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 2022-12-22 05:12  




Universidad de La Rioja

ABSTRACT. This journal article explores the interrelation between affixes in Old English in the formation of complex nouns and discusses the constraints posed on their possible combinations. The research is carried out around a series of pre-analytical questions regarding the morphological nature of the Old English affixes and their combinatorial properties, including their origin, the issue of separability and the existence of affix loops and closing affixes. Old English, being a rich language in its inflection, proves itself a suitable target language for the kind of analysis here developed, as it presents a long range of double-affixed nouns. The most relevant conclusions include the identification of independent selectional restrictions for the processes of prefixation and suffixation, the existence of consistently repeated combinations of affixes and the identification of a closing suffix (-estre), which blocks further derivations.

KEY WORDS. Old English, morphology, word formation, recursive affixation.


While the derivational morphology of Old English in general and noun affixation in particular have received attention for a long while, the focus of the studies published so far has been syntagmatic,on the units that partake in certain processes of prefixation or suffixation, thus the works by Samuels (1949), Lindemann (1953, 1970), von Lindheim (1958), Schabram (1970), de la Cruz (1975) and Roberts (1980), among others. Other authors, such as Kastovsky (1971, 1992) and Quirk and Wrenn (1994), have offered more comprehensive descriptions of the patterns of noun formation, but their approach is also syntagmatic in dealing with the final step of derivation, thus putting aside the interaction among derivational processes. In spite of the richness and complexity of the lexical relations that hold in the vocabulary of Old English, these authors do not come up with an overall explanation of noun creation in Old English, notwithstanding the wealth of data that they provide. For this reason, this journal article takes steps towards accounting for the paradigmatic dimension of noun formation in Old English by analysing synchronically the interaction among word-formation processes of affixation that produce nouns. Along with descriptive work, this task entails to answer more explanatory questions like the following: (i) Is the distinction between Germanic and Old English nominal affixes comparable to the one between native and non-native holding in Present-Day English? (ii) Is the difference between more separable and less separable nominal affixes in Old English relevant? (iii) Are there closing affixes in Old English noun formation? (iv) Are there affix loops in Old English nouns? And (v) is there a constraint on the number of affixes attached to a nominal base? These questions draw on the current theoretical debate in the field of derivational morphology and its relation to lexical semantics, which revolves around semantic description, the function of affixes and the constraints applying on recursive derivation. In this line, Fabb (1988) has identified a series of selection restrictions on suffixation, including, for example, the ones that stipulate that some suffixes never attach to an already-suffixed word, that some suffixes attach outside another suffix, and that some suffixes are subject to no selectional restrictions at all. Aronoff and Fuhrhop (2002) take a further step in the identification of selection restrictions and point out that English allows only one Germanic suffix per word and that Latinate suffixes are much more susceptible to combination, in such a way that the Germanic and Latinate suffixes usually display complementary patterns. Plag (1999) and Lieber (2004) opt for a semantic study of affix combinations. In this vein, Plag (1999: 157) remarks that “the role of semantic compatibility of suffixes certainly deserves further attention since it seems that in this domain a number of interesting restrictions can be located”. By adopting a similar stance, Martiacute;n Arista (2008, 2009, 2011c) has put forward a morphological template for Old English that incorporates constraints on affixation. This author has also contextualized Old English word-formation in a paradigmatic theory of lexical organization (Martiacute;n Arista 2010c, fc.-a, fc.-d) and studied the relationship between recursivity, lexicalization and grammaticalization with reference to given affix combinations in Old English (Martiacute;n Arista 2010a, 2010b, 2011a, 2011b, fc.-b, fc-c).

With these aims and theoretical setting, the remainder of the article is organized as follows. Section 2 engages in the description of the aims and the methodological principles underlying this research, whereas the data and the most relevant results obtained after the application of the analytical criteria are presented in turn in section 3. Finally, section 4 sums up the conclusions yielded by this research.


This section raises some terminological and methodological questions, including:

(i) the basics of the paradigmatic approach to word formation, (ii) the relationship between recursivity and process feeding in word-formation, and (iii) the delimitation of the scope of the research conducted here.

Beginning with the paradigmatic approach to word formation, I follow Pounder (2000) on the concept of derivational paradigm, which subsumes both the lexical paradigm consisting of the output of lexical creation and the morphological paradigm comprising the units, rules, operations and constraints identified in word-formation processes. Put in another way, the lexical paradigm represents the static part of



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  1. 介绍

虽然古英语的派生词法,特别是名词词缀,长期以来一直受到人们的关注,但迄今为止发表的研究的焦点一直是合成式的,重点是参与某些固定或后缀过程的单元,如萨缪尔(1949年)、林德曼(1953年、1970年)、冯·林德海姆(1958年)、沙布拉姆(1970年)、德拉·克鲁兹(1975年)和罗伯茨(1980年)等人的作品。其他作者,如夸克(1971,1992)和雷恩(1994)提供了对名词形成模式的更全面的描述,但他们的方法在处理派生的最后一步时也是合成求导的步骤,从而忽略了衍生过程之间的相互作用。尽管旧英语词汇中词汇关系的丰富性和复杂性,但这些作者并没有对古英语名词的创造做出全面的解释。他们只提供了大量的数据。由于这个原因,本期刊文章采取了一些步骤来解释古英语中名词形成的范式维度,并通过分析词缀的构词过程与产生名词之间的相互作用。在进行描述性工作的同时,这项任务还需要回答更多的解释性问题,如下:(一)日耳曼语和古英语名词词缀之间的区别是否与当今英语中母语和非母语词缀的区别相似?(二)在古英语中,更可分的名词词缀与较少可分的名词词缀之间的差异是否有关?(三)古英语名词构成中是否有结语词缀?(四)古英语名词中是否有词缀圈?(五)对附加基名词的词缀有限制吗?这些问题引出了当前衍生形态学领域的理论争论——它与词汇语义的关系主要围绕语义描述、词缀的功能以及递归派生的约束。在这一行中,法布罗(1988)确定了对后缀的一系列选择限制,例如,规定有些后缀不会附加在已后缀的单词上,有些后缀附加在另一个后缀之外,有些后缀根本不受选择限制阿罗诺夫和富尔霍普(2002)在识别选择限制方面做了进一步的研究,指出英语只允许一个日耳曼字后缀,而拉丁后缀更容易组合,其方式使日耳曼语和拉丁式的后缀显示为互补模式。布拉(1999)和利伯(2004)选择词缀组合的语义研究。在这方面,布拉(1999:157)指出:后缀的语义兼容性的作用当然值得进一步关注,因为在这个领域中,似乎可以找到一些有趣的限制。阿里斯塔(2008、2009、2011 C)提出了一个关于旧英语的词法模板,其中包含了对词缀的限制。本文还对词汇组织的聚合理论中的古英语构词进行了语境化,并研究了递归之间的关系。古英语词缀组合中的拼音化与语法化(马丁·阿里斯塔2010 C,fc.-a,fc.-d)。




至于形态学的递归性,它是派生形态学的一个定义性质,而非递归的屈折形态学。在构词法领域,复合巧妙地说明了递归过程的概念:通过词根复合,我们发现“gospel”是从“god”一词语来的,通过反复应用根复合规则,我们发现“godspellbōc”是由“godspell and bōc”来的。在词缀中,“un”会使词义变得lsquo;不真实rsquo;,这是通过“-nes”的后缀使词义产生反义。这些例子提出了一个问题:为了恰当地谈论递归,形态过程的定义必须知道有多大的限制性。换句话说,“ungetrēownes”包含某种递归性吗? 如果递归性被理解为规则的重复,那么固定和后缀是否受相同规则的约束是值得怀疑的,因此,“ungetrēownes”不是递归的。一般而言,词缀组合的研究主要集中在后缀或后缀上,对后缀过程的研究更多。正如上面所指出的,级别排序集中在后缀组合上。当有人提出适用于固定前和后缀的约束时,这些限制被间接地表述出来,正如利伯(2004)提出的语义限制。由于在根复合的两个步骤中都应用了相同的规则,所以“godspellbōc”的情况不同。我在这方面所采取的立场是,形态学递归一词必须从狭义上理解,这就要求一个特定的过程(在这种情况下,是附加的)提供相同的过程信息。从这一观点来看,零派生和复合不属于本文的范围,形态过程是渐进的,词缀是逐步地附加在一起的。

我认为将固定前和后缀纳入更一般的词缀过程是合理的,其依据是词缀的约束性质,而不是自由性质。然而,约束形式和自由形式之间的区别在功能上是有争议的。迈拉尔和科尔特斯·罗德里格斯(2000-2001年)分析了派生语素作为谓词,从而消除了自由形式和约束形式之间的区别,因为两者都被列为词典中的谓词。 阿里斯塔(2008,2009)证明了相同的词函数可以通过自由和绑定的语素来执行,也就是说,插入词之间没有功能上的区别。将自由形式或束缚形式表示成给定的字。虽然推导和复合之间的界限并不总是清晰的,但在本分析中保持了这两个过程之间的区别,以便对过程进行逐步的研究。并着重讨论可能强加于不同组合元素的约束。


我在这篇文章开头提出了一些解释性问题,为了方便起见,在此重复如下:(一)日耳曼语和古英语名词词缀之间的区别是否与当今英语中母语和非母语词缀的区别相似?(二)在古英语中,更可分的名词词缀与较少可分的名词词缀之间的差异是否有关?(三)古英语名词构成中是否有结语词缀?(四)古英语名词中是否有词缀圈?(五)对附加基名词的词缀有限制吗?第2和第3节报告的分析结果如下。最后,我总结了本研究的主要贡献,如下:考虑到前缀的性质,我必须指出,在当今英语中,基于词缀所不包含的日文和非日耳曼语字符而存在的分词。正如我前面所提到的,旧英语词汇纯粹是日耳曼语,而外语的影响并不足以建立这种差异。在句式方面,影响动词形成的程度要比名词的影响大得多(阿里斯塔,2008,2010 )。


以克鲁兹(1975)提出的纯前缀作为最古老的前域约束语素形式。在最后的派生步骤中出现的前缀永远不会在后缀中找到,并且占据离基更远的槽位,因此它们可以被认为比其他步骤更可被分离。另一方面,在最后的派生步骤中出现的前缀不允许通过先前的前固定与基分开。一般来说,尽管这些不属于克鲁兹(1975)提出的纯词缀组,但前缀un-是一个具有更可分离字符的前缀,因为它可以在各种各样的词缀。这可能是因为两个原因。首先,前缀ge-是旧英语词汇中最常见的类型,其次是un-。这方面的结论是,组合性质与(如果不是)类型频率的函数有关。另一个原因,适用于通用电气,与语法化和损失有关。事实上,前缀un-在当今的英语中仍然是富有成效的,而前缀ge-则经历了一个语义衰退的过程(霍根1980;希尔图宁 1983;卡斯托夫斯基1992)也是一个语法化的过程(马丁·阿里斯塔FC.-c)并最终消失(Stanley 1982)。这种语法化必须在更广泛的背景下来看待,即失去纯粹的前缀,代之以表示空间副词和介词。也就是说,类型、频率和语义都会影响到我们在此文中所讨论的词缀的可分性程度。在频率方面,我们正在处理词库中最频繁的词缀,在词义方面,ge-已经失去了语义内容或已被词汇化,un-提供一系列与词法否定相关的功能,因此,由于与所有主要词法类别的语义兼容性,它是可以组合在一起的。

后缀的情况是不同的,因为它们可以在更不同的位置线性化,相同的后缀相对于基占据更近和更远的位置。然而,在最终的 - 前 - 后缀后缀中,组合以及因此词缀的顺序被保留。换句话说,两个不同的后缀对彼此来说不能是一直相配的。只有一个线性化是可能的。与词缀一样,组合性是由类型频率决定的。在这方面,后缀ing/ung和-nes作为最常见的词缀,参与了这些词缀组合中的绝大部分。在更复杂的后缀名词中,出现两个以上后缀过程的名词,就像“glory”和“authority, control”同样地受到两个方面的限制这些例子表明,每当涉及到递归后缀时,它总是意味着重新分类。此外,还可以得出结论:同一词缀不能在第二次出现。是一种基于语义兼容性的结构,它既适用于前缀,也适用于后缀。



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