultural communication ability and humanistic quality. They apply to participate in international business competitions and cooperation actively and become excellent business English professionals. They can be competent in foreign affairs, trade, finance, foreign-funded enterprises of foreign business and translation of all kinds of jobs. Business English education should be oriented by competency, market demand and career adaptation. Business English education should adopt a talent training mode that combines language skill learning with business practice. The students are equipped with solid English basic skills, broad international vision and specialized international business knowledge and skills. They can master the basic knowledge and theory of foreign literature, economics, management, law and other related disciplines. They have strong intercultural communication ability, business operation ability and high humanistic quality. They have a strong sense of social responsibility and the spirit of innovation to become high-quality composite, application-oriented talents. Business English education has laid a solid foundation for further research. Because of the relationship between business English and intercultural communicative competence, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to cultivate intercultural communicative competence in business English teaching.

3. Survey on the Current Situation of Intercultural Communication Competence of English Major

This paper, guided by the theory of intercultural communication competence and based on the questionnaire survey, analyzes the intercultural communication competence of English major students in Huaiyin Normal University.

3.1 Survey design

Questionnaire design: This questionnaire includes self-assessment and analysis of English comprehensive ability and intercultural communication skills.

Research object: the research object is 2015 English major undergraduates of Huaiyin Normal University, 60 students were selected.

Research methods: through the combination of quantitative research and qualitative analysis, a survey was conducted on grade 2015 students of Huaiyin Normal University after the four-year college English study. The questionnaire survey is conducted anonymously. In this survey, 60 questionnaires were distributed, and 45 valid questionnaires were returned. The calculated recovery rate was 75%.

3.1.1 Self-assessment of English language application ability

The self-assessment of English language application ability is carried out from five aspects: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating.







High level of listening ability (You can understand the materials with complex content and implicit viewpoints.)

Good commands of oral English (You can communicate with foreign friends flexibly and freely.)

Excellent reading comprehension ability (You can read and understand English novels and periodicals.)

High written expression ability (You can write in-depth articles fluently.)

Good English translation ability (You can translate Chinese and English fluently.)


Average level of listening ability (You can understand the general meaning of English programs through key words.)

Average oral English level (You can carry on the simple conversation with the foreign friend.)

Average reading ability (You can understand texts of certain difficulty by looking them up in a dictionary.)

Average written expression (You can write simple articles in English.)

Average English translation ability

(You can translate difficult articles by looking them up in a dictionary.)


Poor listening ability (You can understand some basic common expressions.)

Poor oral English (Your oral English cannot express the meaning of words with fluent pronunciation and intonation.)

Poor reading ability (You cannot understand articles with certain difficulty with the help of a dictionary.)

Poor written expression (You have inexpressible words and many mistakes in English articles.)

Poor English translation ability.

(There are serious grammatical mistakes in translation.)


Very poor listening ability (You can’t understand the common expressions.)

Very poor oral English

(You can’t express simple sentence.)

Very poor reading comprehension ability. (You cannot understand English materials.)

Very poor written expression ability (You can hardly write English.)

Very poor English translation ability

(Thought in Chinese when translating.)

3.1.2 Self-assessment of intercultural communication competence

Note: The term “intercultural communication” mentioned in the questionnaire refers to “communication with native English speakers”.

Intercultural communication ability

Very disagree

Sustainable disagreement


Basic agree

Very agree

1. I understand the history and geography of English-speaking countries






2. I understand the customs and literary knowledge of English-speaking countries.






3. I understand the social rules of English-speaking countries (such as privacy, ethical knowledge, etc.)






4. I understand religious etiquette in English-speaking countries






5. I understand the political and economic culture of English-speaking countries.






6. I understand non-verbal communication knowledge in English-speaking countries (such as body language)






7. I understand the values ​and lifestyles of English-speaking countries.






8. I will try to avoid prejudice and prejudice in intercultural communication.






9. I will get information on culture and intercultural communication in intercultural communication.






10. I often use body language such as gestures or other non-verbal methods in intercultural communication.






11. I will avoid offending each other in language and behavior in intercultural communication.






12. I will consult with each other to try to make both parties satisfied when misunderstandings occur in intercultural communication.






13. I will overcome cultural differences and use appropriate communication strategies to achieve communicative goals in intercultural communication.






14. I will recognize each other"s cultural differences and evaluate the behavior of both parties objectively in intercultural communication.






15. I can recognize potential cultural conflicts and try to avoid them in intercultural communication,






16. I will avoid topics related to privacy in cross-cultural communication.






17. I am interested in understanding the cultural differences between China and other countries in terms of values and lifestyles.






18. I am willing to adjust my behavior to adapt to each other"s culture in intercultural communication.






19. I am willing to communicate with people from different cultures.






20. I will cultivate my interests in enjoying and understanding cultural products of different cultures (art, music, sports, etc.)






21. I will try my best to understand jokes and humor in different cultures.






22. I will try to experience each other"s emotions as much as possible so that communication can proceed smoothly with intercultural communication.






23. Chinese culture has a history of more than 5,000 years, so Chinese culture is superior to foreign (English-speaking countries) culture.






24. Foreigners(English-speaking people) often only pay for themselves, they are very stingy and have no Chinese generosity.






25. Foreigners (English-speaking people) rarely invite friends to their homes, so they don’t enthusiasm than Chinese.






26. I often feel nervous and afraid when communicating with foreigners. (English-speaking people)






27. When communicating with foreigners (English-speaking people), I am worried that I will make mistakes when I speak English.






28. I am worried that I will not understand when I communicate with foreigners (English-speaking people).






29. I can tolerate cultural differences, such as different values, dietary habits, etc. in intercultural communication.






30. The Chinese are very conservative and do not know how to be romantic in the minds of foreigners (English-speaking people).






3.2 Result and Analysis

The chart one shows the data that most students have no problem in spelling English words. Most students can write grammatical and clear English sentences by using the words they have learned. Few students can understand the dialogues or short passages with long content, complex structure and implicit viewpoints. More than forty percent of the students can have fluent and accurate conversations or discussions on general topics. One in five students can sum up a text or speech that is more difficult to speak in a concise language. More than sixty percent of students can read original English books and articles in newspapers and magazines of english-speaking countries with the help of dictionaries. Few students can read the article has a certain degree of difficulty and understand its meaning. Only thirty-five percent of students can write articles in clear structure, rich content and strong logic. Students are more confident about reading and writing with the help of dictionaries, but no one thinks they can participate in international meetings and discussions.

The chart two shows the date that most students do not know much about intercultural communication, and few students have read relevant books and have some understanding. Most of the students don"t understand western customs. A few students have little knowledge of non-verbal communication, most students are basically ignorant. When they first received a call from a foreigner, half of them have an obstacle. A few students believe that the psychological factor influencing the active communication with intercultural communication is the weak intercultural communication ability. Most of the students have basic intercultural communication ability, but few of them have strong intercultural communication ability. Most of the students need to improve their advanced level of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and intonation in intercultural communication.

3.3 Conclusion

Teachers should try to introduce advanced teaching concepts and integrate all aspects of curriculum design. Business English education should establish a complete and targeted practice curriculum system to improve students" practical ability. In business English teaching, students" communicative competence, professional business operation skills and comprehensive application ability should be strengthened.

4. Problems in the Cultivation of Intercultural Communication Competence in Business English Teaching

Many Chinese universities began to offer business English courses in 1980s. Many Chinese companies participate in international competition. In this case, it is necessary to train experts on this field that is proficient in business activities. At present, domestic schools to attach too much importance of the special training of business English and the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing of business English. They teach students to learn how to express in business activities. In a word, the lack of intercultural communication ability and global perspective has become one of the biggest and most prominent problems in business English education in China.

4.1 Insufficient faculty

The current business English teachers in China can be divided into two categories. One is no business background, just English professional teachers. They teach business English solely to fit into the school"s business English program. Some teachers may become business English teachers because of their personal interests and hobbies. Even though these teachers have passed certain learning and training, but their business foundation is insufficient, and it is difficult to explain the problems in business English clearly. The second kind of teachers only have business professional knowledge.

Most of the English teachers are English majors. They lack systematic business knowledge and practical experience. The English level of the business course teachers is extremely limited. Throughout the current business English teachers in China, many business English teachers in universities are mainly originating from traditional English teachers. They have no big problems of mastering business English knowledge. However, they lack professional awareness, thinking and methods of international communication in business English. They emphasize the explanation of vocabulary and grammar, but neglect to inculcate students with knowledge of British and American culture. Some teachers themselves have little intercultural communication knowledge and they fail to consider the importance of applying intercultural communication knowledge to the teaching process, so they lack the cultivation of students" intercultural communication ability. Students can not have a practical understanding of the real business English professional work environment or even relevant professional training. Students" intercultural communication ability and consciousness cannot be cultivated consciously and actively, which leads to the lack of necessary intercultural consciousness and ability of intercultural communication in the cultivation of business English majors. Their ability to work will be severely limited to their future employment.

In addition, due to the shortage of teachers in China and the unstable teaching staff, many English teachers in schools are also responsible for English courses and business English majors. They cannot improve their professionalism.

4.2 Imperfect curriculum system

The core curriculum in the curriculum system is not obvious enough. The current business English curriculum system mostly focuses on international trade, e-commerce, marketing and other majors. The curriculum system of business English major is out of practice. The traditional system setting is a binary mode of simple addition and addition of two disciplines. This mode fails to take into account the use of professional English such as "business etiquette", "e-commerce", "markets" and so on, which need to be used in future practical work. At the same time, it can be seen from the curriculum system setting that basic English and professional English are not in harmony with each other in course category and class hour setting. The curriculum system of business English major cannot keep pace with the times. With the development of economic globalization, more domestic products will go abroad and new trade methods will be introduced. However, most schools fail to keep pace with the times in setting the curriculum system of business English major. For the professional course assessment is still limited to the theory of the written examination. This assessment method can only simply test the basic professional skills mastered by students, but can not guide students to pay attention to the cultivation of practical quality. Although our country had begun to set-up business English courses in 1980s for the cultivation of the students" ability to carry on the business English. The business English course is just a course of students majoring in English. It is in a subordinate position. The school limits the students such as large class limitations, they usually pay attention to the cultivation of listening, speaking, reading and writing knowledge in the process of cultivating business English major students.

4.3 Unupdated teaching model

The teaching mode of business English has remained unchanged for many years. Teachers have no business sense in their minds. The teaching model completely replicates the traditional English major curriculum model completely. Under this model, it is difficult for schools to cultivate business elites. Students enter society only can be good translators. Only by taking the market as the indicator and updating the teaching mode in time can we cultivate high-quality modern talents. The use of textbooks are not standard. The textbooks are immutable and cannot be updated. The teaching model completely replicates the teaching mode of traditional English majors which is difficult to cultivate business elites. Many business English teachers do not change their ideas and simply equate business English teaching with general English teaching. The teacher lectured the students in class. Both the teachers and the students felt bored and the students didn"t really get the point. Teaching results are often ineffective. They ignore the indoctrination and explanation of business knowledge completely.

4.4 Curriculum setting emphasizes theoretical teaching while ignoring practical teaching

Business English is a practical major. Students should be proficient in using English to solve business problems with an international business environment. At present, most schools are limited to existing conditions. Practice teaching is very unfavorable. Due to the constraints on real conditions, students" simulation practice is very few. The unreality of the environment and the small amount of training determines that business English major students cannot truly master business English knowledge. In addition, in the study of business English major, students may fail to understand specialized courses due to the lack of solid English foundation.

5. Improvement of Business English Teaching

As can be seen from the results of this questionnaire analysis, although pure cultural knowledge is important, it is no longer targeted at this feature of business. It is particularly important to improve business English teaching.

5.1 Changing English teacher’s ideas and improving their professional competence


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