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 2022-12-29 11:12  




原文作者 V. Abilash1和J. Paul Chandra Kumar2

1Post-Graduate Scholar, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai

2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai

专业 应用物理学 学生姓名 郑小宝

指导教师 梁祖峰

要:地雷探测对于在敌方领土内部署武装车辆的商品票价至关重要。这些武装车辆或主战坦克用于跟踪手动操作的飞行员坦克的路径,以避免战斗坦克的损坏/分心和防御队员的防御伤害。此外,通过部署地雷探测机器人可以检测和扩散战争期间埋设的地雷,这可以挽救平民生命,避免人为伤害。这项研究工作提出了一个陆地探测机器人(LDR)的原型模型,可以使用Wi-Fi远程操作。技术。解决了人类的安全问题,并设计了带有特殊距离传感器的机器人,以避开障碍物。使用轻质耐高温金属制造该项目原型。采用全球定位系统(GPS)传感器,其识别和广播机器人的当前位置。路径规划,障碍物检测和回避算法被用于通过避开障碍物来准确地控制所提出的路径并导航。Arduino微控制器用于这个机器人。机器人系统内嵌有金属探测器,能够感应地雷和蜂鸣器,向该区域附近的人员发出警报。机器人的运动由直流电动机执行。通过部署ZigBee设备,机器人与PC连接。机器人可以使用Proteus 8Tm值软件和使用Arduino软件的嵌入式编程来识别地雷的位置。



地雷是隐藏在地面下或地面上的爆炸装置,旨在摧毁或禁用敌方目标,从战斗人员到车辆和坦克,当他们越过或靠近它时。这种装置通常在目标踏在其上或在其上行驶时通过压力自动引爆,尽管使用其他爆炸机制。地雷可能会受到碎片的直接爆炸效应造成的破坏被爆炸或两者抛出的。这个名字起源于古老的军事采矿实践,在那里挖掘了在敌人防御工事或部队编队下的隧道。这些杀戮隧道首先被摧毁,以摧毁上面的目标,但后来他们被爆炸物填满并引爆,以造成更大的破坏。如今,按照通常的说法,地雷一般是指专门制造为杀伤人员或反车辆武器的装置。尽管许多类型的简易爆炸装置(“简易爆炸装置”)在技术上可归类为地雷,但通常使用的是地雷一词。保留用于由公认的军事部门使用的制造设备,而IED用于准军事,叛乱或恐怖主义团体组装的临时设备。使用地雷是有争议的,因为它们具有滥杀滥伤武器的潜力。在冲突结束多年后,它们可能仍然存在危险,对经济和平民造成伤害。在国际禁止地雷运动组织的一系列运动团体的压力下,一项禁止使用这一运动的全球运动促成了1997年“关于禁止使用,储存,生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约” ,也被称为“渥太华条约”。迄今为止,已有162个国家签署了该条约。根据必须启动的爆炸类型,地雷一般分为两类,反坦克地雷设计用于固定或摧毁车辆及其乘员。在美国军事术语中,摧毁车辆被称为灾难性杀戮,而仅禁用其移动被称为移动性杀戮。反坦克地雷通常比杀伤人员地雷大,需要更大的爆炸压力。高触发压力,通常需要100千克(220磅),以防止它们被步兵或较小重要的小型车辆引爆。更现代化的反坦克地雷使用聚能射孔弹来聚焦并增加爆炸物的装甲穿透。反人员地雷反人员地雷的设计主要是为了杀人或伤害人,而不是车辆。它们通常旨在伤害而不是杀死,以增加对敌部队的后勤支援(疏散,医疗)负担。某些类型的反人员地雷也可能损坏装甲车辆的轨道或车轮。根据“渥太华条约”,缔约方承诺不使用,生产,储存或转让杀伤人员地雷并确保销毁这些地雷。截至2016年初,已有162个国家加入该条约。包括中华人民共和国,俄罗斯联邦和美国在内的36个国家共同拥有数千万枚储存的杀伤人员地雷,但尚未成为该公约的缔约国。

2 文献调查

有许多关于地雷探测机器人的工作,使用ZigBee进行监测,文献中提供的机器人。在本章中,讨论了上述领域相关工作的调查。作者研究了地雷探测机器人,Bharath J,使用微控制器的自动地雷探测机器人。本文件描述了70个国家面临的地雷所面临的问题。本文的目的是消除地雷问题。本文的目的是设计一种机器人原型,它能够探测埋藏的地雷并改变它们的位置,同时使操作员能够从远处无线控制机器人。该技术将机器人中的金属探测器电路连接起来搜索地雷。金属探测器电路与机器人连接,并留在所需的搜索区域,以便探测地雷中使用的金属成分。该项目的主要优点是我们可以以低成本和高效率制造这种机器人。

俞敏洪Rachkov,Lino Marques,Anibal T. De Almeida。该论文描述了一种先进的多传感器排雷机器人。机器人运输系统基于使用气动驱动元件的简单结构。该机器人设计坚固,可在粗糙的地形上携带高达100公斤的排雷设备。由于潜水器对障碍物的适应性可能性,机器人可以在搜索地雷时调整排雷传感器的工作位置。检测块由金属探测器,红外探测器和化学爆炸传感器组成。机器人通过车载处理器和操作员远程站以交互模式控制。给出了机器人的运输,控制和检测系统的实验结果。由于传感器过载,机器人的主要缺点是重量系数。

Seong Pal Kang,Junho Choi,Seung-Beum Suh,Sungchul Kang,韩国矿场探雷机器人设计。本文介绍了韩国雷场探测机器人的关键设计约束。作为排雷机器人的一部分开发项目,调查了韩国雷区的环境,确定了适合机器人设计的要求。半个多世纪以前,韩国雷区的大部分地雷都被埋在非军事区(DMZ)附近。自朝鲜战争以来,这些地区根本没有城市化,而军事战术的爆炸物的潜在位置已被植被覆盖。因此,在排雷机器人系统开发的初始阶段,对目标区域进行了调查,确定了韩国雷场地形的合适设计。该设计包括一个轨道式主平台,带有一个简单的移动臂和一个探雷传感器(在此阶段由金属探测器和探地雷达组成)。此外,为了保持地雷传感器与地面之间的有效距离,本文开发了一种地形适应性距离传感技术,并进行了简要介绍。该机器人的整体设计是通过考虑速度来确定的。





图3.1和3.2和系统由各种电子部件组成。该系统包括机器人的大脑,Arduino UNO微控制器,超声波传感器,GPS传感器,用于警告警报的蜂鸣器,用于驱动的​​DC电机,用于通过PC控制的ZigBee,用于检测矿井的金属探测器。这些组件放在机器人上,并在电源单元的帮助下为这些组件供电。PC用于探测地雷和地雷的位置。

图3. 1机器人的传输部分

图3. 2机器人的接收部分


3.1.1 Arduino 微控制器

Arduino / Genuino Uno是基于ATmega328P的微控制器板。它有14个数字输入/输出引脚,其中6个可用作PWM输出,6个模拟输入,16 MHz石英晶体,USB连接,电源插孔,ICSP接头和复位按钮。Atmega328p是我们使用的微控制器,因为它更高效,成本更低,易于编程。

图3. 3 Ardunio微控制器



图3. 4超声波传感器



图3. 5GPS传感器



图3. 6蜂鸣器



图3. 7直流电动机

3.1.6Zigbee RX

ZigBee是一种基于IEEE 802.15.4的规范,用于一套高级通信协议,用于创建具有小型低功耗数字无线电的个人局域网。在我们的项目中,我们使用Xbee模块,因为它是为满足IEEE 802.15.4标准而开发的,并支持低成本,低功耗无线传感器网络的独特需求。这些模块需要最小的功率,并在设备之间提供可靠的数据传输。

图3. 8Zigbee RX



对于模拟,Arduino Uno库必须首先导入显示,然后传感器和电机必须导入。由于引脚配置如上所述,连接在软件中进行。稍后程序加载到微控制器中进行仿真。仿真如图5.1和5.2所示。微控制器的引脚0连接到GPS发射器中的发送引脚,接口如上图4.2所示

图4. 1电子部件的模拟

图4. 2gps的模拟


图4. 3轮式机器人的2D视图


图4. 4轮式机器人的3D视图



图5. 1项视图

图5. 2前项视图

图5. 3项侧视图




V. Abilash1 and J. Paul Chandra Kumar2

1Post-Graduate Scholar, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai

2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai

Abstract: Land mine detection is most crucial during ware fare to deploy armed vehicle drive in



V. Abilash1 and J. Paul Chandra Kumar2

1Post-Graduate Scholar, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai

2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai

Abstract: Land mine detection is most crucial during ware fare to deploy armed vehicle drive in the enemy territory. These armed vehicle or Main battle tanks are used to follow the path of pilot tank operated manually to avoid damage/distraction of the battle tank and defence causalities of defence crews. In addition post ware fare the mines planted during war can be detected and diffused by deploying a mine detection robot, which can save civilian life to avoid human causalities. This research work proposed to have a proto type model of a land-mine detection robot (LDR), which can be operated remotely using Wi-fi. technology. The safety of humans was addressed and designed robot with special range sensors employed to avoid obstacles. Fabrication of this project prototype was done using lightweight temperature resistant metal. A Global Positioning System (GPS) sensor is employed, which identifies and broadcasts the present location of the robot. Path planning, obstacle detection and avoidance algorithms were used to control accurately and to navigation of the proposed path by avoiding obstacles. Arduino microcontroller is employed in this robot. The robot system is embedded with metal detector capable of sensing the landmine and buzzer from producing a warning alarm to the nearby personnel in that area. The locomotion of the robot is carried out by the DC motor. The robot is interfaced with the PC by deploying a ZigBee device. Robot can identify the position of the landmines which is designed using the Proteus 8TM software and the embedded programming using Arduino software.

KEYWORDS: Robot mechanism, ultrasonicsensor, metaldetector, Ardunio microcontroller.


A land mine is an explosive device concealed under or on the ground and designed to destroy the or disable enemy targets, ranging from combatants to vehicles and tanks, as they pass over or near it. Such a device is typically detonated automatically by way of pressure when a target steps on it or drives over it, although other detonation mechanisms are used. A land mine may cause damage by direct blast effect, by fragments

that are thrown by the blast, or by both. The name originates from the ancient practice of military mining, where tunnels were dug under enemy fortifications or troop formations. These killing tunnels were first collapsed to destroy the targets located above, but they were later filled with explosives and detonated in order to cause even greater devastation. Nowadays, in common parlance, land mines generally refer to devices specifically manufactured as anti-personnel or anti-vehicle weapons.Though many types of improvised explosive devices ('IEDs') can technically be classified as land mines, the term land mine is typically reserved for manufactured devices designed to be used by recognized military services, whereas IED is used for makeshift devices assembled by paramilitary, insurgent or terrorist groups. The use of land mines is controversial because of their potential as indiscriminate weapons. They can remain dangerous many years after a conflict have ended, harming the economy and civilians. With pressure from a number of campaign groups organised through the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, a global movement to prohibit their use led to the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti- Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, also known as the Ottawa Treaty. To date, 162 nations have signed the treaty. Land mines are generally classified into two types based on the type of detonation that has to be initiated,Anti-Tank minesThey are designed to immobilize or destroy vehicles and their occupants. In U. S. military terminology destroying the vehicles is referred to as a catastrophic kill while only disabling its movement is referred to as a mobility kill. Anti-tank mines are typically larger than anti-personnel mines and require more pressure to detonate. The high trigger pressure, normally requiring 100 kilograms (220 lb) prevents them from being set off by infantry or smaller vehicles of lesser importance. More modern anti-tank mines use shaped charges to focus and increase the armour penetration of the explosives.Anti-personnel minesAnti-personnel mines are designed primarily to kill or injure people, as opposed to vehicles. They are often designed to injure rather than kill in order to increase the logistical support (evacuation, medical) burden on the opposing force. Some types of anti-

personnel mines can also damage the tracks or wheels of armoured vehicles. Under the Ottawa Treaty, the Parties undertake not to use, produce, stockpile or transfer anti-personnel mines and ensure their destruction. As of early 2016, 162 countries have joined the Treaty. Thirty-six countries, including the Peoples Republic of China, the Russian Federation and the United States, which together may hold tens of millions of stockpiled antipersonnel mines, are not yet party to the convention.


There are many works on land mine detection robot, monitoring using ZigBee, robots which are available in the literature. In this chapter, surveys of related works on the above fields are discussed. The authors research on land mine detection robots,

Bharath J, Automatic Land Mine Detection Robot Using Microcontroller. This paper describes the problems faced by the Land mines that are faced in 70 countries. The purpose of this paper is to eliminate the problems of land mine. The purpose of this



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