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《皮格马利翁》中语言与社会阶层的关系On the Relationship between Language and Social class in Pygmalion开题报告

 2020-04-10 04:04  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

Language is a necessity of human life, which exists in all aspects of human life. over the years,there have been countless studies on language and many studies on the relationship between language and social hierarchy. This time my research is from Pygmalion to study the relationship between language and social class. The purpose of this study can be from two aspects. Firstly, I hope this study will give us an idea of the language and social hierarchy that existsin the 19th century of British society. And secondly, I want to compare the results of this study with the language and social class of our Chinese society. With regard to the significance of this study, I hope that through this study, we can have a superficial understanding of some problems existing in Chinese contemporary society by comparing the 19th century British social languageand social class with contemporary Chinese language and society.The study on the relationship between language and social class of Pygmalion, has been carried out into elaborate and exhaustive both at home and abroad, and a problem of them is that they only catch their attention on the time in the 19th century of the UK, without extending the research to China today, and have a comparative study of Chinese society.On the basis of inheriting the achievements of predecessors on the study of the relationship between language and social class of Pygmalion, this study extends the research to China today. Comparative study will be on the relationship between Chinese Mandarin and regional dialect in terms of language and social rank.

2. 研究的基本内容与方案

George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion, originated from Greek myths, tells a story how a poorly-dressed flower girl Elisa was trained to be a pure, elegant, dignified lady with a high voice. This paper analyzes the relationship between language and identity according to the period that Florist Elisabeth studied upper-class language. In Bernard’s opinion, language is given a certain social meaning that it can reflects the social class of an individual, like standard English and dialect. This paper will explore the relationship between language and social class in the play.The main content of this work will be divided into two parts. The first part isto study the relationship between language and social class of Pygmalion. On the basis of summarizing predecessors ' achievements, put forward my own ideas and opinions. The second part is related to China's situation, on the basis of the first part to carry out the comparative study of Chinese Mandarin and regional dialects in the relationship between the language and social level.

3. 研究计划与安排

Before 15th, January settlement of the title before 25th, February submission of the outline before 25th, April submission of the first draft before 24th, May revision of the draft before 30th, May, submission of the final paper

4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

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