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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 市场营销 > 正文


 2021-12-30 20:55:42  


摘 要




关键词:渠道优化 渠道整合 大数据 服务

On the marketing channel mode of Gree Electric


In the past 40 years of reform and opening up, people's living standards have been greatly improved. The pursuit of a better life has led to a sharp increase in the demand for household appliances. The household appliances industry has also been fully developed, and a large number of excellent household appliances enterprises have emerged. Gree Electric is one of them. Gree air conditioner has been the leader in national sales for 11 consecutive years, which can be called the industry leader. Regardless of its product technology and quality, Gree's unique sales channel has played a huge role.

However, in the past five years, with the rise of home appliance stores and the popularity of online shopping, the competition in the white home appliance market has become white hot, more and more brands are trying to catch up with Gree, and the total sales of Midea, Haier and Gree are also shrinking year by year. With the great changes in the market environment and the convenience of online shopping, the offline channel mode that Gree used to be proud of is now hindering the further growth of its sales.

On the basis of previous studies, this paper analyzes the current marketing channels of Gree, finds out the aspects of the channel structure, channel relationship and channel behavior that are not suitable for the market. Relying on the channel theory, according to the actual situation of the enterprise and drawing on the advantages of other home appliance enterprises, this paper puts forward the Countermeasures of channel optimization of Gree, including the establishment of new channel relationship Integrate online and offline channels, realize customer relationship management and provide better channel services through Internet big data. It is hoped that the research in this paper will provide some direction for Geli's channel mode reform, improve its channel management level and channel efficiency, help Geli to realize its long-term development and long-term interests, and provide some suggestions for similar enterprises in the household appliance industry to innovate their channels, so as to help the sustainable development of the household electricity industry

Key words: channel optimization;channel integration;big data;service


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及研究意义 1

1.1.1选题背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2研究综述 2

1.2.1营销渠道发展趋势 2

1.2.2格力营销渠道研究 2

1.3研究思路及研究方法 3

第二章 营销渠道理论综述 4

2.1营销渠道概念 4

2.2营销渠道结构 4

2.3营销渠道组织形式 4

第三章 格力渠道现状及其存在的问题 6

3.1公司简介 6

3.2格力电器渠道模式 6

3.3渠道分工与关系 7

3.4渠道优势 8

3.5渠道问题 8

3.5.1渠道冲突频发 8

3.5.2渠道控制力不够 9

3.5.3渠道结构不合理 10

3.5.4渠道库存积压严重 11

第四章 格力渠道改进建议 12

4.1建立新型渠道关系 12

4.2开展全渠道营销 13

4.3运用大数据优化渠道效率 15

4.4完善物流及售后服务 16

第五章 结论与展望 17

5.1论文结论 17

5.2不足之处及展望 18

参考文献 19

第一章 绪论











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