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 2023-05-21 07:05  

Research on the Competitive Strategy of Cross-Border E-Commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area Based on the Spatial Competition

Bo Lu and Huipo Wang

By now, 13 cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot areas have been approved by the State Council of China; Dalian and Tianjin are two of them. But with the development of the construction of the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot areas, the competition between those pilot areas is inevitable. Dalian and Tianjin are located in the Bohai Sea and the distance between them is only 800 kilometers. For Dalian and Tianjin they are in thus competitive situations: first they have to compete with each other; second since they are located in Bohai Sea (North China), they have to compete with other cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot areas (South China). In this paper, our aim is to build models to provide best price strategies for these two cities. Based on the two-sided market theory and the geographical position, this paper builds two competitive theory models. Through the analyzing of the equilibrium, we get two main results: (1) according to different service area, the cities (Dalian and Tianjin) should have different price; (2) the two-sided market characters have an impact on their strategies.

1. Introduction

In March 2015, the State Council established the first comprehensive pilot area of cross-border e-commerce in Hangzhou. Within one year, the transaction scale of cross-border ecommerce in Hangzhou increased from 20 million dollars in 2014 to 3.464 billion dollars in 2015, including exports accounting for 2.273 billion dollars and imports accounting for 1.191 billion dollars, which contributed 5.4% for the growth of foreign trade exports in Hangzhou. The establishment of the comprehensive pilot area of cross-border e-commerce in Hangzhou has yielded prominent results. In January 2016, the State Council decided to set up a group of new comprehensive pilot areas of cross-border e-commerce in 12 cities such as Tianjin and Shanghai, and the intention of this decision was to take example by the efficient pattern of comprehensive pilot area in Hangzhou to provide the development of Chinese foreign trade with new motivations and supports [1, 2]. But with the development of the construction of the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot area, the competition between those pilot areas is inevitable. And this kind of competition has obvious spatial characteristics and two-sided market characteristics.

This article takes Tianjin and Dalian as an example to illustrate the competition among the cross-border ecommerce comprehensive pilot areas. Both Tianjin and Dalian are the second batch of the establishment of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot areas in the beginning of 2016. Both of them are located in the north of China. Tianjin is in the west and Dalian is in the east. This kind of layout just divides the domestic enterprises and consumers into four parts, as shown in Figure 1.

The following analysis can be done through the angle of the geographical position: first, because Tianjin is located in the west, Dalian is located in the east. So firms and consumers in the west of Tianjin will take Tianjin as the first choice to do cross-border e-commerce; the firms and consumers in the east of Dalian will take Dalian as the first choice to do cross-border e-commerce. At the same time the firms and consumers in the south of Dalian Tianjin line can choose Tianjin and Dalian or can also choose other comprehensive pilot areas, for example, Qingdao and Zhengzhou. Therefore, A district is under the competition of multiareas. The firms and consumers in the north of Dalian Tianjin line can only choose Dalian or Tianjin. Therefore, B district is under the competition of Dalian and Tianjin. In summary, there is no competition in C and D zones, and A and B zones are the competition zones. Therefore, this paper will analyze the competitive strategy of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot areas based on spatial competition theory.







FIGURE1:Location map of domestic firms and consumers

Besides, the cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot areas are service platforms; on the one hand, they are connecting the domestic firms and consumers, and on the other hand, they are connecting the foreign firms and consumers, so the market is typically a two-sided market [3, 4].

Until now there is no general agreement on a standard definition of two-sided market, but the definitions of Armstrong (2006) [5], Rysman (2009) [6], and Rochet and Tirole (2010) [7] are widely cited and recognized. Coase theorem and the nonneutrality of price structure are two significant features of the two-sided markets. Rochet and Tirole (2010) [7], Armstrong (2006) [5], Kaiser and Wright (2006) [8], and other scholars have proposed their own classification of twosided market, but the classification of Evans (2003) is widely accepted. He divided the two-sided market into three classifications: market-makers, audience-makers, and demandcoordinators [9]. Cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot areas are platforms to do cross-border e-commerce, so they have the main characteristics of two-sided market. In this paper we use two-sided market theory to build the theory model.

Through the above analysis, we know that the firms and consumers in C zone will take Tianjin as the first choice to do cross-border e-commerce; the firms and consumers in D zone will take Dalian as the first choice to do cross-border e-commerce. So there is no need to analyze their strategies on zones C and D. Then, in this paper, we will build two competitive theory models to analyze Dalian and Tianjinrsquo;s competitive strategies on zone A an


译 文


Bo Lu and Huipo Wang



在2015年3月,国务院建立了跨界电子商务在杭州的第一综合试点区。一年内,在杭州从 2014年的2000万美金增加到2015年的34亿6400万美金,跨境电子商务交易规模包括出口占22亿7300万美元,进口占11亿9100万美金,贡献的杭州外贸出口增长5.4%。杭州跨界电子商务的综合试验区的建立取得了突出成果。在 2016年1月,国务院决定在天津和上海等12个城市成立了新综合试点地区的跨境电子商务小组,这一决定的目的是以杭州综合试点地区的有效模式为例,为中国对外贸易的发展提供新的动力和支持。但随着跨境电子商务综合试验区建设的发展,这些试点地区之间的竞争是不可避免的。这种竞争具有明显的空间特征和双面的市场特征。

本文以天津和大连作为一个例子来说明跨界电子商务综合试点地区之间的竞争。天津和大连在2016年开始是跨境电子商务综合试点地区建立的第二批。他们两个都位于中国的北部。天津是西部和大连是在东部。这种布局只是分为国内企业和消费者四个部分,如图 1 所示。








通过地理位置的角度做了以下分析:第一,因为天津位于西部,大连位于东部。公司和天津的西方消费者将把天津作为第一选择做跨境电子商务;企业和消费者在大连东部将以大连为做跨境电子商务的第一选择。在同一时间,公司和大连天津线南方的消费者可以选择天津和大连或者也可以选择其他综合试点地区,青岛、郑州等。因此,存在一个区在多区的竞争。公司和大连天津线以北的消费者只能选择大连或天津。因此,B 区处在大连和天津的竞争下。总之,C区和D区之间不存在竞争,但A区和B区之间存在竞争区域。因此,本文将分析基于空间竞争理论的跨界电子商务综合试点地区的竞争战略。


直到现在还有没有一个关于总协定双面的市场的标准定义,但阿姆斯特朗 (2006) [5],Rysman(2009 年) [6] 的定义和广泛地引用和承认如罗切特和蒂罗尔(2010 年) [7]。科斯定理与货币的价格结构非中性是双面市场两个显著特征。如罗切特和蒂罗尔(2010 年) [7]、阿姆斯特朗 (2006) [5],Kaiser 和赖特 (2006) [8] 和其他学者已经提出自己分类两个双面的市场,但埃文斯(2003 年)的分类被广泛接受。他把双面市场分成三个类别︰市场庄家、观众制造商和需求协调员 [9]。跨界电子商务综合试点地区是平台做跨界电子商务,所以他们有双面市场的主要特征。在本文中,我们利用双边市场理论建立的理论模型。

通过以上的分析,我们知道,企业和消费者在C区将天津作为第一选择做跨境电子商务;企业和消费者在D区将以大连为做跨境电子商务的第一选择。所以那里是没有需要分析其战略区C和D。然后,在本文中,我们将构建两个竞争的理论模型,分别分析大连和天津在 A区和 B区上的竞争策略。此外,我们将分析双面市场特征如何影响这两个城市的收入。虽然该模型把天津和大连市为例,结论很一般了。

本文组织如下:第一部分是绪论,第二部分是基本模型假设,第三部分是模型 (I):在A区的竞争模型,第四部分是模型(II):在B区的竞争模型,第五部分提出一个比较分析的模型 (I) 和模型 (II),第六部分说明一些数值例子和第七部分进行总结。


为方便分析,本文的基本假设如下所示:首先,我们假设有两种试验区:第一个被称为北方地区,其中包括天津和大;另一个被称为南部地区,其中包括其他11个城市。在北方地区有两个城市:天津简称位置?,大连简称为位置?。第二,关于双面市场假设如下:国内企业和消费者 (DF amp; Cs 简称) 被称为边1和外国公司和消费者 (FF amp; Cs 简称) 被称为边2 。根据实际情况,DF amp; Cs 侧是单归巢和 FF amp; Cs 侧是多宿主主机。我们假定? 1 是匹配成本(其中包括运输成本和其他费用)的边1和?2与边2的成本相匹配,并且边1的成本与边2相同;即 ?1 = ?2 = ?。第三,网络效应的假设如下:我们假定组之间存在网络效应。DF&Cs侧聚集在FF和Cs侧的 ? 位置的网络效应的强度是 ;DF&Cs侧聚集在FF和Cs侧的 ? 位置的网络效应的强度是;在DF&Cs侧的 ?位置的FF&Cs侧聚集的网络效应的强度是;在DF&Cs侧的 ?位置的FF&Cs侧聚集的网络效应的强度是。因此,群体之间的网络效应的强度是,,,。在不影响分析结论的前提下,我们假设群体之间的网络效应的强度等于?。第四,我们将假定保留效用的侧 1 DF amp; Cs 采用位置 ?作为他们工作的地点是 ,保留效用的侧 1 DF amp; Cs 采用位置 ? 作为他们工作的地点是;边2 FF&Cs的预留实用程序采取位置 ? 作为它们的操作位置是,边2 FF&Cs的预留实用程序采取位置 ? 作为它们的操作位置是。对于边2 FF&Cs,将?(?isin;{?,?})位置作为其操作位置的函数可以分为质量?和函数?的函数,因为FF和Cs可能是多重归类。只有多功能才会导致多宿主主机。没有必要将DF和Cs的功能分离为质量函数和价格函数,因为DF&Cs侧是单归位。因此,= , = (当是以位置?为其操作位置的边2FF&Cs的质量函数的效用;是以位置?为其操作位置的边2FF&Cs的质量函数的效用;是以位置?作为其操作位置的边2 FF&Cs的价格函数的效用;是位置?作为其操作位置的边2 FF&Cs的价格函数的效用)。根据实际情况,gt;, gt;。(因为天津比大连更大、更具国际化,其服务质量高于大连,但大连可以提供更低的服务价格。)。 , 代表的是DFamp;Cs的成本(价格),分别将位置?,?作为其操作位置。



市场是一个寡头垄断竞争市场,北方地区和南方地区竞争为企业和消费者从一个区时。对于北部地区,(I) 的模型图显示如图 2 所示。在寡头垄断竞争市场中,DF amp; Cs 可以选择采取北方地区或南方地区作为他们工作的地点。在此模型中,[?1,?2] 中的DFamp;Cs不选择北部地区作为他们工作的地点,而是以南方地区为他们操作的位置。

在图 2 中符号是作如下的说明:?:天津;?:大连;:DF amp; Cs取?位置为其操作位置;;?1:DF amp;Cs的边缘;?2:DFamp;Cs的边缘;:仅将位置?作为其操作位置的FFamp;Cs;?1: FF amp;Cs的边缘;:仅担任?职务或担任?, ?职务的FFamp;Cs作为其工作地点;?2: FF amp;Cs的边缘;:仅将位置?作为其操作位置的FFamp; Cs;:仅担任?职务或担任?, ?职务的FFamp;Cs作为其工作地点。


= minus; minus; ??1 ??2. (1)

如果 DF amp; Cs 位于?1 和?2之间并且 DF amp; Cs 将南部地区作为他们工作的地点,DF amp; Cs 的效用是 0。所以

minus; minus; ??1 ??2 = 0. (2)


= ? (1 minus; ?1) minus; ? (1 minus; ?2) minus;. (3)

如果 DF amp; Cs 位于?1 和?2之间并且 DF amp; Cs 将南部地区作为他们工作的地点,DF amp; Cs 的效用是 0。所以

? (1 minus; ?1) minus; ? (1 minus; ?2) minus; = 0. (4)


= ??1 minus; ??1. (5)

位置? 和?作为其操作位置的FF&Cs的效用是

= ? [?1 (1 minus; ?2)] minus; ?. (6)


= ? (1 minus; ?2) minus; ? (1 minus; ?2) .(7)

使得 = minus;, = minus; minus;, = minus; , = minus; .

在点?1上,FF amp; Cs 采取立场?作为他们工作的地点或采取立场?和?作为其经营地点的人是无动于衷的。所以

= .

??1 minus; ??1= [?1 (1 minus; ?2)] – ?. (8)


?1 =minus; 1. (9)

在点?2上, FF amp; Cs 采取立场?作为他们工作的地点或采取立场?和?作为其经营地点的人是无动于衷。所以

= ,

(1 minus; ?2) minus; ? (1 minus; ?2) = [?1 (1 minus; ?2)] – ? (10)


= (11)

将 (11) 代入 (2),我们可以得到

minus;t=0 (12)


= (13)


?1 = .(14)


= (15)

将(9) 带入 (4),我们可以得到

? (minus;) minus; ? t ?2 minus; = 0 (15)


?2=1 (16)


= 1 –?2. (17)


= (18)


? = sdot; sdot;= (19)



=(). (20)



=. (21)

当?gt;?, ??2/( )2 lt; 0, ??2/?()2 lt; 0时,并且?是最大时,是最终结果。

定理1. DF amp; Cs 作为他们工作的地点采取立场?用户规模是= (?/2())[ (?/?)], DF amp; Cs 作为他们工作的地点采取立场?用户规模是 = (?/2(?2 minus; ?2))[ (?/?)],FF amp; Cs 作为他们工作的地点采取立场?或?, ?用户规模是= /? (?/2(?2 minus; ?2))[ (?/?) ],FF amp; Cs 作为他们工作的地点采取立场?或?, ?用户规模是 = /? (?/2(?2-?2))[ (?/?)],成本(价格)的 DF amp; Cs 服用位置?作为他们工作的地点是 = (1/2) (?/2?),成本(价格)的 DF amp; Cs 服用位置?作为他们工作的地点是 = (1/2) (?/2?),北方地区收入总额? = (?/4(?2 minus; ?2))[( (?/?) )2 ( (?/?) )2]。

证明:根据公式(15), = (?/(?2 minus; ?2))[minus; ?( minus; )/?];把公式(22)代入其中,简化此函数,我们可以得知= (?/2(?2 minus; ?2))[ (?/?) ]。

根据公式(19), = (?/(?2 minus; ?2))[minus; minus;?( minus;)/?];把公式(23)代入其中,简化此函数,我们可以得知= (?/2(?2 minus; ?2))[ (?/?)]。


= �



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