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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-07-13 12:07  

摘 要

宁远县位湖南南部,东邻新田、嘉禾县,西毗道县、双牌,南接江华,北抵祁阳。地处北纬25°11′-26°6′和东经110°43′-112 °15′之间。本次设计范围为宁远县新城区,该城区地势较平坦,有潇水河由南向北流过,可供雨水和污水排放。宁远县新城区尚无排水管涵,生活污水直接排入城区东面的潇水河。潇水河规划为地面水III类水体,据监测分析,宁远县城区以上水质符合二类水质功能区标准,以下则未达三类水体的要求,污染物质中部分会出现超标。

按照该县的远期预期,最近这些年(2020年)该城区总的人口数量为9万人,之后的规划(2030年)该城区总的人口数量为14万人。按照该城区的主要建筑物还是以三、五层,目前来讲变化并不是很大,建筑内初步打算设置淋浴设施。之后的规划是七、八层楼房,建筑内部依旧是设置淋浴设施,但仍不具备热水的供应。设计采用雨、污分开的排水方式。污水管网只设一条主干管,收集污水送入污水处理厂进行处理;雨水管网采用分散出口的布置形式,顺坡铺设,分别由五条主干管就近排入潇水河。本次的污水处理厂的近期规模的2.8万m3/d,远期规模为4.2万m3/d。采用的生物处理工艺是氧化沟活性污泥法,出水符合国家一级B 排放标准。污水处理过程中产生的污泥经浓缩脱水后外运。




Ningyuan city is located in the south of Hunan Province,to the east of Xintian,Jiahe city ,to the west of Daoxian,Shuangpai city,to the south of Jianghua and to the north of Qiyang city . It is located in east longitude 110 ° 43 '~112 ° 15 ', north latitude 25 ° 11'~ 26 ° 6'. The design of the new range of Ningyuan Town, the city relatively flat terrain, there Xiaoshui river flows from south to north, for rain and sewage discharges. Ningyuan new city is no drainage culvert, urban sewage directly into the river east Xiaoshui. Xiaoshui river surface water planning for the class III water body, according to the monitoring and analysis, Ningyuan City water meets two or more functional areas of water quality standards, it is less than the following three types of water standards, some pollutants exceeded.

According to the overall planning of the city, the recent population of Ningyuan City is 90 thousands, and the long term population is 140 thousands. At present, the city's major buildings with three, five, the recent changes little, indoor water supply and drainage facilities and showers. Long-term planning for the seven or eight buildings, sanitation and indoor showers, but still no centralized hot water supply. It’s planning to use the separate drainage system of raining water and sewage water. The sewage pipe network only uses one main pipe to collect sewage water into the sewage treatment plant for processing. The outlets of raining water networks are dispersedly arranged and the pipelines are buried with the trend of the slope. It consists of five main pipe into the nearby Xiaoshui. The recent scale of the Sewage treatment plant is 28000m3/d,long-term scale is 42000m3/d. The main body of the sewage treatment process is the activated sludge oxidation ditch, which the processed water will be up to the national level 1B sewage discharge standard. The wastewater treatment process of sludge concentrating and dewatering by sinotrans.

Submit the design drawings: sewage pipe network layout, rainwater pipe network layout, profile diagram of rainwater main pipes , sewage treatment factory layout graph and elevation layout, the samples of the sewage pumping, the samples of secondary sedimentation tank, the samples of oxidation ditch.

Key Words:Ningyuan city; Sewage pipe network; rainwater pipe network; sewage treatment; oxidation ditch


摘要 i

Abstract ii

第一章 绪论 1

第二章 设计说明书 2

2.1 工程概况 2

2.1.1 原始资料 2

2.1.2 设计范围 3

2.1.3 设计依据 4

.2.1.4 排水体制 4

2.2 污水管网工程设计 5

2.2.1 设计参数 5

2.2.2 污水设计流量计算 6

2.2.3 污水管网水力计算 8

2.3 雨水管网工程设计 10

2.3.1 暴雨强度公式 10

2.3.2 雨水设计流量计算 10

2.3.3 雨水管网水力计算 11

2.4 污水处理厂工程设计 11

2.4.1 工程规模 11

2.4.2 设计水质 12

2.4.3 工艺方案比较 12

2.4.4 污水处理构筑物设计 14

2.5 工程估算 23

第三章 设计计算书 24

3.1 污水管网设计计算 24

3.1.1 平面图上布置污水管道 24

3.1.2 街区编号并计算其面积 24

3.1.3 划分设计管段,计算设计流量 24

3.1.4 污水管道水力计算 24

3.1.5 污水管网水力计算 27

3.2 雨水管网设计计算 28

3.2.1 暴雨强度公式的确定 28

3.2.2 雨水管道设计流量确定 29

3.2.3 雨水管道水力计算 29

3.3 污水处理厂设计计算 31

3.3.1 水量计算 31

3.3.2 格栅设计计算 33

3.3.3 污水提升泵房设计计算 37

3.3.4 沉砂池的设计计算 40

3.3.5 巴氏计量槽的设计计算 41

3.3.6 厌氧池和氧化沟的设计计算 43

3.3.7 综合井设计计算 51

3.3.8 二沉池设计计算 53

3.3.9 接触消毒池设计计算 58

3.3.9 污泥脱水机房 60

3.3.10 加药间设计计算 61

3.3.11 加氯间以及氯库 63

3.3.12 污水处理厂平面与高程布置 65

3.4 工程估算 73

3.4.1 污水厂处理工程投资估算 73

3.4.2 污水厂处理成本估算 73

第四章 结束语 76

参考文献 77

附录 78

致谢 111

第一章 绪论



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