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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 生物工程 > 正文


 2022-05-31 10:05  


摘 要

藏红花(Crocus sativus L.)是一种名贵的中草药,在抗肿瘤方面具有良好疗效。藏红花只是柱头入药,产量极低,又因资源极其有限,使其价格昂贵。传统栽培条件下藏红花主要以球茎繁殖,但球茎繁殖系数低,退化现象严重,导致藏红花种源严重缺乏,远不能满足市场需求。植物细胞工程的发展为解决藏红花资源短缺问题提供了一条有效途径。

本文在藏红花细胞培养的基础上,通过添加不同的诱导子和前体的方法考察藏红花细胞的生长状况和藏红花色素的合成情况。实验证明:诱导子和前体对藏红花细胞生长产生和藏红花色素合成都有促进作用,但是作用效果有差异。诱导子中MJ作用效果最好,是对照的404%,NO次之,达到对照的147%。而前体中,乙酸钠效果最好,丙酮酸钠次之,但差别不是很大,均达到对照的160%倍以上。在诱导子与诱导子复合添加时,MJ与NO对藏红花色素合成促进效果最为明显,在添加MJ后第14d添加NO,藏红花色素含量达到54.85mg/g dcw,是对照的245%,这比单独添加MJ提高30%倍。在前体与前体,前体与诱导子复合添加实验中,MJ与丙酮酸钠复合添加效果明显,达到36.95mg/g dcw,MJ与乙酸钠复合添加次之,达到35.59mg/g dcw,是对照的205%和200%倍。

关键词:藏红花 细胞培养 藏红花色素 诱导子 前体


Saffron (Crocus sativus L.)is a rare Chinese Traditonal drug, it has good curative effect in anti-tumor. The main active ingredients focused on stigma, and the production of stigma was very low because of limited resources, so it is very expensive. Under the conditions of traditional cultivation, saffron was propagated by vegetative production through the formation of a daughter corm. However, the propagation rate of saffron was relatively low and the degradation of corms was serious, which resulted in a serious lack of seed sources. The development of plant cell engineering offered an effective way for resolving the promblem of saffron shortage.

In this paper, basing on cell culture, by adding different inducer and precursor method to detect the growth and synthesis of saffron pigment. Experiments show: the inducer and precursor had a promoting effects on affron growth and saffron pigment synthesis, but the effect was different. MJ was best introduction, higher by 404 than the control, under NO conditions ,the pigment yield of saffron was higher by 147% than the control. Precursor, best acetic acid sodium, sodium pyruvate times, but the difference was not very big, had reached more than 160%. In between induction and induction of compound added, MJ and NO saffron pigment synthesis promoting effect was most obvious, after adding MJ 14 d adding NO , pigment content was 54.85 mg/g DCW of saffron, higher by 245% than the control, the 30% higher than that of single add MJ. In the precursor and precursor, the composite precursor and elicitor add experiment, MJ compound added with sodium pyruvate effect was obvious, at 36.95 mg/g DCW, MJ compound with sodium acetating add times, reached 35.59 mg/g DCW, was 205% and 200% of the control.

Key Words: Crocus sativus L.;cell culture;saffron pigment;inductor;precursor


摘要 I


第一章 文献综述 1

1.1藏红花的主要化学成分 1

1.2藏红花的药用研究 1

1.2.1 抗肿瘤的作用 2

1.2.2 抗氧化的作用 2

1.2.3 降血脂作用 2

1.3 藏红花素类物质合成途径 2

1.4 藏红花的资源状况 5

1.5 解决藏红花资源短缺的途径 5

1.5.1 采用栽培措施提高单产 5

1.5.2 采用组织培养快速繁殖球茎 5

1.5.3 藏红花细胞培养 5

1.5.4 开发替代品 5

1.6植物细胞培养生产次生代谢产物调控研究 6

1.7诱导子在植物细胞培养中的应用 6

1.7.1 诱导子的定义和分类 6

1.7.2 诱导子的生物学特性 6

1.8前体在细胞培养中的应用 7

1.8.1前体的浓度 7

1.8.2 前体的添加时间 8

1.8.3 不同种类的前体之间的协同效应 8

1.8 本课题的研究内容及意义 8

第二章 材料与方法 9

2.1 材料 9

2.1.1 实验材料 9

2.1.2 藏红花细胞培养方法 11

2.1.3 藏红花悬浮培养细胞诱导子和前体处理 12

2.1.4 分析方法 12 生物量的测定 12

第三章 结果与讨论 14

3.1 单独添加前体及诱导子对细胞生长及色素合成的影响 14

3.2 复合添加前体及诱导子对细胞生长及色素合成的影响 18

第四章 结论与展望 21

4.1 结论 21

4.2 展望 21

参考文献 22

致谢 26

第一章 文献综述

藏红花(Crocus sativus L.)是一种多年生的草本植物[1],鸢尾科番红花属,因其在抗肿瘤[2,3]、抗氧化以及降血脂和护肝胆等方面都具有良好的治疗效果,且毒副作用相比其它抗肿瘤药物低而引起许多中外学者关注。但因其只有柱头入药,且传统的藏红花生产方式所带来的球茎繁殖率低和退化率高以及人工等因素导致藏红花产量和质量无法满足市场需求。通过利用植物细胞离体培养技术,提高其次级代谢产物产量来解决藏红花资源短缺的问题,因而通过添加诱导子和前体来诱导和促进藏花红细胞生长和藏红花色素的合成具有重要意义和研究前景。


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