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    A Corpus-based Critical Analysis of Brookings Institutions China-Related Political Discourses开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义1.1研究背景目前,美国智库已然是影响美国公共领域相关决策和司法立法的政治力量,是能够代表社会各方利益的重要机构。他们的一些观点和言论在一定程度上体现了美国政府的决策导向,是美国政府制定相关决策或对策的 “咨询机构”。布鲁金斯学会是美国最有影响力的思想库之一,其宗旨为:通过开展高质量的独立研究,提出具有创新精神和实用性的政策建议;其目的是捍卫美国民主;确保所有美国人获得经济繁荣、加强社会保障、维护公共安全;推进形成更加开放、安全、繁荣和合作的国际社会.一定程度上来说,布鲁金斯学会对美国政府的对华决策有着很大的影响,然而,目前对布鲁金斯学会对中国政治的话语关注较少,对其涉华政治的态度不是特别明确,以致对其可能会给中美关系带来的影响的分析,显得尤为不足.及物性是英国著


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献) 1.结合毕业设计(论文)课题情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,每人撰写 2000字左右的文献综述: 文 献 综 述 1.基于斑马鱼模型的水飞蓟素毒理学评价概述: 1.1水飞蓟素简介: 水飞蓟素(silymarin)是从一种名为乳蓟(Milk Thistle)植物提炼而成,其结构式如图1所示,主要含有水飞蓟宾(silybin)、水飞蓟亭(silychristin)、异水飞蓟宾(isosilybin)、水飞蓟宁(silydianin),其中水飞蓟宾的含量最高[1];具现代药理学研究,该化合物有保肝护肝、降血脂、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、增强免疫力等多种生理学活性[2-5][14-15]。关于水飞蓟素的药理活性与临床评价研究文章很多[6],但研究其毒理学特性的评价甚少。 1990年Lotteron等人报道了在小鼠肝微粒体内,水飞蓟素能减少由CCl4代谢物引起的体外脂质过氧化及有


    全文总字数:9690字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1Purpose and significance 1.1 Research Background For information on trucks using a combination of internal combustion engines and electric propulsion, see Hybrid electric truck.Electric Renault Midlum used by Nestlé in 2015.An electric truck is an electric vehicle powered by batteries designed to deliver cargo.Electric trucks have been around in niche application areas for over a hundred years, but more recently the advent of lithium ion batteries has enabled the range of electric trucks to increase to several hundred miles, making them of much wider applicability.Electric trucks are becoming an alternative to traditional trucks, while creating no local pollution. Due to the high efficiency of electric power trains, running costs are expected to be lower.Their simplicity is also supposed to make maintenance costs much lower.However, electric trucks are usually heavier than diesel trucks, the energy density of lithiu


    1. 研究目的与意义随着21世纪的到来,互联网走进千家万户。计算机业的飞速发展,给各行各业带来了方便与快捷。当然,学校教育也不例外,教育作为推动经济发展、促进就业、改善民生的重要途径,必须受到重点关注。计算机互联网与学校教育的结合一定会大大改善教学质量,提高教学效率。未来的教育一定是网络化教育,其优秀的资源共享、强大的组织能力、高效的师生互动功能是传统教学所不能媲美的。其中一个很重要的环节就是试题库的管理与考试系统。传统的考试需要人工出题、印刷试卷、考生考试、人工阅卷、统计成绩等繁琐步骤,耗费人力物力,并且工作量的增加也会或多或少导致评阅的错误,因此传统的方法在当代显得非常的笨重和低效。网上试题库和考试系统可以解决传统方式所达不到的高效阅卷、智能出题等问题,教师减


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 随着时代的发展,科技的进步,日历不仅在我们的生产、生活中必不可少,而且它的内容和形式也越来越丰富。在高速发展的现代社会,传统的日历在其功能和性能上已逐渐不能满足人们的生产生活,各种电子化的日历应运而生。本课题是基于一种EDA工具设计的智能数字日历,不仅具有传统日历年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒计时显示功能,同时,它还能智能化的判断当前的年份(平年和闰年)自我调整,另外它还加上了时间调整功能、整点报时功能和闹钟功能。它能满足了大多数人对日历功能的要求,大大的方便了人们的生活。 自从单片机的广泛运用,各种各样的多功能电子日历相继问世,目前,国内的数字日历技术向着超微型、超高效的方向发展,具有体积小,耗电小、计时精准、性能稳定、维护方便等特


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 直至今日,国内外的专家以及行业相关人士都在对功率回收液压泵试验台的研究进行积极且广泛的研究。国外在相关行业起步早,发展水平较高,尤其是对计算机测试技术的合理运用,让其在这个方面变得比较成熟,但由于某些原因,很难确切地了解到其技术核心。国内在此项研究上虽然起步晚,但在广大专家以及行业人士的努力之下,同样取得了极大的进展: 陈国安等设计了一种液压泵功率回收试验系统,并申请了专利。这种功率回收式反馈试验方法,在技术上和经济上有很多可取之处,特别适用于大功率液压泵性能试验,对提高试验经济效果有很大帮助。如果将这部分产生热能的功率加以回收利用,能量损失减小,将大大减小装机功率,达到节能、节约时间和成本的设计要求。 白国长等提出了一种机械


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 板料成形技术是重要的金属成形方法之一,广泛应用于工业领域,如:航空、航天、船舶、汽车等。在板料成形过程中,由于几何边界条件和摩擦条件等因素的影响,加载路径通常偏离线性路径,对于复杂形状零件成形、多工步成形等情况更是如此,时常出现破裂、起皱、回弹等成形缺陷[1],所以了解板料成形能力具有重要意义,作为判断板料成形能力的一个重要指标——成形极限图(FLD)[2],由金属薄板在各种应变状态时所能达到的极限应变值所构成的图形,能直观、清楚地表明薄板在冲压过程中的变形情况。零件变形接近或超过成形极限曲线即可冲裂[3],而变形范围在成形极限曲线下方的零件,表明不会出现零件报废的情况,因而通常采用成形极限图作为组织生产,比较最佳工艺以及冲压设计及选材的依据。 通常采

    初中生英语词汇学习策略调查An Investigation of Middle School Students’ English Vocabulary Learning Strategies开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)With the deepening of China's internationalization, English, as the most common international language, is being used by more and more people. Learning and mastering English is the basic requirement for the national quality in the 21st century. English has become an important tool for learning cultural and scientific knowledge, acquiring information from all aspects of the world and conducting international exchanges. Vocabulary learning is an important part of English teaching. Wilkins, a foreign language scientist, once said, "Without grammar, ideas are difficult to express, but without vocabulary, nothing can be expressed at all." In the Compulsory Education English Curriculum Standards (2017), the Ministry of Education requires junior high school students to learn and use 1500-1600 English vocabulary and 200-300 fixed collocations or idioms when they graduate, and to be able to use vocabulary to describe things, behaviors

    The Relationship between EFL Learners’ Motivation and Learning Achievement across Grades开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)1.Introduction1.1 Research backgroundIndividual differences (IDs) have been studied for quite a long time, even pre-dating the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research. Many recent studies have sought to uncover the underlying relationships between IDs and second language (L2) achievements. For example, many researchers have shown great interest in exploring why some learners are more successful than others. The core factors which were commonly included by many researchers in their research are language aptitude, motivation, personality, intelligence, learning strategies and age. The relevant factors related with learners are language aptitude, age, gender, learning motivation, anxiety, self-esteem, individual character, learning preference, learning strategies, intelligence and so on. Among these factors, most of them cannot be changed or it is hard to change them, which are called uncontrollable factors (Wen, 1993). Howeve

    A Case Study on English Majors’ Use of Listening and Speaking Learning APP “LiuLiShuo”英语专业学生对听说学习APP“流利说”的使用个案研究开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)1. Introduction With the rapid development of science and technology, the popularity of mobile devices not only facilitates people#8217;s lives, but also creates better carriers for mobile learning. It is generally believed that mobile learning can occur at anytime and anywhere. Mobile devices used in mobile learning must be able to effectively present learning content and provide two-way communication between teachers and learners (Aleksander, 2006). With the popularization of smart phones, a variety of mobile learning softwares emerge in endlessly, which provide many conveniences for learners. 1.1 Need for the study According to A Research into Evaluation Indicator System of English Listening and Speaking Software (2009), English learning softwares can be divided into different categories, such as APPs of vocabulary skills training, APPs of listening and speaking skills training, APPs of reading skills training and APPs






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