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 2022-12-22 05:12  

Forthcoming in Apeiron. This is an authorrsquo;s pre-print; please cite the published version. The published version is available at the Apeiron (De Gruyter) website: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/apeiron.ahead-of-print/apeiron-2014-0017/apeiron-2014-0017.xml DOI: 10.1515/apeiron-2014-0017

Demarcating Aristotelian Rhetoric: Rhetoric, the Subalternate Sciences, and Boundary Crossing

Marcus P. Adams

University at Albany, SUNY Department of Philosophy, HU 257 Albany, NY 12222 USA

Webpage: www.marcuspadams.com


The ways in which the Aristotelian sciences are related to each other has been discussed in the literature, with some focus on the subalternate sciences. While it is acknowledged that Aristotle, and Plato as well, was concerned as well with how the arts were related to one another, less attention has been paid to Aristotlersquo;s views on relationships among the arts. In this paper, I argue that Aristotlersquo;s account of the subalternate sciences helps shed light on how Aristotle saw the art of rhetoric relating to dialectic and politics. Initial motivation for comparing rhetoric with the subalternate sciences is Aristotlersquo;s use of the language of boundary transgression, germane to the Posterior Analytics, when discussing rhetoricrsquo;s boundaries, as well as the language of “over” and “under” found in APo. First, I discuss three passages in Rhetoric Book I and argue that Garverrsquo;s (1988) account cannot be correct. Second, I discuss the subalternate sciences, especially focusing on optics and the distinction between “unqualified” optics and mathematical optics. Third, I discuss rhetoricrsquo;s dependence on both dialectic and politics.


The ways in which Aristotelian sciences are related to each other has been discussed in the literature, with some focus on the subalternate sciences such as optics, harmonics, mechanics, and astronomy (e.g., Lennox 1986; McKirahan 1978). While it is acknowledged that Aristotle,

and Plato as well, was concerned with how the arts (te/xnai) were related to one another (McKirahan 1978, 197-198), less attention has been paid to Aristotlersquo;s views on relationships among the arts. On such relationships, John Cooper (1975, 14-15) has argued that some arts like rhetoric are subordinate to others like statesmanship, because the latter use the results of the former as a means (likewise McKirahan 1978, 197). Although Cooper correctly identifies Aristotlersquo;s claim that rhetoric is “under” politics, or statesmanship, (see EN 1094b2-5), this is not all Aristotle has to say about the relationship between rhetoric, dialectic, and politics.

In this paper, I argue that Aristotlersquo;s account of the subalternate sciences will help shed light on how Aristotle saw the art of rhetoric relating to dialectic and to politics; for both, rhetoric is said to be an offshoot (1356a22-35). Specifically, I will argue that Aristotlersquo;s discussion of whether there are two or three distinct sciences involved in the subordinate relationship (cf. Lennox 1986, 46-47) will be useful to compare to what Aristotle says about rhetoric. I also argue that Garverrsquo;s (1988) interpretation of the boundary around rhetoric cannot be correct and, if it were correct, would commit Aristotle to views that we find in the Gorgias that criticize rhetoricrsquo;s status.

Initial motivation for comparing rhetoric with the subalternate sciences is Aristotlersquo;s use of the language of boundary transgression that is germane to the Posterior Analytics (metabainei=n) when discussing rhetoricrsquo;s boundaries, as well as the language of “over” and “under” that one finds in APo. I will argue that Aristotle does not see these arts on the same model as the subalternate sciences; nonetheless, it will be useful to consider his discussion of the number of distinct sciences that are involved with subalternate science explanations. First, I will discuss three passages in Book I of the Rhetoric that relate to rhetoricrsquo;s boundary and argue that Garverrsquo;s (1988) account cannot be correct. Second, I will discuss the subalternate sciences,

especially focusing on optics and the distinction between “unqualified” optics and mathematical optics. Third, I will discuss rhetoricrsquo;s dependence on both dialectic and politics. Highlighting these features of rhetoric and its relationship to both dialectic and politics will show that Cooperrsquo;s and McKirahanrsquo;s account of the relationship does not appreciate the complex ways in which the offshoot, rhetoric, is related to dialectic and politics.

A Problem with Boundaries

In three passages in Book I of the Rhetoric, Aristotle is concerned with demarcating rhetoricrsquo;s boundary from other disciplines, such as dialectic. These passages have attracted some attention in the literature because they discuss not only how one may transgress the boundary around rhetoric and enter into another discipline (Rhet I.2.19-22, 1358a1-30) but also because they speak about the disciplines to which rhetoric is intimately related. Aristotle describes rhetoric as “composed” (suamp;gkeitai) from (Rhet I.4.4-7, 1359b9-16) and “like an offshoot” (oi[on parafue/j) (Rhet I.2.7, 1356a22-35) of two distinct disciplines: dialectic and the part of politics concerned with character (th~j pertia_ h!qh pragmatei/aj, 1356a22-35; th~j pertia_ h!qh politikh~, j1359b9-16). In this section, I first provide these passages and then outline and criticize Eugene Garverrsquo;s account of rhetoricrsquo;s boundary.

Before discussing these passages, it may be useful to discuss one of Aristotlersquo;s primary goals in the Rhetoric. This goal is to provide an account of the <em



在修辞中,一个人试图通过反驳使话语变得越来越安全,试图使听众同意一个人的论点尽可能接近强制,但要想完全成功就要停止修辞(hellip;)(1988, 390)。

加弗把这个账户称为“自我毁灭的成功”(1988, 390)。加弗的观点,如果是正确的话,会把Aristotelian修辞学置于一个似是而非的基础上。也就是说,为了成功,例如,作为一个慎重的修辞学家,一方面必须知道有关政治的事实,关于一个人将要讲的情况(正如亚里士多德承认并将在下面讨论的;见1360A3637),而另一方面,在加弗的(1988)。解释越多,人们对这种情况的了解越多,人们所做的事情就越“停止修辞”。6加弗并不是唯一的解释者。詹姆斯·爱伦认为修辞学(这里也是辩证法)在没有“实质性的专门理解”的情况下进行,只要一个人“利用这样的理解,就离开了辩证法[和修辞]”(艾伦2007, 97)。



奇怪的是,亚里士多德讨论成功的议论演说家必须知道的许多事情(1359B19FF)的段落紧随其后的是Gavver(1988)源自这一解释的主要段落,但是加弗在阐述他的观点时没有提到这段话。(政治的一个分支(463D)(H9R9HTORKKH)hellip;hellip;PrimTikh=J MORI/OUE1DLLon。7不同于亚里士多德的说法,修辞是“对应的”(A)NTI/Strufoj)到辩证法(1354 A1),Socrates认为修辞是烹饪的对应物,如下面的曲OTACT说明:“hellip;hellip;你听过我所说的修辞是:灵魂中的烹饪(A)NTI/Strufon O0YOPII/AJ的对应物,就像身体中的修辞一样”(465 D)。烹饪,他说,“hellip;hellip;在药物下溜走了,假装知道身体最好的食物hellip;hellip;”(464 D)。苏格拉底对他所讨论的各种同行的充分描述是他提供的“几何学家”(W.S.SPER OI9 GEWME/TRAI):“hellip;hellip;作为化妆品(KOWWTIKH)是体操,所以是对立法艺术的诡辩;而烹饪是对医学的,所以修辞就是正义”。(465℃)。

亚里士多德使用“对等”(a)NTI/StrufoJ语言显然是对Plato对修辞的攻击的回应(正如罗伯茨1924, 345注释),但亚里士多德稍后也会回应,这是Plato声称修辞是与厨师相对应的主要原因之一。Socrates认为,8的修辞是烹饪的对口,因为修辞学的人不仅对事实一无所知,而且无知的人比专家更具说服力。这一说法来自于Socrates和高尔吉亚关于知识型医生能否比无知的人更好地说服人群的讨论。

在讨论医生和无知者的背景下,在工作上的对比是通过劝说说服群众,用说服的方式说服群众。无知的人更有说服力,Socrates和高尔吉亚都同意,因为他说服人群“不是通过教学而是说服别人”(O0DiDA和SkntA A)LLA

PEI/QONTA,45 8E)。我以后会争论亚里士多德的说法,这是一个错误的两分法。从与高尔吉亚的讨论中,Socrates得出结论:




在RHET I.2.20—22(1358A1-30)中,通过启发加弗阅读本节中的关键句子,可以首先启发格里马尔迪(1988)的观点:



我们可以消除加弗在第二段中提出的困难(前节的第三段:RHET I.4.5-7),注意到亚里士多德在谈论修辞学的学科而不是实际的实践。似乎我们可以让亚里士多德来谈论修辞学著作的作者和修辞学的学生在学习修辞学时所关注的问题。在这个意义上,人们越过修辞学的边界时,他们试图使它不是一个教师,而是以事实为主题的东西(1359B-16)。那么修辞学课程的主题是什么呢?论点,亚里士多德指出(Mo amp; No Lo amp; GWN,1359B16)。然而,我们不应该把这描述为修辞学的实践,因为加弗的解释必须吸引人。相反,当一个人写修辞学或作品来获得修辞能力时,人们会集中讨论比其他人更有说服力的论点。这一焦点将不在特定的事实上,例如,关于给定的城邦;讨论关于KATATrO/PON作为“使用特定学科的方法”的讨论,参见格里马尔迪关于1358A9(1980年A,73)的讨论。


在亚里士多德的第一句话(RHET I.2.7,1356A33)中,这一观点进一步得到支持,即修辞和辩证法的能力都是“提供论据的能力”(Duna/Mej TyjTo= Puri/Sai-Lo/Gouj)。也就是说,当被认为是由修辞手册的作者所教的和由修辞学的学生所获得的,修辞只关心给出一个有说服力的论点,而不考虑演讲的主题。然而,修辞学的实际应用必须借鉴学科的事实。



有人可能会认为,亚里士多德认为,从修辞到其他学科的界限不同于跨越几何学和光学之间的界限,因为修辞学是一门技术。然而,亚里士多德将医学作为一个不严格替代的科学的例子,但在某些情况下仍然存在着类似的关系(PuraLde KTW~N MUH(P)A)LLH/LAJ E)PISTHMW~N E1XSOUIN OUTY TWJ;在这种情况下,退休贷款介于医学和几何学之间(参见APO 79A13-16)。对于医学来说,要知道特定的伤口以某种方式愈合(在这种情况下是圆形伤口),但这是几何学家知道原因的原因。修辞,在不同的点,被称为技术与药物(例如,RHET I.2),它们都被称为官能(Duna/MEWN)的主题。


“跨越”(Meta AbEnE/N)和本节中的11和11的语言,我将首先简要讨论亚里士多德的替代科学的地位。接下来,我将集中讨论亚里士多德关于替代科学的一个方面,以确定亚里士多德如何看待修辞学与辩证法和政治的关系:在这种“借用”关系中涉及多少科学。



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