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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文

小微企业减税降费政策实施成效研究 以南京容度医疗科技有限公司为样本毕业论文

 2021-12-16 20:24:21  


摘 要



关键词 :减税降费 小微企业 税收优惠政策

Research on the implementation effect of tax reduction and fee reduction policy for small and micro enterprises

——Take Nanjing Rongdu Medical Technology Co.,as a sample


Premier Li Keqiang proposed the slogan of Mass innovation and entrepreneurship campaign " in 2014. In order to response to this call, local governments have launched many policies that are conducive to the development of small and micro enterprises. Through the unremitting efforts of all levels of government agencies in China over the past six years, more and more small profit-making enterprises have started to appear in all parts of China. Small and micro enterprises have made important contributions to China's social and economic development due to their own characteristics. They have played a huge role in improving people's livelihood, increasing national income and reducing employment pressure. In the development of small and micro enterprises, they often encounter many difficulties due to their own limitations, such as insufficient funds, insufficient post personnel, excessive tax pressure and other issues. Therefore, in order to help the survival and development of small and micro enterprises, the government has launched a variety of assistance methods, of which the most concerned is the cutting taxes and fees policy for enterprises. The policy of cutting taxes and fees for enterprises is very important for enterprises in all walks of life. The effect will run through all stages of development of every small and micro enterprise. Preferential tax policies can reduce the tax burden on small and micro enterprises and improve the operating efficiency of small and micro enterprises, thus providing support for the development of such enterprises. Case analysis and data comparison were used in this paper to study the implementation effect of cutting taxes and fees policies for small and micro enterprises.

The research content of this paper includes the following aspects: Firstly, the definition of small and micro enterprises and the general situation of cutting taxes and fees policies are introduced. Secondly, taking the actual operation status of Nanjing Rongdu Medical Technology Co., Ltd. as an example, the tax changes of the company after the implementation of the new cutting taxes and fees policy in 2019 were studied in this paper, so as to analyze the actual effect of the new cutting taxes and fees policy on enterprises in 2019 and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the policy. Thirdly, the improvement countermeasures were put forward for the problems existing in the current policy in combination with the policy content and the actual situation of the enterprise.

Key words:Tax cut and fee reduction Small and micro enterprises

Preferential tax policies


摘要 I

Abstract II

一、引言 1

二、小微企业减税降费政策概况 2

(一)相关概念辨析 2

1.小微企业 2

2. 减税降费 4

(二) 小微企业减税降费政策方案 4

1.中央层面 4

2.地方层面 6

三、南京市容度医疗科技有限公司样本数据 8

(一)公司基本情况 8

(二)公司所享受的优惠情况 8

1. 增值税部分 9

2. 企业所得税部分 9

3. 教育费附加、城建税、印花税部分 9

4. 税收总结 9

四、小微企业减税降费政策成效分析 11

(一) 积极方面 11

1.政策覆盖面更广 11

2.减税降费力度进一步加强 11

3.企业享受税收优惠的门槛进一步降低 12

4.优惠政策的复合效益明显 12

(二) 消极方面 12

1.减税降费政策减税手段过于单一,实际效果低于预期 12

2.小微企业纳税人缺乏对政策的了解 13

3.企业减税降费成本偏高,企业获得感不足 13

五、完善小微企业减税降费政策的建议 14

(一)“减税”种类个性化,“降费”手段多样化 14

1.“减税”种类个性化 14

2.“降费”手段多样化 14

(二)提高税务部门的服务质量 15

1.提升政策宣传水平 15

2.提供配套培训服务 15

3.牵头投资引流 16

总结 17

参考文献 18

致谢 20


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