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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-21 11:03  

摘 要

随着我国科技水平的提高,我国的电网的覆盖范围也越来越广,与此同时带给我们的问题就是这么去提高电力系统的灵活性了,相应的电力系统对安全稳定性的要求也越来越高了。但是在解决问题体的过程中我们发现了模块化多电平换流器(Modular Multilevel Converter MMC)的很多特点,如模块化程度高、容易扩展、输出电压波形良好,而统一潮流控制器(UPFC)的作用是能对电网的电压、阻抗和功角、有功无功功率等同时且迅速地进行控制。然而,在高压大功率场合由模块化多电平换流器(后面称为MMC)构成的UPFC与两电平、三电平等传统换流器相比优势明显,具有广阔的工程应用前景。





With the improvement of China's scientific and technological level, China's power grid coverage is also more and more widely, at the same time to bring our problem is to improve the flexibility of the power system, and the corresponding power system security and stability requirements Getting higher and higher. However, in the process of solving the problem we found that the modular multi-level converter (Modular Multilevel Converter MMC) many features, such as a high degree of modularity, easy to expand, the output voltage waveform is good, and unified power flow controller (UPFC ) Is the role of the power grid voltage, impedance and power angle, active and reactive power, etc. at the same time and quickly control. However, in the high-voltage high-power occasions by the modular multi-level converter (hereinafter referred to as MMC) constitute the UPFC and two levels, three levels and other traditional converter compared to obvious advantages, with broad engineering prospects.

By studying the control method of UPFC, it is found that the cross decoupling control has obvious advantages in fastness and decoupling, but the disadvantage is obvious, that is, the robustness is relatively poor. On the contrary, there is another control method, Is the cross-coupling control, this control method has a relatively strong robustness, but the relative drawback is that this control method has a relatively poor fast and decoupling. The feedback linearization and variable structure control method are introduced into the cross-decoupling control, and it is found that this can not only improve the robustness of the system, but also keep the system's processing ability and decoupling High level.

The basic structure of the UPFC based on the modular multi-level converter is given. Then, the current control and capacitance voltage control on the parallel side and the series side are respectively modeled. Then, the feedback linearization and variable structure control method are introduced into the cross Decoupling control. The circuit model is built in Simulink, and the performance curve is obtained by giving the parameters and then controlling the parameter changes. The control strategy adopted is robust and has strong fastness and no Power and active power independent adjustment of the ability.

Key words: Unified Power Flow Controller(UPFC); Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC); Cross Decoupling; Feedback Linearization; Variable Structure Control; Robustness


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 基于模块化多电平变流器的UPFC研究现状 2

1.2.1 UPFC研究现状 2

1.2.2模块化多电平变换器的研究现状 5

1.2.3 MMC应用于UPFC现在存在的问题 6

1.2.4 UPFC在世界范围类的运行情况 7

1.3本文的主要研究内容 7

第二章 基于模块化多电平变流器的UPFC 9

2.1基于模块化多电平变流器的UPFC基本结构和原理 9

2.1.1基于模块化多电平变流器的UPFC基本结构 9

2.1.2串、并联换流器基本原理 9

2.2 MMC工作原理 10

2.2.1子模块开关状态分析 10

2.2.2 MMC运行机理 11

第三章 控制策略的研究 14

3.1串联侧电流控制 14

3.1.1功率外环 14

3.1.2电压内环 16

3.1.3电流内环 16

3.2并联侧电流控制 17

3.3并联侧电容电压控制 18

3.4串联侧电容电压控制 18

第四章 数值仿真 19

4.1快速性和解耦性验证 19

4.2鲁棒性的验证 20

第五章 结论 23

参考文献 24

致谢 25

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


在电气技术逐步发展的现在,对电力系统书店的要求也会越来越高,想要保证电力系统能够在各种甚至任何工作状态下都能,安全且效率较高的状态下运行,那么不需要通过提高输电技术来提高电力系统的输电质量和安全水平,构建合理的电网架构当然是基础,开发更安全更高效的输电配送技术也是很关键的。在这种环境下,各种更先进的输电系统就诞生了,其中一种就是FACTS,FACTS的全称是灵活交流输电系统(Flexible AC Transmission System ),这个系统是一个结合了电力电子技术和现代控制技术来实现对电力系统的重要参数进行调控使之具备更高的灵活性和快速性,这样电网就能更加快速的处理输电分配问题使得分配更加合理。正因为这个系统大幅度的提高了电网的稳定性和效率,而且能大幅度的减少发电成本和降低损耗,使得其在世界范围内都被称为有“现代电力系统中三项具有变革性影响的技术之一”。FACTS技术与一般的输电控制技术相比,不仅具有快速性、灵活性特点,同时还具有特别强的适应能力,其能在在电力系统已经存在的设备不做巨大调整的情况下更加完美调控电网。正因如此FACTS技术在电力系统中的应用前景将不可估量。

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