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 2022-11-12 07:11  

Bamboo, from traditional crafts to contemporary design and architecture

Esteve-Sendra, Chelea *, Moreno-Cuesta, Ricardob, Portalés-Mañanós, Anac , Magal- Royo, Teresa c

aEsteve-Sendra, Chele, ETSID (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño)Universitat Politècnica de València, Camí de Vera s/n, Valencia 46022, Spain
bMoreno-Cuesta, Ricardo, Escuela de A
rte y Superior de Diseño de Valencia, Calle Pintor Domingo, 20 , Valencia 46001, Spain cPortalés-Mañanós, Ana, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camí de Vera s/n, Valencia 46022, Spain
dMagal Royo, Teresa, ETSID (Escuela T
écnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño), Universitat Politècnica de València, Camí de Vera s/n, Valencia 46022, Spain


Discover bamboo and its wide variety of uses from food to furniture. Bamboo is a traditionally cultivated plant and used on continents and in different cultures. New technologies combined with traditional techniques awaken both the creator and the user with a spirit of inspiration and innovation by applying bamboorsquo;s practical qualities to the challenge of sustainability. In many cases, designers work in collaboration with artisans, creating different products, changing lifestyles and applying new technologies to create a world with sustainable products in an ecologically supportive way as social design.

copy; 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Ayşe Çakır İlhan Keywords: Social design, crafts, architecture, contemporary design, bamboo, sustainable

1. Sustainable design: renewable fibers.

Today global trends allow the environment and world economic power to take stock for the benefit of our planet. This extends the interest in natural materials who supply the wood, like bamboo and other plant fibers that regenerate much faster than traditional woods. Companies increasingly bet on the use of natural fibers in an attempt to be 'green', which increases their philosophical points of view about 'eco'.

According to the Brundtland Report: 'Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: first, the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the worlds poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and second, the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environments ability to meet present and future needs.'

2. Bamboo, rattan, wicker and other materials with similar characteristics.

2.1. Bamboo; common name, is a giant grass the group of plants belonging to the family of herbaceous grasses, which are characterized by long stems and woody shrubs that develop stems (culms) of large diameter and size. According to the Colombian architect Simon Velez, ' G. Angustifolia bamboo is a renewable resource in the areas of construction and infrastructure, which is used structurally in homes and other buildings. With a grade above the normal stress, similar to steel and concrete in compression. It can be used for furniture, carpets, paneling, flooring, partitions, plumbing, roof, structure and forms, among many others.'

Bamboo furthermore is a food and alternative medicine. Since ancient times, bamboo has been a food for the peoples of East and for animals. Bamboo leaves have a high nutritional value and is also food for grazing, favorite food of elephants. In the human diet, the tender shoots are used in certain species and seeds. In India, they eat the stems of some flowers. In the field of natural medicine is beneficial for bones and skin.

2.2. Rattan or Rota (from Malay rotan) is the common name for some species native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia and Australia. They have slender stems 2-5 cm diameter with long internodes between the leaves. They are superficially similar to bamboo, but distinct in that the stems (Malacca) are solid rather than hollow, and they need some support, while bamboo can grow independently often at great heights without breaking .

2.3. Wicker, is a hard vegetal tissue fiber that comes from a family of shrub willows (genus Salix, Salix viminalis first and Salix fragilis and Salix purpurea), is knitted to create furniture, baskets and other useful objects. Other renewable fibers are abaca, coir, yute, sisal and kenaf or cannabis.

3. Bamboo: innovation and sustainability from our grandmothers shopping basket to computer case.

The designers are investigating the capacities offered by natural fibers like bamboo in the development of products of high quality and innovation. They use bamboo in intensive technologies generating new products.

Bamboo has been, in some cases associated to negative connotations. It is thought that bamboo products are, for example, of poor quality, cheap, rustic or neglected, or used to create vulgar handcrafts. The expectations of this material are increasing considering the wide possibilities of industrial processing of bamboo, seeking the profit of markets and the many opportunities in which traditional designs made by artisans can coexist with current trends. Industry can define new concepts in design and can explore innovative processing techniques. The artisans have had to frequently review and update their designs to meet the current demands of consumers. It is the designer of the product that is often due to update the design and its incursion in the field of social design.

3.1. Social design. In this new 'social' way to address the fu



Esteve-Sendra,Chelea*,Moreno-Cuesta,Ricardob,Portaleacute;sMantilde;anoacute;s,Anac,Magal-Royo,Teresa c

aEsteve-Sendra,Chele,ETSID(EscuelaTeacute;cnicaSuperiordeIngenieriacute;adelminintilde;o)UniversitatPolitegrave;cnicadeValegrave;ncia,Camiacute;deVera s / n,Valencia 46022,Spain
bMoreno-Cuesta,Ricardo,Escuela de Arte y SuperiordeDisentilde;odeValencia,Calle Pintor Domingo,20,Valencia 46001,Spain cPortaleacute;s-Mantilde;anoacute;s,Ana,EscuelaTeacute;cnicaSuperiorde Arquitectura de Valencia,UniversitatPolitegrave;cnicadeValegrave;ncia ,Camiacute;deVera s / n,Valencia 46022,西班牙
dMagal Royo,Teresa,ETSID(EscuelaTeacute;cnicaSuperiordeIngenieriacute;adelminintilde;o),UniversitatPolitegrave;cnicadeValegrave;ncia,Camiacute;deVera s / n,Valencia 46022,Spain



copy;2012 Elsevier Ltd.出版选择和/或同行评审由AyşeCcedil;akırİlhan教授负责关键词:社会设计,工艺品,建筑,当代设计,竹子,可持续发展





2.1.竹;俗名,是一种巨型草,属于草本植物家族的植物群,其特征是长茎和木质灌木,形成大直径和大小的茎(秆)。根据哥伦比亚建筑师Simon Velez的说法,“G. Angustifolia竹子是建筑和基础设施领域的可再生资源,在结构上用于家庭和其他建筑物。等级高于正常硬度,类似于压缩钢和混凝土。它可用于家具,地毯,镶板,地板,隔板,管道,屋顶,结构和形式等。“



2.3.柳条是一种坚硬的植物组织纤维,来自灌木柳树(Salix属,Salix viminalis,脆弱沙柳和Salix purpurea),用于制作家具,篮子和其他有用物品。其他可再生纤维是蕉麻,椰壳纤维,粗麻布,剑麻和洋麻或大麻。




3.1.社交设计。在这种解决手工艺未来的新“社交”方式中,公平贸易商店出现,如乐施会,SKIP(支持秘鲁儿童)和项目Kala等举措来自西班牙纺织公司Nanimarquina与Care&Fair Association的合作正在进行披露和重新设计。



在加纳和肯尼亚(非洲)开发的另一个项目是Byke项目,竹子作为可持续的交通选择。在美国设计师Craig Calfee的带领下,自行车Bamboosero就是用竹子开发的新产品的一个例子。加纳与当地工匠合作生产自行车,旨在开设全球出口商店。哥伦比亚大学(美国)的Byke项目Bamboo和地球研究所在上述两个加纳和肯尼亚人口中研究了大规模自行车的工业制造。材料的柔韧性使其适合于吸收在道路中发生的冲击。

在生产竹子的农业社区中,这些举措被证明对消费者和农民都非常有益,并且可以创造负责任的生产并激励公司开发推动技术的产品。农民和工匠的作用不仅限于作物管理,收获和运输,还包括对竹制品最终制造的影响。竹子的使用已经扩展到其他应用,如为华硕Ecobook设计的电脑Bamboo笔记本电脑或iPhone的BoxWave案例。这些产品遵循当前的市场趋势,以满足苛刻和极具选择性的消费者,即所谓的“超级消费者”,这些消费者是创造新的情感和享乐主义体验的经验的收集者,法国哲学家和社会学家Gilles Lipovetsky所说的话。





在建筑和城市主义应用中,我们有T4终端(NAT)巴拉哈斯机场(西班牙马德里)是世界上最重要的建筑项目之一,因为它有120万平方米的面积。由建筑师Richard Rogers Partnership(英格兰)和Estudio Lamela(西班牙)设计,该项目模范地使用了光的减震器。


中德文化之家是德中两国合作范围的结果,即Gemeinsan Bewegung(共同前进)项目,旨在促进相互理解,作为成功合作的基础,以巩固德国作为未来国家的形象。德国中国之家不仅是2010年上海世博会建筑的亮点,也是天然材料建筑的先锋典范。这是世界展览中用两层竹子结构建造的独特例子。该建筑是一个非常重要的可持续建筑。该项目由设计师兼装置艺术家Markus Heinsdorff开发。

2010年上海世博会的另一个亮点是西班牙馆,被称为“西班牙篮子”。项目团队是位于巴塞罗那的Enric Miralles和Benedetta Tagliabue EMBT Architects的研究,由加泰罗尼亚建筑师Enric Miralles(1955-2000)和米兰的建筑师Benedetta Tagliabue创立。西班牙馆的建筑和内容以“从我们的父亲的城市到我们孩子的城市”的口号进行了预测。它提供了一种壮观的外观,结合了最新技术和其中的使用,以前所未有的规模,如竹子,柳条和藤条等传统材料,完全覆盖其外立面。自项目开始以来,提出了在馆的建筑中使用这些材料的建议。用Tagliabue的话来说:“我们发现了一些非常西班牙语,但我们遇到了一些新的东西。现在我们发现有机材料和柳条产品的自然遗产都使用了两国的传统,因为在中国有一种强烈的篮筐传统。”



但是......如果你想制定100年的计划。然后植物竹子一个古老的中国谚语510 BC


给我的父母,Yongqi Lou教授,Joseacute;AntonioRuiacute;zPepin教授和下一代竹子。


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