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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2023-02-04 21:37:34  


摘 要





Times New RomanUnder the background of global technology technology, UAV technology is in progress, and increasingly towards the direction of civilian technology improvement, various efforts to cater to the market demand, so as to inject a powerful force for the development of express industry, has become an important factor to promote the delivery of innovative business model. UAV technology has many connections with express industry, especially suitable for express companies such as SF, which express high speed, accuracy and quality of service. It is of great theoretical and practical value to study the express operation mode based on "unmanned aerial vehicle" and promote the development of express industry.

Based on this, the data analysis, comparative analysis and qualitative analysis, in a large number of domestic and foreign literature detailed analysis and defining the concept of UAV, study the relevant literature research on UAV, express operation, then analyzes the advantages and bottlenecks of SF express the main advantage is that, the speed advantage, direct advantage, service category is rich and comprehensive, high degree of information, brand advantage; and the bottleneck lies in, express network limitations, can not effectively use policy support, the cost is high, domestic and foreign express delivery companies gain competitive pressure, express the overall quality of talent shortage and low employee. Lack of market development and customer source is narrow, low level of information technology and the lack of awareness of innovation, the shortage of funds and lack of financing channels for higher priced service, Information technology reduces the service space of express delivery. Finally, to study the role of UAV to SF express combined with relevant theoretical knowledge. That is to further increase the SF speed advantage, effectively enhance the SF direct advantage, so the service category is more abundant, improve the level of information technology, enhance the brand advantage of the bottleneck for the application of SF; while the UAV technology of SF express breakthrough the main is: expanding the express network, can make use of policy support, effectively reduce the cost of delivery, will help alleviate the domestic and international express industry competition pressure, which can effectively avoid the lack of personnel, the overall quality of staff is low and disadvantages, enhance market development and expand the source of customers, enhance the level of information and awareness of innovation, increase profits and expand the channel resources, reduce the price of services.

Keywords: unmanned aerial; vehicle (UAV); Shun Feng Express

目 录

摘 要


第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

1.2 研究目的及意义

1.3 研究内容及方法

1.4 论文框架

1.5 研究思路

第二章 相关文献综述



第三章 无人机快递方式的优势、问题和问题分析

3.1 无人机快递方式的优势

3.2 无人机快递方式的问题和问题分析

第四章 无人机快递方式的解决方案和方案优化

4.1 快递无人机的使用需求

4.2 无人机生产企业可采取的措施

4.2.1 提高快递无人机的续航和载荷能力

4.2.2 解决快递无人机配送安全隐患

4.2.3 建立快递无人机保养维修体系

4.2.4 开展快递无人机租赁业务

4.3 顺丰快递的可行性对策

4.3.1 选取和优化配送环节

4.3.2 促进无人机及其调度系统产品标准化

4.3.3 制定作业风险管控措施

4.4 政府方面的规范和引导

4.4.1 建立健全相应的法律法规体系

4.4.2 营造有序的飞行空域管理秩序

4.4.3 提供财政支持

第五章 针对舟山市构建基于无人机的顺丰快递配送网络

5.1 舟山市地理、快递状况简介

5.2 对舟山市顺丰快递无人机配送中心的确定

5.3 对舟山市顺丰快递无人机配送环节的设定

5.4 对舟山市顺丰快递无人机调度系统的设计

5.5 对舟山市顺丰快递无人机配运网络的安全维护方案

结 论


第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究目的及意义


1.3 研究内容及方法



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