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 2023-03-21 06:03  


James·Gross 斯坦福大学

摘要:使用情绪的过程模型,提出了以前因为中心和以反应为中心的情绪调节之间的区别。为了测试这种区别,120 名参与者观看了一部令人不适电影,同时记录了他们的体验、行为和生理反应。参与者1被告知要 (a) 以他们不会有任何感觉的方式思考这部电影(重新评估,一种前因受挫的情绪调节形式),(b) 以这样的方式行事,以使观看他们的人不会知道他们有什么感觉(压抑,一种以反应为中心的情绪调节形式),或者(c)看电影(控制条件)。与控制条件相比,重新评价和抑制均能有效减少情绪表达行为。然而,收获赞美减少了厌恶体验,而抑制增加了交感神经的激活。这些结果表明,这两种情绪调节过程可能具有不同的适应性后果。



正如这些例子所表明的,情绪调节是日常生活的一个常规特征(Morris amp; Reilly, 1987; Rippere, 1977)。十分之九的本科生报告说他们大约每天一次改变他们的情绪,并且大多数人都可以很容易地回忆起最近的一个例子(Gross,Feldman Barrett,&Richards,1998)。事实上,调节情绪的尝试是如此普遍,以至于我们通常认为情绪调节是理所当然的,只注意到它的缺失,例如当孩子发脾气时(Thompson,1991),朋友对我们的好消息表现不出快乐,抑郁的同事无法抑制压倒性的悲伤情绪(Gross amp; Munoz, 1995),或者我们会在一时冲动中失去冷静,说出让我们后悔的话。


这项研究得到了国家研究所 (National Insti) 赠款的行为科学跟踪奖的支持心理健康教程。我要感谢 Paul Ekman、Oliver P. John、Richard S. Lazarus、Jane M. Richards、Jeanne Tsai 和 Robert Zajonc 对本文草稿精炼的评论,以及 Robert W. Levenson 提供他的实验室设施.本文受益于情感研究小组成员在 1996 年 2 月在田纳西州纳什维尔 X^nderbilt 大学举行的会议上的评论,以及国际情感研究学会成员在 1996 年 8 月在多伦多大学举行的会议上的评论。与本文有关的通信应寄给斯坦福大学心理学系 James J. Gross,Cali福尼亚 94305-2130。电子邮件可通过互联网发送至 james@psych stanford.edu。此外,两篇广泛的文献都考虑了情绪调节,一篇与心理有关。身体健康,其他身体健康,请备注关于情绪调节的后果的巧妙分歧的结论。在接下来的部分中,我首先回顾了这两个结论。然后,我使用情绪的过程模型来区分两种情绪调节形式,并建议这种区分可能有助于调和这两种文献中所得出的结论。


这可以追溯到弗洛伊德的临床传统所强调的:心理健康取决于情感冲动的调节方式(弗洛伊德,1923/1961)。这导致了心理动力学开始重新搜索关注特征性情绪调节方式的健康后果(例如,Haan,1993;X^illant amp; Drake,1985)。最近,其他理论主张的支持者也阐述了心理健康需要适当调节情绪冲动的观点。例如,Beck、Rush、Shaw 和 Emery (1979) 和 Seligman (1991) 认为认知策略可用于预防或减轻抑郁症,Barlow (1991) 提出了情绪失调和情感精神病理学模型。

但是,“情绪调节具有可衡量的有益后果”这个命题,有什么支持呢? Lazarus 及其同事在一系列有影响力的研究中提供了一些初步证据(Lazarus 和 Opton,1966 年)。在一项代表性研究中,Lazarus 和 Alfert(1964 年)向学生展示了一个拍摄的 circumcision 仪式并操纵了伴随的配乐。一些参与者听到了旨在通过否认将电影的负面情绪影响降至最低的配乐强调手术中的痛苦并强调快乐

然而,在最近发表的文献中,对情绪调节这个话题的讨论激增(例如,Campos、Campos 和 Bar雷特,1989;艾森伯格等人,1995;福克斯,1994;加伯和道奇,1991)。程序的各个方面。其他参与者根本听不到配乐。与没有配乐的情况相比,听到配乐的参与者心率较慢,皮肤电导水平较低,情绪评分更愉快。这些研究结果表明,引导参与者较少消极地观看这部电影可以减少原本会非常令人痛苦的经历的压力。

诸如此类的研究表明,认知策略可以减少压力反应,并表明这种调节可能对心理健康有好处。这种观点已被纳入情绪理论(例如,Frijda,1988;Lazarus,1991;Plutchik,1980)、应对和减压理论(例如,Katz amp; Epstein,1991;Lazarus amp; Folkman,1984;Meichenbaum,1985) , 延迟满足 (Mischel, 1974; Shoda, Mischel, amp; Peake, 1990) 和精神病理学(例如,Barlow, 1988;Beck 等人,1979;Sayette,1993)。然而,尽管认知策略广为流传,但认知策略可用于折皱负面情绪的经验发现令人惊讶。自 Lazarus 开创该项研究以来,至少有一次复制失败(Steptoe 和 Vbgele,19X6),只有一次成功复制(Dandoy 和 Goldstein,1990)。正如 Wegner (1994) 在思想领域试图影响正在进行的心理过程可能会产生矛盾或意想不到的影响。这表明在假设情绪的认知控制具有独特的,甚至主要的,有益的后果时要谨慎。


随着心理与身体医学的出现,情绪调节对身体健康的影响成为焦点(Alexan德尔,1939 年)。然而,在这里,情绪调节不是英雄,而是恶棍。事实上,消极情绪的调节可能产生有害后果的观念成为整个心身事业的基石(Alexan德和法语,1946;邓巴,1954)。人们认为对悲伤和哭泣的长期抑制会导致呼吸系统疾病,例如哮喘(Alexander,1950;Halliday,1937);从属倾向的慢性抑制与胃肠道疾病有关,例如溃疡(Alexander 1950);愤怒的慢性抑制与心血管疾病有关,例如高血压(Alexander 1939)。

尽管其中一些假设已经不受认可;有部分人仍然表示认可。例如,慢性敌意和愤怒抑制可能与高血压和冠心病有关的观点(例如“弗里德曼和布斯-科利,1987 年;马努克和克兰茨,1986 年;TW Smith,1992 年;Steptoe,1993 年)。此外,还出现了涉及情绪调节的新假设,表明情绪抑制可能会加剧 mi也没有疾病 (Pennebaker, 1990),而且缺乏表达可能会加速癌症进展 (Fawzy et al., 1993; Gross, 1989; Spiegel, Bloom, Kraemei; amp; Gottheil, 1989)。

将这些假设结合在一起后的观点是:严格控制负面情绪可能会对身体健康产生不利影响。这究竟是如何发生的尚不清楚,但基本前提通常是抑制情绪会导致生理反应参数的急剧增加,从长远来看,这可能会造成损害(Krantz amp; Manuck,1984)。从检查情绪调节的急性生理效应的研究结果从经验上看,情绪是混杂的(回顾见 Gross amp; Levenson,1993),但最近的工作表明,情绪抑制将会导致交感神经活性急剧增加(Gross amp; Levenson, 1993. 1997)。



为了解决这个问题,我采用了图 1 所示的情绪过程模型。该模型是对情绪研究人员主要收敛点的提炼(例如,Arnold,1960;Ekman,1972;Frijda,1986;Izard,1977;Lang,1995;Lazarus,1991;Levenson,1994;Plutchik,1980;Scherer,1984;Tbmkins,1984)。根据这个共识在一般模型中,情绪始于对外部或内部情绪线索的评估。某些评估会触发一系列协调的行为、体验和生理情绪反应共同促进对感知到的挑战和机遇做出适应性反应的反应倾向。然而;这些反应倾向可能会被调节,正是这种调节最终形成了情绪反应的形式。


如图 1 所示,该模型表明情绪可以通过操纵系统的输入来调节或通过操纵其输出。在这两大类情绪调节中,可以进行更细颗粒度的区分(参见 Fry da,1986;Gross,1998)。 Fbr 示例,情绪调节包括:情境选择,其中一个人根据其可能的情绪影响接近或避免某些人或情境;情境修改,其中一个人修改环境以改变其情绪影响;注意力部署,其中一个人将注意力转向或远离某事以影响自己的情绪;认知变化,其中一个人重新评估一个人所处的情况或一个人管理这种情况的能力,以改变一个人的情绪。以反应为中心的情绪调节还包括多种类型,例如强化、减少、延长或减少持续情绪体验的策略,例如压力或生理反应。

3Lazarus 和同事们的区别不应该混淆以先行和反应为中心的情绪调节之间的区别以问题为中心和非以非为中心的应对方式之间的区别近退休以支持更具体的应对策略(Folk man amp; Lazarus, 1988)。以情绪为中心的应对是指调节压力情绪的努力,因此与上级类别共存。



反应倾向 laquo;Behaviorid bull;Experience *Physiologica[





图 1. 一个共识的情绪过程模型,突出了两大类情绪调节。


这个模型是否也可以用来制作更具体的关于这两种情绪调节形式的预测?在潜在压力情境的背景下,前因导向的情绪调节可能采取重新评估情境的形式化以降低其情感相关性(参见 Lazarus, 1991; Scherer, 1984; C. A. Smith amp; Ellsworth, 1985)。这应该会降低情绪反应倾向被激活的程度,从而导致消极情绪的主观、生理和表现迹象比其他情况下明显减少。相比之下,反应性情绪调节应该针对情绪发生时产生的反应倾向。例如,考虑抑制,定义为有意识地抑制正在进行的情绪表达消极行为 因为监管工作有选择地关注行为;我们会期望较少的情绪表达行为。隐藏表达行为的主观后果是一个有争议的问题,但最近的评论(Gross amp; Levenson, 1993, 1997)表明抑制应该对主观体验几乎没有影响,至少在负面情绪的背景下?因为抑制途径会起作用与与情绪相关的生理反应倾向同时发生,我们可能会期待混合的生理状态。这种状态将包括由于抑制行为反应的额外任务而增加的交感神经激活。情绪调节(至少对于*有压力的*情绪)。相比之下,以问题为中心的应对是指尝试修改一个麻烦的环境ronment,因此是一种以前因为中心的情绪调节形式。趋势的产生(Gross amp; Levenson, 1993, 1997);情绪体征减少,因为这些是抑制的目标;以及受躯体活动影响的心率降低(Obrist,1981)。


本研究的目的是检验一般命题:一种情绪与关闭一种已经产生强烈反应倾向的情绪会产生不同的后果。因此,本研究直接比较了一种以前因为中心的情绪调节、重新评估和一种形式重新的以反应为中心的情绪调节、抑制、控制条件。重新评价被定义为以非情绪化的方式解释潜在的与情绪相关的刺激(见 Speisman、Lazarus、Mordkoff 和 Davison,1964)。抑制被定义为在情绪激动时抑制情绪表达行为(Gross amp; Levenson,1993)。

使用了一种已知会引起厌恶的有效电影刺激物。这部电影的效力确保了大多数参与者都会有理想的情绪反应倾向(Gruss amp; Levenson,1995)。然而,这也增加了一些参与者不知所措的可能性。为了减少这种可能性,所有参与者首先在没有特别指示的情况下观看了一


Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

199amp; Vbl 74. No. 1, 224-237

Antecedent- and Response-Focused Emotion Regulation:
Divergent Consequences for Experience, Expression, and Physiology

James 丄 Gross

Stanford University

Using a process model of emotion, a distinction between antecedent-focused and response-focused emotion regulation is proposed. To test this distinction, 120 participants were shown a disgusting film while their experiential, behavioral, and physiological responses were recorded. Participants

1 were told to either (a) think about the film in such a way that they would feel nothing (reappraisal, a form of antecedent-fbcused emotion regulation), (b) behave in such a way that someone watching them would not know they were feeling anything (suppression, a form of response-focused emotion regulation), or (c) watch the film (a control condition). Compared with the control condition, both reappraisal and suppression were effective in reducing emotion-expressive behavior. However, reappraisal decreased disgust experience, whereas suppression increased sympathetic activation. These results suggest that these 2 emotion regulatory processes may have different adaptive consequences.

What happens when we get so angry with an erratic driver that we feel like yelling at him, yet we do not? Or when we feel down but want to be in good spirits for a party? Or when we find something outrageously funny but need to stifle our laughter during a formal ceremony? At times such as these, we regulate our emotions. That is, we attempt to influence which emotions we have, when we have them, and how these emotions are experienced or expressed.

As these examples suggest, emotion regulation is a regular feature of everyday life (Morris amp; Reilly, 1987; Rippere, 1977). Nine out of 10 undergraduates report that they alter their emotions, about once a day, and most can readily recall a recent example (Gross, Feldman Barrett, amp; Richards, 1998). Indeed, attempts at regulating emotions are so common that we typically take emotion regulation for granted, noticing only its absence, such as when a child throws a temper tantrum (Thompson, 1991), a friend shows too little happiness at our good news, a depressed colleague is unable to stem overwhelming feelings of sadness (Gross amp; Munoz, 1995), or we lose our composure in the heat of the moment and say things we later regret.

Considering the ubiquity of emotion regulation, one might expect theoretical and empirical analyses to abound. Surprisingly,

This research was supported by Behavioral Science Track Award for Rapid Transition (B/SIAKT) Grant MH53859 from the National Institute of Mental Health. I would like to thank Paul Ekman, Oliver P. John, Richard S. Lazarus, Jane M. Richards, Jeanne Tsai, and Robert Zajonc for their thoughtful comments on a draft of this article and Robert W. Levenson for making his laboratory facilities available. This article benefited from the comments of both members of the Emotion Research Group at its February 1996 meeting at X^nderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, and members of the International Society for Research on Emotion at its August 1996 meeting at the University of Toronto, Tbronto, Ontario, Canada,

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to James J. Gross, Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-2130. Electronic mail may be sent via the Internet to james@psych stanford.edu.

this is not the case? Moreover, the two broad literatures in which emotion regulation has been considered, one concerned with psychological health and the other with physical health, offer remarkably divergent conclusions about the consequences of emotion regulation. In the following sections, I first review these two literatures. I then use a process model of emotion to draw a distinction between two forms of emotion regulation and suggest that this distinction may help to reconcile these two literatures.

Emotion Regulation: Less Stress and Better
Psychological Health

Clinical tradition dating back to Freud has emphasized that psychological health hinges on how affective impulses are regulated (Freud, 1923/1961). This has led psychodynamic researchers to focus on the health consequences of characteristic emotion regulatory styles (e.g., Haan, 1993; X^illant amp; Drake, 1985). Recently, proponents of other theoretical persuasions also have elaborated the view that psychological health requires that emotional impulses be regulated properly. For example, Beck, Rush, Shaw, and Emery (1979) and Seligman (1991) have argued that cognitive strategies may be used to prevent or alleviate depression and Barlow (1991) has advanced a model of emotion dysregulation and affective psychopathology.

But what support is there for the proposition that emotion regulation has measurable beneficial consequences? Lazarus and colleagues provided some of the first evidence in an influential series of studies (Lazarus amp; Opton, 1966), In one representative study, Lazarus and Alfert (1964) showed students a filmed circumcision ritual and manipulated the accompanying soundtrack. Some participants heard a soundtrack that had been designed to minimize the negative emotional impact of the film by denying the pain involved in the surgery and emphasizing the joyful

1 In the developmental literature, however there has been a recent surge of interest in emotion regulation (e.g., Campos, Campos, amp; Barrett, 1989; Eisenberg el al., 1995; Fox, 1994; Garber amp; Dodge, 1991). aspects of the procedure. Other participants heard no soundtrack at all. Compared with the no-soundtrack condition, participants who heard the soundtrack had slower heart rates, lower skin conductance levels, and more ple



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