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 2022-11-24 03:11  

Research in accounting for income taxes

1. Introduction

This paper reviews one of the more complex areas of financial reporting: accounting for income taxes (AFIT). AFIT is the process by which (1) future cash tax payments and refunds arising from current and past transactions are recorded as deferred tax assets and liabilities in an attempt to accurately portray the financial position of the firm, and (2) the income tax expense is reported in an attempt to accurately portray the current financial performance of the firm. Before this millennium, AFIT and its implications for financial reporting and effective tax planning attracted limited attention in scholarly circles.However, in recent years, both financial accounting and tax researchers have begun to focus on AFIT, so much so that AFIT has become the most active area of accounting research in taxation.Almost all of the studies have been empirical, primarily testing the incremental information content of the tax accounts and their role in earnings management. To provide structure for understanding this growing literature, we discuss why AFIT is distinct from other financial reporting topics, briefly explain the essential principles that govern AFIT reporting, review extant studies,highlight key contributions, identify specific remaining questions of interest, and discuss weaknesses and opportunities of a more general nature.

To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive review of AFIT research.It is designed both to introduce new scholars to this field and to encourage active researchers to expand the frontier of AFIT. It is challenging to reach such a broad audience. For readers who have little or no understanding of the process by which firms account for income taxes in their financial statements (the income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, and the statement of equity),we include an intuitive explanation of the rules governing AFIT in Section 3. Others may wish to skip Section 3.

To narrow the scope of our analysis, we define AFIT research as work that evaluates the implications of the financial reporting choices involving the income tax accounts. Examples include tests of AFITrsquo;s role in earnings management and its information content. We exclude from our analysis those studies that use the tax accounts to analyze other phenomena. For example,

Mills (1998) tests whether differences in book and tax accounting affect Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit decisions. Another topic we exclude relates to work examining the association between differences in book and tax accounting and the cost of capital (e.g., Dhaliwal et al., 2008; Ayers et al., 2009; Crabtree and Maher, 2009). While these papers are interesting and important, we exclude them from our analysis because they evaluate the impact of AFIT, rather than studying AFIT itself.We recognize that this delineation is arbitrary, but as with all literature reviews, we are forced to set boundaries for our analysis.In addition, we do not discuss the sizeable literature that addresses tradeoffs between financial reporting and tax considerations.Although AFIT may involve tax planning considerations, we ignore issues related to the coordination of book and tax choices and refer readers to the Hanlon and Heitzman (2010) and Shackelford and Shevlin (2001) reviews.

Although related to traditional corporate income tax research, recent AFIT work resembles mainstream financial accounting research far more than it resembles the “Scholes-Wolfson” tax research, which draws heavily from economics and finance. However, there are some notable differences between AFIT and other financial reporting areas. While the distinctions are detailed in the next section, we briefly discuss them here. First, all companies are subject to taxation,making it one of the most pervasive financial reporting topics. Second, the taxing authority is one of the users of the tax information in the footnotes. Thus, the tax accounts provide information to an adversarial party. Third, the tax accounts provide an alternative measure of income. Finally, income tax expense is not included as a component of operating income. In fact, portions of the tax expense are reported below net income in items such as discontinued operations and other comprehensive income. These distinctive features of accounting for income taxes enable scholars to expand our understanding of financial reporting in directions that might not be possible using other accounts.

We divide the research literature into three topics: earnings management, the association between book-tax differences and earnings characteristics, and the equity market pricing of information in the tax accounts. Rather than provide here in the introduction a detailed and lengthy review of the many inferences that we draw from the extant literature and the directions that we propose for enhanced future study, we condense our findings into four broad generalizations. First, managers use the tax accounts to manage earnings to meet or beat analystsrsquo; forecasts, but not for other objectives, such as to smooth earnings, increase a big bath, avoid losses, or meet/beat prior earnings. Second, a small literature documents associations between book-tax differences and earnings characteristics, such as growth and persistence. Third, the evidence is inconsistent about the marketrsquo;s use of the information provided in the tax accounts.Fourth, by eliminating a second source of income information, conforming book and tax accounting would result in a loss of information to the market.

As mentioned above, Sections 2 and 3 provide an overview of AFIT, and Sections 4–6 review the scholarly studies in the field.

2. Why study accounting for income taxes?

A large proportion of AFIT studies have focused on questions that have been well researched in financial accounting,such as earnings management and the incremental content of fin






为了缩小分析范围,我们将AFIT研究定义为评估涉及所得税帐目的财务报告选择的影响的工作。示例包括AFIT在盈余管理及其信息内容中的作用的测试。我们从我们的分析中排除了使用税务帐户分析其他现象的研究。例如,米尔斯(1998)测试账面和税务会计差异是否影响国税局(IRS)的审计决策。我们排除的另一个话题涉及审查书籍和税务会计差异与资本成本之间关系的工作(例如,Dhaliwal等人,2008; Ayers等,2009; Crabtree和Maher,2009)。虽然这些论文很有趣和重要,但是我们将它们排除在分析之外,因为它们评估了AFIT的影响,而不是研究AFIT本身。我们认识到这种划分是任意的,但是与所有文献综述一样,我们被迫设定限定我们的分析。此外,我们不讨论解决财务报告和税务考虑之间权衡的相当大的文献。虽然AFIT可能涉及税收筹划方面的考虑,但我们忽略与协调账簿和税收选择相关的问题,并将读者引用到Hanlon和Heitzman(2010)和Shackelford和Shevlin(2001)评论。




大部分的AFIT研究集中在财务会计研究的问题上,例如盈余管理和财务披露的增量内容。 因此,在多大程度上,对税务帐目的研究会产生新的信息? 税务帐户有什么特别之处? 这些研究是对学术界的普遍兴趣,还是主要使用不同的帐户和数据重新检查以前的问题? 所得税会计的至少四个特征与财务报告的其他领域区别开来。首先,所得税是所有营利性公司面临的唯一费用,税收可以是实质性的,通常消耗三分之一以上的税前利润。由于纳税申报是保密的,作为财务报表和纳税申报单之间的桥梁,AFIT为大多数投资者提供了有关当前和未来税收的唯一来源。

第二,除了向通常的消费者提供财务报告信息的信息外,税务帐户向对手方即税务机关提供信息。 事实上,税务信息的主要用户可能是这个对手。对抗对手的税务帐户的潜在重要性对管理者来说是一个困境。一方面,他们面临着通常的激励措施,以便在一个通常可以通过最小化所得税费用从而最大化税后利润来降低财务报告成本。另一方面,报告低收入税可能会为税务机关提供红旗,降低其搜索成本,并降低公司的税后利润。报告低收入也可能导致负面宣传和潜在不利的立法。因此,AFIT的选择必须使与政府信息流动与财务报表其他用户的信息流平衡。



通过利用会计所得税的四个不同要素,学者可以使用税务帐户来解决否则将难以解决使用其他账户的问题。事实上,许多AFIT研究的动机(通常是隐含的)是税务帐户提供了研究重要问题的独特机会。例如,税务帐目中的盈余管理研究明确或隐含地考虑到税收支出不包括在营业收入中,以及当涉及对手方时管理收入的内在权衡。同样,许多有关税务事宜的研究都集中在FIN 48要求的新披露上,而且如果税务机关能够看到这些信息,那么这将对公司造成什么影响。注意到一些独特的AFIT属性已经被利用来研究收入管理和税收紧急情况,我们还强调,似乎有更多的机会研究所得税会计进一步利用其独特的特征。我们注意到我们对未来研究的建议中的一些机会。





此外,管理公认会计准则的规则和原则有时不同于管理所得税报告的规则和原则。 这是AFIT是一个复杂的财务报告领域的主要原因。而对于许多交易来说,书籍和税务处理是一样的,治疗方式往往不同。这些差异导致了两种不同的收入测度(账面收入和应税收入)以及资产,负债和权益两种不同的衡量标准。这些税收差异来源于税务法规,规定从各种不同的会计准则经济,社会,政治和行政理由。BTD有两种类型:临时和永久性。



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