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 2022-12-09 10:12  

Kawabata Yasunarirsquo;s House of the sleeping beauties, retold: the case of Kirino Natsuorsquo;s Sleep in water, dream in ashes

Born in Osaka in 1899, the same year as Earnest Hemingway and Vladimir Nabokov, Kawabata attended Tokyo Imperial University where he published the prestigious studentsrsquo; literary journal Shinshichomacr;. Soon after his graduation in 1924, Kawabata started a new literary movement called Shinkankaku-ha or New Sensa- tionist with Yokomitsu Riichi and Kataoka Teppei. Kawabatarsquo;s Izu dancer (2001 [1926]) became a canonical work of fiction among young intellectuals, and Snow country (1956 [1948]) a landmark of pure literature. He served on the jury for the Akutagawa Prize, the most prestigious prize for new writers of pure litera- ture, from its founding in 1935, and was president of Japan P.E.N. Club from 1948 to 1965, the longest term of any of the international writersrsquo; grouprsquo;s fifteen presidents. In November 1961, the year that House of the sleeping beauties was seri- alized, Kawabata received the highest-ranking Culture Award from the Japanese government. In 1968, he became the first Japanese writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. His career established his reputation as an emblematic writer of traditional Japanese beauty as well as of high modernism, making him the true linchpin of mainstream Japanese literature, or pure literature.

Women are central to Kawabatarsquo;s writings. But unlike Kirinorsquo;s, Kawabatarsquo;s women are to be seen, not to be heard. In fact, Kawabata was known for staring at people like inanimate objects. Many of the female characters in his novels were based on real people, including the travelling dancer in The Izu dancer and the geisha heroine in Snow country. House of the sleeping beauties was no exception: Kawabatarsquo;s archives contain photos of nude models that he took in the course of writing the novel (Geijutsu Shinchomacr; 2007, p. 52). The realistic renderings of naked girls were transformed in the novel into the fantasies of an old man that are set almost entirely apart from the real world. Mainstream critics see him as a master evoker of female beauty; feminist critics have long argued that one staple of Kawabatarsquo;s literature is a complicity between beauty and power fed by the exploitation of women. In House of the sleeping beauties, girl victims of male power are aestheticized, depoliticized, and remade into centerpieces of a work of high modernism. And yet the novel has remained relatively impervious to attacks from feminists, with mainstream critics continuing to regard it as a work of art rather than a problematic product of sexism.

For five nights during autumn and winter, Eguchi – the protagonist in House of the sleeping beauties – meets six girls, or at least their bodies, during a series of visits to a secret house. He examines the virgin bodies carefully and perversely, letting the smell, touch, sound and movements of the girlsrsquo; body parts set off recollections of other women in his life, from old lovers to his mother.

Lust inevitably attaches itself to fragments, and, quite without subjectivity, the sleeping beauties themselves are fragments of human beings, urging lust to its highest intensity. And, paradoxically, a beautiful corpse, from which the last traces of spirit have gone, gives rise to the strongest feelings of life. From the reflection of these violent feelings of the one who loves, the corpse sends forth the strongest radiance of life.

In House of the sleeping beauties, the old man Eguchi refers to the slumbering girls in the secret house as lsquo;sleeping beautiesrsquo; (nemureru bijo), a term which Kawabata always encloses in quotation marks. The phrase, which is also the full Japanese title, is an obvious reference to Sleeping beauty (translated into Japanese as Ne- mureru mori no bijo). It should be noted that Walt Disneyrsquo;s animated Sleeping beauty was released in 1959 in the US, and the next year, when Kawabata was writing the novel, the movie and a complementary exhibition on the work were shown in Japan (Solomon 2008, p. 1). Jack Zipes regards Sleeping beauty as lsquo;the mythicized classical fairy talersquo; which pretends to be lsquo;harmless, natural, eternal, ahistorical, and therapeuticrsquo; (Zipes 2002, p. 211). In fact, he argues, it is neither natural nor ahistorical, but rather transmits Western bourgeois heterosexual ide- ology, labeling female curiosity as impudent and male persistence as bravery, and viewing females as helpless without the assistance of men who are the source of energy and will power (p. 214). The phrase lsquo;sleeping beautiesrsquo; places the novel in the realm of the fairy tale. But in this story, as Takahashi Mari argues, no prince comes to kiss the girls awake. By letting them sleep, the novel completes the exclusion of the girlsrsquo; subjectivity (Takahashi 1995, pp. 48–49).

The power politics of class and gender form an integral though nearly invisible part of Kawabatarsquo;s erotic fantasy in his rereading of the Western fairy tale. Eguchi and the other customers belong to a wealthier social class of retired men, people whom Eguchi imagines were once lsquo;worldly successesrsquo; (Kawabata 1969, p. 67). Eguchi himself is college-educated, and has had affairs with wealthy leisured women, including lsquo;the wife of a business executiversquo; (p. 25) and a woman whose husband is a foreigner (p. 61). Kawabata hints at the very different class back- ground of the sleeping girls. lsquo;What do you think you are doingrsquo;? (nanisunrsquo;nosa, which might be more colloquially rendered “what drsquo;ye think yrsquo;re doinrsquo;”) one girl says sloppily in her sleep (p. 45); another refers to her customer, who scratched her breast when he was dying of heart failure, as a lsquo;nasty old manrsquo; (iyana jijmacr;i), using language that betrays her lower-class origins (p. 84). Eguchi seems to un- derstand the girls are not from privileged backgrounds. Indeed, the hiera



川端康成1899生于大阪,年份和海明威、弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫一样。就读于日本东京帝国大学,在此期间,他发表了著名的学生文学杂志欣希乔macr;。在1924年毕业后不久,川端开始了新的文学运动被称为新感觉派和横光利一和 Kataoka Teppei。川端康成的《伊豆的舞女》是青年知识分子中的一部典型小说作品;《雪国》(1956~1948)是纯文学的里程碑。他曾担任芥川奖的陪审团,对于纯文学的新作家而言,1935年成立的芥川奖是最负盛名的奖项。川端康成在1948到1965期间,领导了日本p.e.n.俱乐部,比其他十五个国际作家群体的领导者的任期都长。1961年十一月,《睡美人》开始连载,川端康成获得了日本政府颁发的最高文化奖。1968年,他成为第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖日本作家。他的事业使他成为了一个包含日本传统审美和现代主义的标志性的作家,也使他成为了日本文学主流和纯文学的关键。

女性是川端康成的写作中心,但与桐野不同的是,川端康成笔下的女性看不见,听不到。事实上,川端被称为凝望无生命物体的人。在他的小说中许多女性人物是建立在真实的人的基础上的,包括《伊豆的舞女》的旅行的舞者和《雪国》中的艺妓女主角。《睡美人》也不例外:在川端康成的档案中,有裸体模特的照片,这些照片用在了他写这本小说的过程中(艺术新潮macr;2007,p. 52)。小说中的裸体女孩的现实效果改成了一个几乎完全脱离现实世界的老人的幻想。主流评论家认为他是一个超级女性美容大师;女性主义批评者强烈认为:川端康成文学中的一个基本的部分是将是美和对女性力量剥削联系起来。在《睡美人》中,男权力量下的女性受害者是被审美化、去政治化的,和解释为现代主义文学的中心。然而,相对而言,这本小说仍然不受女权主义者的攻击,因为主流评论家一直认为这是一部艺术作品 而不是存在性别歧视的问题作品。



在睡美人之屋里,老江口将这些沉睡在这座神秘屋子里的女孩称为睡美人,这个术语是川端康成一直在引导的。这个日本著名的术语,是睡美人的一个明显的特征,(翻译成日语是Ne- mureru mori no bijo)。值得注意的是,1959年,美国迪士尼的动画发布睡美人,而第二年,当川端写小说《睡美人》之时,电影和作品的互补展览是在日本(所罗门2008,p. 1)举行的。Jack Zipes认为睡美人是“神话的经典童话”,假装是无害的,自然的,永恒的,历史的,和治愈的”(博士2002,p. 211)。事实上,他认为,它既不是自然的,也不是非历史的,而是将西方资产阶级的异性标记为男性女性好奇心和持久性的勇敢;认为女性如果没有有能量和意志力量的人的帮助(第214页)。“睡美人”一词将小说置于童话的境界。但在这个故事,正如Takahashi Mari认为一般,没有王子来吻醒女孩。通过让他们沉睡,小说完全得排除了女孩的主观性(高桥1995,第48页- 49)。

由于强权政治的阶级性和性别的整体构成,使川端康成重述西方童话中的色情幻想几乎看不到。江口和其他来睡美人之屋的客户都属于富裕退休人员的社会阶层,江口曾经想要“世俗的成功”(川端1969,p. 67)。江口自己是受过大学教育的人,与富有的女性有事务间的往来,包括“商业执行官的妻子”(第25页)和丈夫是外国人的妇女(第61页)。川端康成暗示经常在不同时间下班的女孩:你做什么?你认为你在做什么?(nanisunnosa,可能更通俗地呈现“你认为你在做的是什么?”)一个女孩草率地说在睡梦中(45页);另一个是她的客户,那个死于心脏衰竭,临死时还在抚摸她的乳房的老人。作为一个讨厌的老男人(我),本能地使用语言来亵渎她的身体(84页)。江口似乎理解了这些女孩并没有强大的背景。事实上,男性客户和女性工作者阶级和性别之间的层次的差别是一个色情的一个源头。他曾经评价一个女孩说:“毫无疑问,女孩是来要钱的.” (第44页)。阻止这些女性了提高自身阶层的大概是她们困苦的生活,川端康成笔下的这些女性,因为从富裕老人那里获取财富的生活方式他们在丰富老年人手里剥削是无数的方式,使得自己一直深陷于这一困境中。

例如,采取这些语言来形容江口感情和行为的语言。在1958年卖淫防治法发行三年后,《睡美人》从1960到1961年原本在文学期刊《新町》上连载,后来成了一本出版的书。法律使卖淫和卖淫嫖娼成为一种犯罪的行为。但它只是一个孤独的成功,如G.G. Rowley写道,“这些处于卖淫行业里的妇女,不管是什么原因,希望继续当妓女(2003,P4)。、江口经常对这些女孩感到内疚、有罪(35页);他认为从伦理和道德的角度来看,他的行为是“劣迹”(66页)。但他从来没有认识到他的行为从任何法律和实际意义上来说都是犯罪。在书中,川端康成只使用了一次“犯罪”这个词:当江口问这个女人为什么要将死在客栈的客人的尸体搬到另一座酒店,将尸体搬离客栈而不是让那位沉睡的女孩离开。她解释说:“这很明显试一次犯罪”这是唯一一次出现“犯罪”这个词,如果不这样做,就将承认在这些犯罪行为中,江口也参与了。江口的内心世界没有犯罪这个概念。犯罪是为外部世界的事物,这与他内心世界不同,这与他的意识不同,他的意识世界不受法律支配。而且,即使在外部社会,法律也会让他毫发无损。

女权主义批评家Yamashita Etsuko指出,1958卖淫防止法下被捕的妇女,几乎一半的人喜欢川端小说的中老板娘,在如此贫困和紧张的就业市场中生存,只有成为妓院是的掌控者才可以做到。如果有的话,很少有人会用这些词:因此,可能“犯罪”这个词只有川端康成笔下的老板娘才会使用,仅仅指责自己有罪而不包括他的客户。

睡美人之屋的老板娘把江口作为她的一个“值得信赖的”的客户,因为对于她来说,江口已经不是一个真正的男人(17页)。在他第二次进入睡美人之屋时,江口试图强奸这位沉睡的女孩,来反驳老男人这个言论。但川端康成避免任何诸如“强奸”这些词,将这个行为描述为不是对于女孩实施的暴力,而是作为一种违反这个地方规则的尝试。睡美人之屋的规则在小说开始就已经设置,借用Maacute;rquez 为他题的词:“他没有做任何坏的事情,比如客栈的女人警告老江口的事:不要把他的手指放入熟睡的女孩的嘴里,或尝试其他任何类似于这样的事(第13页)。





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