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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2023-02-04 21:37:28  


摘 要









Mode of Operation and Recycling System of Waste Mobile Phone Reverse Logistics Research


Under the double push of economy and technology, electronic products are becoming more and more popular in social life. Mobile phones have become the necessities of people"s life. The fast pace of the replacement of mobile phone products accelerates the frequency of changing the mobile phone, prompting the number of old mobile phones to increase rapidly, and there is also a huge waste of resources. At present, a large number of old and old mobile phones are still idle in the hands of consumers. In our country, the general mode of the recycling of old and old mobile phones is "small shops at a low price". This model is also the main model of the recycling of waste mobile phones in China, which not only causes the waste of resources, but also causes environmental pollution caused by improper handling.

With the continuous enhancement of people"s awareness of environmental protection, the concept of reverse logistics has been gradually taken seriously. More and more scholars focus on the origin, concept, mode and system of reverse logistics. The research on reverse logistics is relatively early in Western and Western countries. In 1990s, the reverse logistics was studied systematically, so the concept of reverse logistics was scientifically introduced into the logistics discipline. At present, in the era of micro competitive competition in electronic products industry, many enterprises are looking for new profit growth points. More and more mobile phone companies want to carry out reverse logistics in order to reduce production costs, improve customer service quality and increase enterprise profits, thus achieving the purpose of raising the competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, it is particularly important to choose the best reverse logistics operation mode and build a perfect reverse logistics recovery system. Reverse logistics is mainly divided into recycling logistics and waste logistics. In this paper, the recovery of waste mobile phones is taken as the breakthrough point, so we focus on the study of the recovery of reverse logistics.

The purpose of this paper is to study the construction of reverse logistics recycling system for waste mobile phones, mainly to study the following two problems: one is to choose the reverse logistics operation mode suitable for the recycling of old and waste mobile phones, and the two is to build the feasibility of the waste mobile phone recycling system based on the mode of the third party logistics.

This paper first describes the related concepts and characteristics of reverse logistics, and makes a literature review of the research status of reverse logistics at home and abroad.

Besides, from the problems of mobile phone shipments and elimination rate and the problem of waste cell phone recycling, we analyze the current situation of the reverse logistics recycling of discarded mobile phones in China. The purpose of this study is to investigate the recovery intention of consumers, and make a questionnaire survey on the recycling of used mobile phones in Nanjing.

Secondly, the three operating modes of reverse logistics are summed up, and the factors affecting the selection of reverse logistics operation mode are expounded. At the same time, the three operating modes are analyzed and compared from the management cost, the application of enterprise scale and so on. Finally, the operation mode of the third party logistics is more suitable for the waste mobile phones under the conditions of Chinese recycling.

Finally, from the three aspects of the construction background, case and recovery strategy, the feasibility of the waste mobile phone recycling system based on the third party logistics model is analyzed.

Keywords: Waste mobile phone; Reverse logistics; Mode of operation; Recycling system

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2 研究方法及思路 1

1.2.1研究方法 1

1.2.2研究思路 2

第二章 理论综述 3

2.1 逆向物流的概述 3

2.1.1 逆向物流的定义 3

2.1.2 逆向物流的特性 3

2.2 国内外研究现状综 4

2.2.1 国外研究现状综述 4

2.2.2 国内研究现状综述 4

第三章 废旧手机逆向物流回收现状分析 5

3.1 废旧手机逆向物流回收处理现状 5

3.1.1 我国手机产量和废弃量分析 5

3.1.2 我国废旧手机回收现状 5

3.1.3 国外废旧手机逆向物流回收经验借鉴 6

3.2 南京市废旧手机回收现状调查及分析 7

3.2.1 调查目的 7

3.2.2 调查数据分析 7

第四章 废旧手机逆向物流运作模式的选择分析 11

4.1 逆向物流运作模式 11

4.1.1 自营模式 11

4.1.2 联合模式 11

4.1.3 第三方物流模式 11

4.2 影响选择的因素 12

4.3 废旧手机逆向物流运作模式的选择分析 12

第五章 案例——以华为手机回收为例 14

5.1 回收体系构建背景分析 14


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