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 2023-09-01 09:09  


摘 要




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 The introduction of four-character structures 1

2.2 Previous studies on the translation of tourist texts with four-character structures 3

3. The Unity of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in C-E Translation of Tourist Texts with Four-character Structures. 4

3.1 The criteria of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in translation 4

3.2 The unity of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” 6

3.3 Factors that influence the unity of “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness” 7

4. Translation Methods of Tourist Texts .........................................................10

4.1 Literal translation 10

4.2 Free translation 11

4.3 Transliteration 12

5. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

1. Introduction

As the global economy develops rapidly, tourism has undergone fast development. China, as one of the four great ancient civilizations with a history of 5000 years, has attracted people all over the world. Thus, tourist texts to be translated into English is very important. Four-character structures are large parts of the tourist texts. The standard of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance”, proposed by Yan Fu, has the deepest impact on Chinese translation theory and practice. Therefore, a research on the translation of four-character structures in tourist texts in terms of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” is of great value in the study of tourist translation and is helpful for the development of tourism in China.

This paper mainly discusses the translation of four-character structures in tourist texts in terms of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance”. First, this paper introduces the characteristics of four-character structures and previous studies on translation of four-character structure. Next, it analyses the unity of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in C-E translation of tourist texts with four-character structures. Besides, it also discusses several factors influencing the unity. Finally, some translation methods of tourist texts are applied in accordance with the criteria of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” and take advantage of vocative functions.

2. Literature Review

2.1 The introduction of four-character structures

Four-character structures are common phenomena in Chinese language. Although the ancient Chinese prose as a cultural transmission carrier is not popular any more, colloquialism dazzles with the usage of four-character structures. Chinese pay attention to rhythm, symmetry and language cadence, while four-character structures conform to the aesthetic habits. So they are used widely in modern Chinese language.

2.1.1 Definition and development

The usage of four-character structures can date back to the pre-Qin period. For example, in The Book of Song. However the term of four-character structures was first brought forward by Mr.Lu Zhiwei in 1954. After that, many famous scholars have conducted researches on four-character structures, but they have different views towards the term. In the view of Lv Shuxiang, the quadrisyllable are four-character structures. Ma Guofan defined that “Four-character structure is composed of four syllables.” Chen Hongwei gave a definition that four-character structure includes a word group with four-letter Chinese characters. Nevertheless, according to Chinese Grammar and Rhetorical Dictionary, a Chinese four-character structure is a set pattern which is composed of four Chinese characters. Four-character structure is used everywhere.

2.2.2 Formation

In general, four-character structure consists of four words. The followings are categories.

  1. Attributive structure (whose modifier is before the key words):

Four-character structure with attributive has a sense of proportion. It is composed of a modifier and a head-word, such as, 科技创新(technological innovation), 持续发展(sustainable development), 超前消费(excessive consumption).

2) Coordinate structure: “V V”, “N N”

Four-character structure with coordinate structure has some parts of speech “V V” or “N N”, such as, 合作共赢(win-win cooperation, V V), 开放共赢(openness and win-win progress, V V), 湖光山色(landscape of lakes and hills, N N), 青山绿水(green hills and clear waters, N N).

3) The verb-object structure

This kind of sentence is made of a verb and a word as its object. For example, 促进交流(promoting the exchanges), 扩大合作(expanding cooperation), 引导生产(guiding production), 普及消费(popularizing consumption),引领未来(stepping toward the world).

4) Subject-predicate structure

For example, 厅堂巧筑,随院天成 (The halls and courtyards are skillfully built and looked like naturally formed.), 森林环绕,鸟语花香(it is surrounded by forests with birds’ twittering and fragrance of flowers.)

2.2.3 Characteristics

The characteristics of four-character structures are as follows.

Firstly, it has simple form and rich connotations, especially those with cultural meanings or literary quotations. What"s more, it is concise due to leaving cut some sentence elements. For example, “草船借箭”, “破釜沉舟”. Secondly, it has strong rhythm which not only demonstrates the beauty of four-character structures but also suggests its strong vitality and vigor. For example, “浩如烟海”, “奇花异草”.

From the above, it can be inferred that as four-character structures are very common in Chinese language, there are a lot of four-character structures that are used in Chinese tourist texts to reflect our rich and profound Chinese culture. The usage of four-character structures can add unique charm for tourist texts and even attract more people to learn of China.

2.2 Previous studies on the translation of tourist texts with four-character structures

Based on the characteristics of the four-character lattice, the Chinese tourism textbook intentionally uses it to attract tourists. The original readers understand it easily, but for the target readers who do not know Chinese culture, if the translator is not translated from the target language readers’ perspective in the language form, cultural connotation and the communication intentions, they will have difficulty in understanding. Therefore, in the translation of the four-character text of tourism, in addition to the conversion of linguistic forms such as words and sentences, it is necessary to pay attention to the transmission and interpretation of cultural connotation and communicative intention. In 2004, Professor Hu Gengshen proposed the theory of ecological translation, adaptation and selection theory is the core of his theory. Eco-translation studies point out that translation is “the choice and transformation that translators make to adapt to complex and diverse translation ecological environments”. (Hu 13)This theory fully considers the complexity of translation environment and facilitates translation practice from different perspectives.

The purpose of tourism is to provide visitors with an aesthetic experience, while the four-character vocabulary is rich in phonology, form beauty and artistic beauty. Therefore, it is a feasible study to analyze the translation of tourist text from the aesthetic point of view. Because Chinese and English belong to different language systems, readers develop their own inherent aesthetic thinking under the influence of their respective cultures. The introduction texts of Chinese attractions are mostly literary and rhetoric, while the English introduction texts are mostly simple in style and logically rigorous. Therefore, in the translation of the four-character, translation methods of omission can be used to eliminate the complexity.

In addition, some scholars believe that the application of foreignization and domestication strategies in the four-character of tourist materials should be studied. In the Chinese vocabulary system, the four-character is common. Some of thses four words have been used for a long time to condense an allusion, a phenomenon or a philosophical nature into the four characters. Some of the four-character meanings are easy to understand and are common idioms. However, there is no linguistic form in English that corresponds to them, which causes great restrictions on the expression of English translation. We must jump out of the constrains of language forms, deeply understand the meaning of the language, clear the context and effectively express the cultural significance of the four-character according to the function of foreignization and domestication strategies.

3. The Unity of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in C-E Translation of Tourist Texts with Four-character Structures.

Tourist texts is an effective way to publicize and promote tourism and the translation of them is of great importance. Since the usage of four-character structures is very common in Chinese tourist texts, to translate them correctly can help realize vocative functions of tourist texts. “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” is an integrated unity. Therefore, we can put “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in the practice of C-E translation of tourist texts with four-character structures so that tourist texts may help the foreign tourist to learn and appreciate the culture of the tourist attractions.

3.1 The criteria of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in translation

In Chinese and western translation circles, there are various translation theories and standards, of which the criteria of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance”, proposed by Yan Fu, occupies important position in China. What"s more, this criteria not only provides lots of translators with theoretical directions, but also provides rich soils for the research on translation theories in China.

The standard of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” was formally proposed by Yan Fu in 1896. Yan Fu set forth to translate Evolution and Ethics into Chinese in the 1890s, which was accomplished at the turn of the 20th century and really had a great impact on the ideology of the whole nation. In the Translator’s Remarks of this Chinese version of “Evolution and Ethics”, Yan Fu summed up his translation experience and pointed out the “three-difficulties” in translation—“Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance”. He never set the three-difficulties as a general standard for translation, and did not mean that those three were independent of each other. However, as the content and meaning of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” is constantly enriched and developed, the three-character standard has always been playing a decisive role in translation studies in China, which has shown strong vitality and will continue to guide our practice of translation. There is even anticipation that “as long as translation exists in China, there would be people who believe in the three-word standard”. (Yang 231)

For Yan Fu, “Faithfulness” reveals that the translated work should be faithful to the original text. “Expressiveness” means that the expression in the target language is smooth and clear. “Elegance” emphasizes that the translation should be of classical grace and written in classical Chinese. These three aspects are a natural unity, closely connected with each other. As the connotative meaning of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” is enriched and developed, the three character standard has been reinterpreted in a modern sense. The new standard has the following connotations:

“Faithfulness” means that the meaning of the target language should be faithful to the source language. First, when a translator expresses the meaning of the original text, he should express it accurately and completely without distortions and random additions or deletions. Furthermore, due to the different characteristics of the two languages, the translator should make great efforts to re-express the author’s idea, tone, style and emotion in the target language. This emphasizes the equivalence of content of translation.

“Expressiveness” means to express target language smoothly and fluently. Translator should use standardized words and sentences which conform to the convention of the target language. The translation should be clear and easy to read without signs of the mechanical word-for-word translation, of obscure language, of grammatical mistakes, confused structure or logic. This emphasizes the readability of translation.

“Elegance” refers to the translated version of literary grace. Also, the style of the translated text should be consistent with the style of the original text. In some cases, the translator could use some special means to express the context vividly. However, he can never distort the original intention and change the style of the original text. This emphasizes the beauty of translation.

The three characters are not separated standards in translation. Any elements are based on other elements. The equivalence of context, the readability of the translation, and the beauty of translation can not be realized independently, that is, the realization of one depends on the other two elements. Therefore, the three criteria are closely linked and can be harmoniously unified in translation. Only when the three factors are united can the translation catch the exact spirit of the original text.

3.2 The unity of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance”

“Faithfulness”, “Expressiveness”, “Elegance” have close contact and can be harmoniously unified in translation. First, in the Translator’s Remarks of “Evolution and Ethics”, Yan Fu clearly pointed out that translators need to convert the content of the source text (including the information, spirit and the style) into the target language in an adequate way, so that the translation could reach a comparatively large audience. That is to say, the requirement of “Faithfulness” with the complement of “Expressiveness” is correlated. Such is the fact, there is always debating about the preference to faithfulness or expressiveness in translation. For example, in Lu Xun’s point of view, “Faithfulness”, as one of three-character translation criteria, not only lies in content, but also in form. So Lu Xun chose the way of stiff translation (Wang 183-272,277). Qu Qiubai pointed out that to set the standards of faithfulness against expressiveness is wrong. Though the preference of “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness” is not agreed, “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness” are unified so that the translation can convey the author’s ideas faithfully and clearly.

When it comes to “Elegance”, the translating should first meet the requirement of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness”. In Yan Fu’s opinion, “Elegance” refers to rhetoric and elegance in writing. The classic beauty and elegant taste can enhance the popularity of the translation. As for the meaning of “elegance”, we should take many factors of translation into account, for example, forms of translation, the influence of times, aesthetic factors. As Yan Fu points out, there are two reasons for pursing elegance in translation: to reach a large audience and to meet the criteria of “Expressiveness”. As a master of ancient Chinese, Yan Fu reached the goal of “Expressiveness” in his pursuit of “Elegance”. Therefore, these two standards were unified to him. And as we have demonstrated that “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness” are unified, at the same time, “Elegance” serves for the standard of “Expressiveness”. We can conclude that “Faithfulness, Expressiveness” and “Elegance” are unified. In brief, an excellent translation which can be presented to readers must unify “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance”.

3.3 Factors that influence the unity of “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness”

Only when the translation criteria of “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness” are unified, the translation can convey the author’s ideas faithfully and clearly. However, there are some factors that can influence the unity of “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness”, such factors as, function of the text, history, culture and customs, readers’ acceptance.

For the translation of four-character structures in tourist texts, it means the translated version of the text should be concise and clear as possible, besides being faithful to the original text in content. Otherwise the readers can not understand the translated texts well. So translators should take faithfulness and expressiveness into consideration.

3.3.1 Function of the text

Text function means that writers adopt different communicative strategies based on different communicative aims. As early as the 1970s, functional translation theory was born in Germany (Nord 9). Based on Buhler’s language and Reiss’s text typology theory, Nord puts forward text functions which mainly include referential, appellative or vocative, expressive functions (Nord 16), of which vocative function aims to resonate with readers to act, ponder and feel.

Tourist texts are typically vocative texts. Since tourist texts are written to simulate the reader’s interest, turn them into prospective travelers and induce them to act, a persuasive or imperative style is recommended. And the translation of such texts should be reader-oriented, with an emphasis on the target language. The function of the text aims at forming the image of the tourism scene to attract tourists’ secret desires so that tourists make decisions for further plan. While the four-character structures themselves are rich in information, they are charming and mysterious elements of such texts. It is impossible to fully express such rich and complicated information of four-character structures without combining the unity of “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness”. Therefore, the translator who intends to realize the function of the text must take the unity of “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness” into account. Take a sentence from Flower Expo in Changzhou as an example.

Example 1: “现在”主题区着重表现常州人民“清流萦绕,花香四溢”的现代家园社区生活。

The thematic area “Present” focuses on the modern home and community life of Chang Zhou people. Their homes are surrounded by clear brooks and fresh flowers.

In this case, the original text “清流萦绕,花香四溢” are beautiful four-character words, which can suggest a harmonious environment and a happy life of Chang Zhou people. The English translation takes objectiveness in expression in first place. Although it rewrote the original text, the essence of it isn’t changed. This is “Faithfulness”. Besides, the target text divided the long sentence in the original text into two parts, which is more readable and explicit. This is “Expressiveness”. The plain English also delivers information about the harmonious community life and has realized the unity of “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness”. On the whole, the translated text develops the function of the text based on the unity of “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness”.

3.3.2 History, culture and customs

Generally speaking, tourist attractions often contain special history, culture and customs. As one of the four ancient civilizations, China has lots of places of interest attracting foreigners to visit. The translation of tourist texts is increasingly more important to show our country’s unique cultural features and fascination. As four-character structures are indispensable components in Chinese language, they are widely used in all fields, especially in tourist texts. However, history, culture and customs of the scenic spots are unknown for foreigners. Therefore, these factors will affect the unity of “Faithfulness” and “Expressiveness” on the translation of four-character structures. For example,


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