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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 艺术设计学 > 正文


 2024-02-06 10:56:12  


摘 要

: 中国人物画创作相比花鸟画、山水画,能更多的表现现实人物的生活状态。本文就现代写意人物的“形神关系”为切入点做出一个具体的阐述。随着民族的解放与独立,一部分画家更愿意去描绘我们的人民。从一开始的普通农民,再到描绘我们国家的领导人,再到现代表现自我的人物形象。这些人物形象的塑造,都从侧面反映出我们时代的变化,促成了画坛上绚丽多彩的多元化格局。本文将分为五大部分来解析当代写意人物画的形神观。

第一部分主要分析人物画中的形与神的理论基础,从最早提及形神关系的荀子开始,再到东汉的代表人物顾恺之等理论进行解析。介绍一下形神关系的演变历程。第二部分从 现代写意人物的形神关系进行分析,分别从画面构图,人物表情与衣饰以及人物动态这三方面分别解释与形神的关系。第三部分是对现代写意人物画在形神关系的体现,主要就几个主要的画家进行具体的阐述。第四部分阐述形神关系论对写意人物画的意义最后一部分是谈形神观对我创作的启发。总的来说,本文着力探讨现代写意人物画中的形神关系,以此展现形神关系对中国人物画中的重要意义。


Abstract: the Chinese figure painting creation than flower and-bird painting, landscape painting, can more to show what the real living state of the characters. In this paper, the modern freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese characters and spirit "relationship" as the breakthrough point to make a detailed in this paper. As the national liberation and independence, some of the artists prefer to describe our people. From the beginning of ordinary farmers, to depict the leaders of our country, to the modern characters of self-expression. The shaping of the characters, all from the side reflects the change of our times, contributed to the painting on the colorful pattern of diversification. This article is divided into five most to parse the spirit of contemporary brushwork figure painting.

The first part mainly analyzes the form of figure painting and the theoretical basis of god, from the earliest mention realm and relationship between xunzi starts, to representatives of the eastern han dynasty gu kaizhi theory of parsing. Introduce the evolution of relationship between shape and spirit. The second part from the modern freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese characters and spirit of the relationship between analysis, respectively from the picture composition, character expression and clothing as well as the dynamic character respectively explain the three aspects and the relationship between shape and spirit. The third part is about the relationship between modern freehand brushwork figure painting portraits, mainly expounds several main painter of specific. The fourth part expounds the relation theory of mental freehand brushwork figure painting the last part is about the significance of spirit creative inspiration to me. In general, this paper emphatically discusses the modern freehand brushwork figure painting and spirit of the relationship, to display images in relation to the important value of Chinese figure painting.

Keywords: modern, freehand brushwork figure painting, realm and relations

目 录

引 言 4

1 人物画形与神的理论基础 4

2 当代写意人物形神关系的特点 5

2.1 画面构图与形神的关系 5

2.2 人物表情和衣饰与形神的关系 6

2.3 人物动态与形神的关系 7

3 现代写意人物画在形神关系的体现 7

4 形神关系论对现代写意人物画的意义 8

5 对创作的启发 9

结语 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

引 言


1 人物画形与神的理论基础




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