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网络中的价值创造: 定价和收入优化和企业利润优化中的作用外文翻译资料

 2022-11-25 14:59:08  

Value Creation in a Network: The Role of Pricing and Revenue Optimization and Enterprise Profit Optimization

Sanjeev Kalanidhi

Information Systems Frontiers

December 2001, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp 465-470

Abstract. The Internet has created a virtual upheaval in the structural features of the supply and demand chains for most businesses. New agents and marketplaces have surfaced. The potential to create value and enhance profitable opportunities has attracted both buyers and sellers to the Internet. Yet, the Internet has proven to be more complex than originally thought. With information comes complexity: the more the information in real time, the greater the difficulty in interpretation and absorption. How can the value-creating potential of the Internet still be realized, its complexity not with standing?This paper argues that with the emergence of innovative tools, the expectations of the Internet as a medium for enhanced profit opportunities can still be realized. Creating value on a continuing basis is central to sustaining profitable opportunities. This paper provides an overview of the value creation process in electronic networks, the emergence of the Internet as a viable business communication and collaboration medium, the proclamation by many that the future of the Internet resides in “embedded intelligence”, and the perspectives of pragmatists who point out the other facet of the Internet—its complexity. The paper then reviews some recent new tools that have emerged to address this complexity. In particular, the promise of Pricing and Revenue Optimization (PRO) and Enterprise Profit Optimization (EPO) tools is discussed. The paper suggests that as buyers and sellers adopt EPO, the market will see the emergence of a truly intelligent network—a virtual network—of private and semi-public profitable communities.

Key Words. pricing optimization, revenue optimization and enterprise profit optimization

1. Introduction

Few would disagree with the proposition that the Internet, apart from redefining business relationships, has the potential to enable enterprises to lower costs dramatically across their supply chains and to create additional revenue streams. The Internet improves the utility of information, and more information means more potential to create value. It has become evident, however, that this very capability of improving information in real time does not come without complexity. The initial exuberance about the Internet as a treasure trove of untapped profitable opportunities is gradually being replaced by cautious realism. Given the complexity of the Internet, attention has now shifted to questions of how to realize its value-creating potential in a systematic and sustained fashion. Indeed, teasing out value-creating opportunities from a multitude of possibilities constitutes the very essence of business success in an Internet-based economy. In Section 2 below, the paper begins with a simple explanation of the value creation process within an enterprise, and the contribution of protocols such as EDI in supporting value creation process through the medium of electronic networks. Section 3 reviews how Supply Chain Optimization Tools (SCOT), together with EDI, have led to the improvements in business processes for both buyers and sellers. Section 4 treats the manner in which the Internet has fundamentally changed the nature of electronic networks, and that of the supply chain. The Internet, in conjunction with SCOT, allows collaborative processes—thus enhancing the value creation potential of the network significantly. Section 5 explains why futurists are willing to further extrapolate this value creation potential by proclaiming its “embedded intelligence”. Section 6 addresses another aspect of the Internet revolution—how businesses are dealing with the challenges of the Internetrsquo;s complexities. Section 7 discusses some of the newer approaches to these immediate challenges. Sections 8 and 9 discuss the role of Pricing and Revenue Optimization (PRO) and Enterprise Profit Optimization tools approaches to unscrambling the complexity of the Internet. The paper concludes by providing some thoughts on how adoption of EPO will impact the future of the Internet.

2. Value Creation in a Network

Electronic networks contribute to the value creation process by overcoming some of these cost induced bottlenecks. Protocols such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) reduce execution costs and facilitate a broad range of activities, benefiting both the buyer and the seller of outsourced goods and services. From raw materials to final product, EDI links the entire supply chain in a value-creation cycle. A buyer can use EDI to check the availability of a component with a supplier. A supplier can also use EDI to inform the buyer of a stock out. Further, from an execution standpoint, purchase orders and shipment orders and payment acknowledgment can be transmitted through EDI. With each such task, EDI creates value for both buyers and sellers by facilitating network use to effectively address search, coordination, and execution costs.

4. The Internet Juggernaut

The business use of the Internet has resulted in a virtual upheaval in the structure and operation of the supply chain. The structure of the traditional supply chain has been radically changed through the creation of a direct channel and by the emergence of new agents and marketplaces. For instance, the direct Internet channel threatens to disinter mediate distributors and retailers. Conversely, an online retailer relies on the ubiquity of the Internet to reach customers around the world. Further, online exchanges are functioning as new economic agents, bringing buyers and sellers together on the Internet. For example, exchanges like National Transportation Exchange can be used for spot buy




作者:珊吉尔 卡兰尼迪海




  1. 简介






7. 互联网的复杂性和价值创造


10. 结论




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