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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2020-04-18 07:04  

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2. 参考文献

[1] Oxidation of chlorinated hydrocarbons over Pt#8211;Pd-based catalyst Part 1. Chlorinated methanes [2] Martin-MartinezM, Gomez-Sainero LM, Alvarez-Montero MA, Bedia J, Rodriguez JJ. Comparison of different precious metals in activated carbon-supported catalysts for the gas-phase hydrodechlorination of chloromethanes. Appl Catal B Environ 2013; 132#8211;3:256#8211;65. [3] Hunkeler D, Laier T, Breider F, Jacobsen OS. Demonstrating a natural origin of chloroform in groundwater using stable carbon isotopes. Environ Sci Technol 2012;46:6096#8211;101. [4] #225;lvarez-Montero MA, G#243;mez-Sainero LM, Mart#237;n-Mart#237;nez M, Heras F, Rodriguez JJ. Hydrodechlorination of chloromethanes with Pd on activated carbon catalysts for the treatment of residual gas streams. Appl Catal B Environ 2010;96:148#8211;56. [5] Evaluation of H-type zeolites in the destructive oxidation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds,Appl catal B 2000,24: 233-242. [6] Lalanne F, Malhautier L, Roux J C, et al. Absorption of a mixture of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in aqueous solutions of soluble cutting oil[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(6):1699. [7] Low-tempreture catalytic combustion of trichloroethylene over cerium oxide and catalyst deactivation 2008 [8] Combustion of aliphatic C2 chlorohydrocarbons over ceria-zirconia mixed oxides catalysts 2004 [9] Effect of the presence of n-hexane on the catalytic combustion of chororganics over ceria-zirconia mixed oxides [10] Catalytic purification of waste gases containing VOC mixture with Ce/Zr solid solution [11] Analysis of the simultaneous catalytic combustion of chlorinated aliphatic pollutants and toluene over ceria-zirconia mixed oxides [12] On the mechanism of the catalytic destruction of 1,2-dichloroethane over Ce/Zr mixed oxide catalysts [13] Oxidative steam reforming of methanol on Ce0.9Cu0.1OY catalysts prepared by deposition-precipitation,coprecipitation,and complexation-combustion methods

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