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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2021-12-23 08:12  


摘 要


关键词:校外培训机构 政府监管 监管对策

A Study on the government supervision of off-campus training

institutions--a case study of web English training center


With the continuous improvement of material water, people pay more attention to self-improvement and the development of the spiritual world, and also pay more attention to the growth of the next generation. The growing demand for education and the general trend toward the maturity of Internet technology have greatly accelerated the boom of off-campus training institutions. However, due to the none-standard the training market, many operators in order to pursue profits and the use of information false propaganda, including consumers to deal with high pre-payment, the final volume of money away, has caused a bad impact on the society. In the face of such market chaos, the government can not effectively play the role of the night watchman, the main reason is that the relevant laws and policies are not perfect and the supervision way is backward. In order to supervise the training market more effectively, it is urgent for China to improve relevant policies and pre-paid fund supervision system, transform government functions, innovate supervision methods and improve the ability of policy implementation. However, unilateral government market regulation has been too much to do, so the government needs to promote the establishment of industry associations, strengthen the binding force of third-party platforms on the training market, guide the self-discipline of the training industry, and promote the healthy development of the training market.

Keywords: Off-campus training institutions; Government supervision; Supervising; Supervising Countermeasure

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、校外培训机构政府监管的理论分析 1

(一)相关基本概念 1

1. 校外培训机构 1

2. 政府监管 1

(二)校外培训机构政府监管的理论基础 1

1. 市场失灵理论 1

2. 公共治理理论 1

3. 监管俘获理论 1

二、校外培训机构政府监管的总体状况 3

(一)校外培训市场的发展现状 3

1. 社会焦虑引发需求激增 3

2. 预付费式消费风险较高 3

3. 事前事后的信息不对称 3

(二)校外培训机构的监管政策 4

1. 专项治理联合行动 4

2. 机构的设置与监管 5

3. 机构的准入与审批 5

(三)校外培训机构的监管手段 5

1. 日常监督 5

2. 年检年报 5

3. 黑白名单 5

三、韦博英语跑路事件中政府监管的问题分析 7

(一)跑路事件的突出问题 7

1. 预付费风险高退费难 7

2. 虚假宣传与诱导消费 7

3. 劣质服务与违规办学 8

(二)政府监管的过程 8

(三)政府监管的难点 8

1.停业整顿治理难有实效 8

2.分校办理许可难以规定 9

3.预付费资金流难以监管 9

(四)政府监管困难的主要原因 10

1. 法律政策缺位 10

2. 监管效率低下 10

3. 监管方式落后 11

四、加强校外培训机构政府监管的对策 12

(一)完善政策制度 12

1. 健全培训机构监管政策 12

2. 完善预付资金监管制度 12

(二)转变政府职能 12

1. 提高执行能力 12

2. 厘清监管职权 13

3. 打破信息壁垒 13

4. 一校一证多照 13

(三)引导行业自律 13

1. 加强第三方约束力 14

2. 推动建立行业协会 14

3. 双方协同受理投诉 14

结语 15

参考文献 16

致谢 18



1. 校外培训机构


  1. 政府监管



1. 市场失灵理论


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