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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-02-06 07:02  


摘 要



关键词 :网络微公益 传统公益 治理困境

Research on the rise and governance of internet micro - public welfare


In recent years, with the development of network electronic information technology, the popularization of the network and the rapid growth of the number of netizens, a brand-new public welfare form - network micro-public welfare has gradually emerged and is familiar with and accepted by more and more people. Many organizations and individuals that are keen on charity and public welfare use online social platforms, such as Sina Weibo, wechat, Tencent, etc. through these internet virtual platforms, they initiate, call on, disseminate, and organize public welfare activities to convey a concept of " public welfare for all" to society. With the powerful information dissemination capability of the internet, the public welfare concept advocated by the internet micro-public welfare has been rapidly and widely disseminated and deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Through consulting a large number of relevant documents and research, this paper clearly defines the public welfare form of micro-public welfare on the internet and distinguishes it from the traditional public welfare form. This paper sorts out the development process of network micro - commonweal, including its rise, evolution and development status.Furthermore, it discusses the current situation of the governance of micro-public welfare on the internet and the difficulties existing in the process of governance. Finally, some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to improve the level of network micro-public welfare governance.

Key Words:Network micro public welfare; traditional public welfare; governance dilemma


中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

一、网络微公益的概念与特征 1

(一)网络微公益概念界定 1

(二)网络微公益的特征 2

(三)网络微公益与传统公益的区别 2

二、网络微公益的兴起及现状 5

(一)网络微公益的兴起 5

(二)网络微公益的演进 5

(三)网络微公益发展的现状 6

三、网络微公益治理的现状与困境 8

(一)网络微公益治理的现状 8

(二)网络微公益治理的困境 9

1.网络微公益治理可依据的制度性规范缺乏 9

2.网络微公益行为的监督体系不完善 9

3.网络微公益信息甄别筛选机制缺失 10

4.网络微公益运行非专业化使治理难度增加 10

四、提升网络微公益治理水平的对策建议 12

(一)政府强化网络微公益治理的制度建设 12

1.加快网络公益事业立法进程 12

2.规范网络微公益组织登记制度 12

3.完善网络微公益行为监督体系 13

4.建立网络微公益信息甄别机制 13

(二)网络微公益组织重塑自身专业性 13

1.主动公开网络微公益项目信息 13

2.强化财务信息透明度建设 14

3.注重项目创意和执行力培养 14

4.加强和其他组织的交流合作 15

(三)社会公众加强网络微公益治理参与意识 16

1.增强网络微公益行为有意监督意识 16

2.提高网络微公益信息辨别能力意识 16

结束语 18

参考文献 19

致谢 22




不同学者关于“微公益”研究做出如下一些定义:如吴秋鹏通过微公益活动实施的方式将微公益组织定义为:“在特定领域内的,以信息技术为手段,服务和依靠广大用户自我管理、协同合作来践行微公益理念的公民组织”[1]。 “壹基金”研究院院长王振耀提出微公益是“利用新媒体,让自己将自己的点点滴滴关怀融于社会整体之中的一种公益行动”[2]。刘绩宏提出微公益是伴随着新兴的媒体,特别是微博、微信而产生的一个新的概念,它既是一种媒介现象,也是社会现象,即各种以媒体为平台,民众自发组织,并广泛参与的民间公益活动和传统公益组织[3]。金雅莉、胡浙湘认为,微公益是从小的公益事情做起、强调积少成多的平民化的草根公益形式,它提供给普通人参与公益的平台,同时把爱心汇集起来形成强大合力[4]。最早的网络微公益项目——“多背一公斤”的发起者安猪则认为微公益就是利用微不足道的公益事件,积少成多而成的公益模式。


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