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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2022-10-29 20:33:56  


摘 要







The Structure Design of C19 Teaching Building Ⅱ


The graduation design is “the structure design of C19 teaching buildingⅡ”, which consists mainly of two parts. The upper part is cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, the lower part is independent foundation under single pillar. The building is regular in plane and it is 5000 square meters in construction area. The bottom layer of the 4-store building is 4.8 meters and the remaining layers are 3.8 meters. The seismic fortification category is Class C. The design reference period is 50 years. The seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees. The basic design earthquake acceleration is 0.1g. The classification of design earthquake is group I and the site soil category is groupⅡ.

The design of “the structure design of C19 teaching buildingⅡ” includes: structural calculations and construction drawings. do computing first, then do hand calculations, and finally compare the results of them.

Hand calculation includes: the choice of materials, structural arrangement ,determination of beam and column section size; Then choose a piece of framework , use Moment Distribution Method to analyze its internal force under vertical load(dead load, live load, gravity load), use Bottom Shear Method and D-Value Method respectively to calculate its internal force under horizontal load(wind load, seismic load);Next, select the most disadvantageous combination of five load combinations to make beam and column reinforcement calculation; design the independent foundation under single pillar and reinforcement concrete plate stairs.

Computing includes: make a model with PKPM, then use SATWE to calculate and analyze internal forces, use the result of SATWE to see if the structure is reasonable and adjust the unreasonable part, finally draw the concrete structural working drawing.

Keywords: Reinforced concrete structure design; Frame structure; Fabricated structural design

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1.1 选题背景和意义 1

1.2 课题设计方案 1

第二章 工程概况和设计资料 2

2.1 工程名称 2

2.2 工程概况 2

2.3 建筑场地的工程地质资料 2

2.4 材料 3

2.5 设计依据 3

第三章 结构平面布置 5

3.1 结构方案 5

3.2 结构平面布置 5

3.3 初选梁、柱截面尺寸 5

第四章 荷载计算 9

4.1 恒载计算 9

4.2 楼、屋面活荷载标准值 9

4.3 梁间荷载 9

第五章 纵向框架在竖向荷载作用下的计算简图 13

5.1 楼板荷载分布 13

5.2 重力荷载计算 22

第六章 纵向框架在竖向荷载作用下的内力分析 27

6.1 恒载作用下的内力分析 27

6.2 活载作用下的内力分析 33

6.3 纵向框架在重力荷载作用下的内力图绘制 36

第七章 纵向框架在水平地震作用下的内力和位移计算 39

7.1 重力荷载代表值计算 39

7.2 水平地震作用和位移计算 47

7.4 纵向框架在水平地震作用下的内力计算 53

第八章 内力组合 61

8.1 一般规定 61

8.2 框架梁内力组合 62

8.3 框架柱内力组合 68

第九章 框架梁、柱截面设计 75

9.1 框架梁截面设计 75

9.2 框架柱截面设计 83

第十章 基础设计 95

10.1 地基设计条件 95

10.2 基础设计 96

第十一章 楼梯设计 102

11.1 标准层楼梯设计 102

11.2 底层楼梯设计 107

11.3 梯柱设计 112

第十二章 手算一榀框架结果与电算结果对比 114

12.1 用PKPM进行框架结构的整体计算 114

12.2 电算计算简图与手算对比 114

12.3 框架内力手算与电算结果的对比分析 115

第十三章 装配式建筑结构设计 118

13.1 引 言 118

13.2 用PKPM-BIM进行装配整体式框架结构计算 118

13.3 装配式结构施工图 120

结束语 125

致 谢 126

参考文献 127

附 录 128

第一章 引 言

1.1 选题背景和意义



1.2 课题设计方案



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