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《红楼梦》中器物的隐含意翻译对比研究 —以杨宪益与霍克斯译本为例

 2023-08-04 10:08  


摘 要





1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 Researches on translation of Hong Lou Meng 1

2.2 Researches on articles 2

3. Classification of Articles in Hong Lou Meng 3

3.1 Chothes and accessories 3

3.2 Daily articles 6

3.3 Entertainment articles 6

3.4 Residential decorations 7

4. Comparison of the Two English Versions from the Perpective of Implied Meaning 8

4.1 Translation of clothes and accessories 8

4.2 Translation of daily articles 10

4.3 Translation of entertainment articles 11

4.4 Translation of residential decorations 12

5. Conclusion 15

Works Cited 17

1. Introduction

Hong Lou Meng is a masterpiece of Chinese classical fiction, and it is recognized as the pinnacle of Chinese novels. The intricacies of the plot and the various characters and figures in the novel make this novel, which was written in the mid-18th century, stand the test of time and popular all over the world. Some scholars have pointed out that “Hong Lou Meng is equivalent to a museum of Chinese language and literary, as well as an archive of Chinese style”. (Liang and Xie 10)

Hong Lou Meng has been translated into many languages, and a lot of critics make studies on these different versions in terms of translation methods. However, researches on the implied meaning of articles in Hong Lou Meng are few. Therefore, studying connotation in Hong Lou Meng will also help readers understand those underlying meanings of articles and their relationship with characters in this book. So this thesis takes the classical Chinese literature Hong Lou Meng as the corpus, analyzing the differences in the translation of articles between the two English versions from the perspective of implied meaning.

This paper includes five chapters. The first chapter introduces the study purpose and points out the problem existing in the research field. The second chapter introduces the foreign and domestic research on the translation of Hong Lou Meng and articles. The third chapter introduces the classification of articles in Hong Lou Meng. The fourth chapter makes a comparison of the two English versions from the perspective of implied meaning. The last chapter is a conclusion, including the findings this study and the future research.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Researches on translation of Hong Lou Meng

There are about 60 versions of Hong Lou Meng, including nearly 20 languages. In terms of influence and popularity, main English versions include Dream of the Red Chamber translated by Wang Jizhen, The Story of the Stone translated by David Hawkes and John Minford and A Dream of Red Mansions translated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang.

In America, Hong Lou Meng was introduced by missionary Guo Shila, and was partly translated by Wang Zhiliang, which only focused on the love tragedy of Baoyu and Daiyu. In Britain, the translation of Hong Lou Meng began in 1830, and in 1970s, David Hawkes and John Minford finished the complete English version of the book. In the same period, Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang also began to translate Hong Lou Meng, and between 1978 and 1980, A Dream of Red Mansions was published in four volumes.

The Story of the Stone and A Dream of Red Mansions received a lot of attention from domestic researchers after publication, and writings on them are abundant. Most criticism of the two versions shows moderation. So far, few scholars have made relatively straightforward judgments on the two versions. The more representative criticism is that Yang Xianyi is loyal to the original story, showing the alienation translation method and the tendency of metaphrase, while Hawkes emphasizes that the translation should accord with the syntax and cultural habits of the target language, reflecting naturalization translation method and the tendency of paraphrase(Dang 5). Such a criticism basically dictates the direction of artistic criticism research on the translation of Hong Lou Meng in the past two decades.

Although the translation history of Hong Lou Meng has a long history, the history of research on the translation of it is very short. The achievements reached account for only a very small proportion of contemporary Chinese translation studies. Researchers of Hong Lou Meng have to further broaden the horizon and improve their studies.

2.2 Researches on articles

Articles refer to various tools, vessels, weapons and other items used in daily life or religious ceremonies. The ancient article research derives from the Gold-Stone research in Song Dynasty. Luo Zhenyu, who has a great influence in this field, points out that ancient article can mainly be divided into clothes, ornaments, furniture, foods and porcelain. In the Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Articles, ancient articles include all aspects of clothing, food, living, transportation, civil, and costumes.

Actually there are not many papers about the articles in Hong Lou Meng, most of which only discuss them in terms of culture or the translation methods. But there are still some papers available to be referred to. Zuo Yaokun discusses the translation of articles in Hong Lou Meng in his paper English Translation of Several Old Articles of Daily Use Mentioned in A Dream of Red Mansions, such as gold and silver vessels, ceramics, lacquer and jade, but he does not mention the classification of the articles, just choosing some artifacts in the book for discussion(Zuo 1-13). Wang Juan analyzes the relationship between the clothes and characters" personality, and summarizes translation methods of clothing from the perspective of cultural communication. There are also researches on various jades and their meanings in Hong Lou Meng.

3. Classification of Articles in Hong Lou Meng

Articles in Hong Lou Meng show ancient China’s clothes culture, tea culture, wine culture, food culture, architectural culture, porcelain culture and so on. This thesis lists 147 articles through data collecting, and divides these articles into four categories: clothes and accessories, daily articles, entertainment articles and residential decorations.

3.1 Clothes and accessories

As a symbol of culture, the clothing and its accessories play indispensable roles in this novel (Zhang 6). In Hong Lou Meng, the description of clothes and accessories occurs 71 times, accounting for about 48.2 % in all the categories. The clothes include headdresses, coats, trousers and skirts and boots and socks; the accessories include rings, necklaces and bracelets.



纱帽 (Cao 12)

双衡比目玫瑰佩 (Cao 28)

五彩刻丝石青银鼠褂 (Cao 28)

鹡鸰香念珠 (Cao 149)

紫貂昭君套 (Cao 68)

荷包 (Cao 179)

绛绒簪缨 (Cao 93)

寄名锁 (Cao 35)

大箬笠 (Cao 490)

伽楠念珠 (Cao 92)

雪帽 (Cao 533)

金丝八宝攒珠髻(Cao 28)

挖云鹅黄片金里大红猩猩毡昭君套 (Cao 533)

朝阳五凤挂珠钗 (Cao 28)

观音兜 (Cao 535)

束发嵌宝紫金冠 (Cao 34)

江牙海水五爪坐龙白蟒袍 (Cao 148)

龙抢珠金抹额 (Cao 34)

大红金蟒狐腋箭袖 (Cao 196)

赤金盘螭璎珞圈 (Cao 28)

石青貂裘排穗褂 (Cao 196)

项圈(Cao 35)

翡翠撒花洋绉裙 (Cao 28)

红麝香珠 (Cao 302)

油绿绸撒花裤子 (Cao 490)

硬红镶金大坠子 (Cao 701)

绿绫弹墨夹裤 (Cao 701)

金玉戒指 (Cao 798)

青缎粉底小朝靴 (Cao 34)

腕香珠 (Cao 798)

灰鼠暖兜 (Cao 545)

长命锁 (Cao 87)

大貂鼠卧兔儿 (Cao 709)

五彩丝攒花结长穗宫条(Cao 34)

石青起花八团倭缎排穗褂 (Cao 34)

护身符 (Cao 35)

石青刻丝灰鼠披风 (Cao 68)

金八宝 (Cao 35)

青缎子背心 (Cao 243)

攒珠勒子 (Cao 68)

大红羽纱面白狐皮里的鹤氅(Cao 533)

扇囊(Cao 179)

青哆罗呢对襟褂子 (Cao 533)

香袋儿 (Cao 179)

茄色哆罗呢狐皮袄子 (Cao 535)

小玉塞子(Cao 701)

桃红百花刻丝银鼠袄子 (Cao 553)

豆绿宫绦 (Cao 28)

葱黄绫棉裙 (Cao 87)

系着五色蝴蝶鸾绦 (Cao 87)

白绫细摺裙 (Cao 272)

青金闪绿双环四合如意绦 (Cao 533)

葱绿盘金彩绣绵裙 (Cao 553)

蝴蝶结子长穗五色宫绦 (Cao 534)

掐金满绣的绵纱袜子 (Cao 490)

蝴蝶落花鞋 (Cao 490)

棠木屐 (Cao 490)

净袜厚底镶鞋 (Cao 709)

虎头盘云五彩小战靴(Cao 709)

簪缨银翅王帽 (Cao 148)

缕金百蝶穿花大红洋缎窄裉袄 (Cao 28)

二色金百蝶穿花大红箭袖 (Cao 34)

石青起花八团倭缎排穗褂 (Cao 34)

银红撒花半旧大袄 (Cao 35)

桃红撒花袄 (Cao 68)

玫瑰紫二色金银鼠比肩褂 (Cao 87)

秋香色立蟒白狐腋箭袖 (Cao 87)

大红羽缎对衿褂子(Cao 90)

水红绫子袄儿 (Cao 243)

青皱绸一斗珠的羊皮褂子 (Cao 451)

靠色三镶领袖秋香色盘金五色绣龙窄褙小袖掩衿银鼠短袄 (Cao 534)

海龙皮小小鹰膀褂子(Cao 535)

3.2 Daily articles

There are many descriptions of daily articles in Hong Lou Meng. These daily articles occur 35 times in the book, accounting for about 23.8% in all the categories. This thesis categorizes them into three types: tableware, tea set, and other.


tea set


玛瑙碗(Cao 328)

茗碗唾壶(Cao 31)

白犀尘 (Cao 382)

缠丝白玛瑙碟子(Cao 396)

乌银梅花自斟壶(Cao 407)

鬼脸青花磁瓮(Cao 443)

什锦攒心盒子(Cao 423)

海棠冻石蕉叶杯(Cao 407)

漱盂(Cao 33)

官窑脱胎填白盖碗(Cao 442)

成窑五彩泥金小盖钟(Cao 441)

篦子(Cao 209)

西洋布手巾(Cao 428)

小连环洋漆茶盘(Cao 692)

汤婆子(Cao 556)

乌木三镶银箸(Cao 428)

茶筅、茶盂(Cao 403)

美人拳(Cao 585)

老年四楞象牙镶金筷(Cao 428)

竹根套杯(Cao 437)

屈戍(Cao 820)

白粉定窑碟子(Cao 702)

雕漆填金云龙小茶盘(Cao 441)

青盐(Cao 215)

西洋布手巾(Cao 428)

杏犀斝(Cao 442)

沤子(Cao 591)

洋巾(Cao 585)

茶吊(Cao 585)

青绸油伞(Cao 545)

茶碗(Cao 585)

三足鳅鎏金珐琅火盆(Cao 581)

瓟斝(Cao 442)

文具镜匣 (Cao 209)

汝窑美人觚 (Cao 31)

3.3 Entertainment articles

Entertainment articles include articles used in some games in ancient China, and some curios used for entertaining. The description of entertainment articles occurs 12 times in the book, accounting for about 8% in all the categories.

articles used in games

curios used for entertaining

九连环(Cao 78)

金魁星(Cao 95)

骨牌(Cao 81)

如意(Cao 192)

自行人(Cao 752)

金寿星(Cao 796)

黑漆铜钉花腔令鼓 (Cao 597)

腊油冻佛手(Cao 832)

宫制诗筒 (Cao 230)

香如意(Cao 302)

象牙花名签子 (Cao 703)

待漏随朝墨龙大画 (Cao 38)

水银灌的打筋斗的小小子 (Cao 752)

3.4 Residential decorations

This thesis divides residential decorations into five categories: gates and boards, tables and chairs, screens and curtains, vases and other. The description of residential decorations occurs 29 times in the book, accounting for about 20% in all the categories.

beds and boards

tables and chairs

screens and curtains



赤金九龙青地匾(Cao 30)

大紫檀雕螭案(Cao 31)


(Cao 70)


(Cao 543)


(Cao 31)

填漆床(Cao 272)


(Cao 31)


(Cao 179)

联珠瓶(Cao 396)


(Cao 382)

拔步床(Cao 431)


(Cao 31)


(Cao 272)


(Cao 431)


(Cao 431)


(Cao 581)


(Cao 434)


(Cao 172)

土定瓶(Cao 433)


(Cao 584)


(Cao 581)


(Cao 172)

炉瓶 (Cao 434)


(Cao 31)

透雕夔龙护屏矮足短榻(Cao 585)


(Cao 172)

待漏随朝墨龙大画(Cao 31)


(Cao 433)

4. Comparison of the Two English Versions from the Perspective of Implied Meaning

Articles in Hong Lou Meng can show traditional customs in ancient China. In the book, the description of articles has an important position, and Cao Xueqin gives these articles underlying meanings, which can reflect characters’ personality or status. In this part, a specific comparative analysis on Hawkes’ and Yang’s translation of typical articles that have implied meanings from the perspective of implied meaning will be presented.

4.1 Translation of clothes and accessories

The Original

Hawkes’ Transaltion

Yang’s Translation

(1) 纱帽(因嫌纱帽小)

The judge whose hat is too small for his head (Hawkes 18).

Resentment at a low official rank (Yang 23).

(2) 赤金盘螭璎珞圈

red gold in the form of a coiling dragon (Hawkes 45)

red gold, was in the form of a

coiled dragon studded with gems. (Yang 50)

(3) 莲青斗纹锦上添花洋线番羓丝的鹤氅

a pelisse of ivy-green whorl-patterned brocade trimmed with some sort of exotic lamb’s wool (Hawkes 926)

a pale purple woollen cape

embroidered with flower designs (Yang 994)

(4) 双衡比目玫瑰佩


double red jade

pendants(Yang 50)

(5) 汉玉九龙佩

Han Jade girdle pendant in the form of nine tiny interlocking dragons (Hawkes 476)

Han-Dynasty jade pendant carved with nine dragons (Yang 481)

(1) 纱帽

“纱帽” occurs in Chapter 1: “因嫌纱帽小, 致使枷锁扛” (Resentment at a low official rank, May lead to fetters and a felon’s shame). This is a line of the poem which refers to that Jia Zheng and Jia She end in jail because they use illegal methods to get higher official rank. Here “纱帽” is used to describe official positions in ancient China, and official rank decides the material and pattern of “纱帽”. So actually it has an implied meaning of the official rank.. Hawkes did not understand this connotation of “纱帽”, simply considering it as a normal hat, while Yang Xianyi accurately expressed the underlying meaning.

(2) 赤金盘螭璎珞圈

This is a necklace which occurs in the description of Wang Xifeng’s first appearance in Chapter 3. This necklace is made of pure gold, namely “赤金”. Both Hawkes and Yang Xianyi translated “赤金” into “red gold”. But according to The Dictiomoy of Hong Lou Meng, when gold is highly refined,the golden color is mixed with a little reddish color(Li and Feng 199). Obviously, reddish gold is not the same as red gold. So actually the implied meaning of this necklace is Wang Xifeng’s extravagance and her power in the whole family(Cui 113). Therefore, “red gold” is a little bit misleading. It will be more appropriate if it is translated into “highly-refined gold” or into “pure gold”.


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