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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 管理学类 > 会计学 > 正文


 2020-02-10 23:38:22  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)





2. 研究的基本内容与方案





3. 研究计划与安排


(1)2018.12.15——2018.12.24 查阅资料,初步选题

(2)2018.12.24——2017.01.08 确定选题


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)


[1] mangsi wang; zongfang zhou; chaohui xu. can bank debtgovernance and internal governance promote enterprise innovation [j]. procedia computerscience, 2018, vol.2 (2)

摘要:this paper examines the interaction between bank debt andinternal corporate governance that impact enterprise innovation, and verifiesthe importance of favorable interactions between internal and externalgovernance mechanisms to improving enterprise innovation. the results show thatmanagement equity incentives cannot improve enterprise innovation, but bankdebt, management compensation incentives, board governance and majorshareholder governance can all effectively improve corporate governance.moreover, among the mechanisms which improve enterprise innovation, bank debthas a positive interactive relationship with management compensation incentivesand board governance mechanisms and has a synergistic effect on enterpriseinnovation. after further dividing the sample by industry, it is found thatsuch interactions and synergies are more significant in technology-intensiveindustries.

[2] justin yiqiang jin; kiridaran kanagaretnam. banks’loan growth, loan quality, and social capital [j]. journal of behavioral and experimental finance, 2018, vol.6(2)

摘要:using a sample of public and private banksin the u.s. and two measures of social capital, we study how social capitalrelates to banks’ loan expansion strategies and loan quality. a higher loangrowth rate in the banking industry usually implies lower loan standards and ahigher percentage of future nonperforming loans. we find that social capital isnegatively associated with banks’ loan expansion strategy (proxied by banks’loan growth). we also document that social capital is negatively associated withgrowth in risky loans (proxied by real estate loans, construction loans, andcommercial and industrial loans). finally, we find that social capital isnegatively associated with bank loan loss provisions, change in loan lossallowance, and change in nonperforming loans. these findings are consistentwith the notion that social capital is associated with higher loan quality.

[3] huang; lin. labour unions and global bank loanmarket. applied economicsletters, 2019

摘要:this article attempts to collect a data setof labour unions in global 500 biggest banks and investigate whether labourunions of banks influence the designing of bank loan contracts. we use globalsyndicate loan market to examine this issue. for simplicity, banks with andwithout labour unions are referred to as ‘unionized banks’ and ‘nonunionizedbanks’, respectively. we find that unionized banks tend to loosen their lendingstandard in the bank loan contract: unionized banks are more likely to chargelower loan spread and favourable nonprice terms compared with nonunionizedbanks. hence, our results support that unionized banks tend to lend more loansto reduce the negative effect of labour unions.

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