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 2022-11-27 02:11  

Performance Comparison of Two Dynamic Routing Protocols: RIP and OSPF


There are two main classes of adaptive routing protocols in the internet: distance vector and link state. This paper presents the comparison between distance vector and link state. It also outlines the pros and cons of RIP and OSPF protocols and a performance analysis with some possible enhancement is presented. Network Simulator (NS2) is used to obtain the performance results of the two classes using different metrics such as throughput, packet delay and packet loss. Results of the simulation show that OSPF has a better performance than RIP in terms of average throughput and packet delay in different network sizes, while RIP is better than OSPF in terms of number of packet loss in large networks.

Keywords: Dynamic Routing Protocols, RIP, OSPF, NS2


Networks rely on routing protocols to keep the routing tables updated. Routing is used in networks to control and forward data. For a router to be efficient and effective, the critical factor is the choice of the routing protocol. Routing protocols find a path between network nodes; if multiple paths exist for a given node then the shortest path is selected by protocol. Each protocol has a cost metric that it applies to each path. The path with lowest metric is selected by protocol. Metrics to compare one routing protocol with another are based on convergence time to adapt to topology changes, optimality is to choose the best path, not necessarily at minimum cost but to ensure a minimum delay or to minimize overhead and space requirements to store the routing table [1][5][7]. The rest of paper is organized as follows: Section 2 is an overview of routing protocols. In Section 3 and 4 RIP and OSPF are discussed. We studied RIP and OSPF because this interior routing protocol is widely used in the internet. In addition the pros and cons of these routing protocols are studied in brief. In Section 5 the system model used for simulation is examined, and in Section 6 we implement routing protocols using NS2. The results of simulation show that OSPF is better than RIP in some aspects. But in other aspects RIP is revealed to be better than OSPF in Section 7. Finally we conclude the paper.


There are two types of routing protocols: static or dynamic routing protocols. Dynamic routing protocols are superior over static routing protocols because of its scalability and adaptability features.Dynamic routes are learned by communicating each router with another, when a new router is added or an old router is removed, the router learns about changes, updates its routing tables, and informs the other router about the modification. The classification of a routing protocol is either as an interior or exterior gateway protocol. The interior gateway protocol runs an algorithm within an Autonomous System (AS) and the exterior gateway protocol runs an algorithm outside an AS. The interior gateway protocol is classified into two groups: either distance vector (DV) or link state (LS). The distance vector selects the best routing path based on a distance metric, while link state selects the best routing path by calculating the state of each link in a path and finding the path that has the lowest total metric to reach the destination [1][5]. The parameters used in order to evaluate the algorithmrsquo;s performance are: [7][13] .

Instantaneous Packet Delay: This is the average delay of all data packets routed successfully from source to destination for a given period during an algorithm simulation. Instantaneous Throughput: This is the number of packets successfully routed for a given time during an algorithm simulation. Packet Loss: This refers to the number of packets that are lost. Different features of LS and DV protocols are presented in [1][4][6]. In [14] they enhance the RIP to provide stability and reduce overhead of message updates. In [12] and [13] they enhance OSPF by using QoS. In [5] it is shown that OSPF is better than RIP in throughput, packet delay, packet loss and other aspects.


PROTOCOL (RIP) RIP is an interior routing protocol that is based on DV routing. RIP uses hop count to calculate the best route. It is simple but has many drawbacks. RIP uses hop count as a cost metric for each link, and each link has a cost of 1. The maximum path cost is 15 so RIP is limited to use in ASs that are not larger than 15 hops. Every 30 seconds the router sends copy of the routing table to its neighbors. The routing table is updated whenever the network topology is changed; each router informs its adjacent neighbors about the updating in the routing table. When the router receives an update, first it compares the new route with the current routing table, then adds a new path to the routing table and informs its adjacent neighbors about the updating in the routing table [5][9].The following table summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of RIP [8] [9]:

Table 1: Advantages and Disadvantages of RIP

In [14] RIP is enhanced by using Fast Selfhealing Distance Vector Protocol (FS-DVP), FS-DVP suppresses its failure notification to provide better stability and reduce the overhead of message updates. In FS-DVP, each node generates a backup node set, for each destination, pre-computes the backup next hop and stores them. If the link has failed, the packet selects the next hop from the backup set. FS-DVP thus eliminates the delay due to re-computation and reroutes packets without any interruption in the presence of link failures. To save bandwidth resources and balance the load in the network, FS-DVP uses a suppression-failure technique to handle link failure, so when a link fails, an adjacent node suppresses the upd






依靠网络路由协议的路由表更新保持,路由是网络中使用的控制和数据转发。一个路由器是有效的还是无效的,关键是选择的路由协议。路由协议发现网络节点之间的路径,如果对于一个给定的节点,然后选择的最短路径的协议存在多条路径。每一个协议都有一个成本指标,它适用于每个路径。以最低的度量的路径选择协议。比较一个路由协议的另一个指标是基于收敛时间适应拓扑结构的变化,选择最优的路径,以最低的成本,但不一定保证最低的延迟或减少开销和空间来存储路由表[ 1 ] [ 5 ] [ 7]。本文的其余部分安排如下:第2节是路由协议综述。在3节和4节对 RIP和OSPF进行了讨论。我们研究RIP和OSPF原因是内部路由协议是在互联网上广泛使用的。此外,这些路由协议的优点和缺点进行了简要的比较。在5节中用于仿真系统模型的研究,并在6节中我们使用NS2路由协议。仿真结果表明,OSPF比RIP在某些方面好,但在另一方面,RIP是显示比OSPF更好。最后我们得出结论。

  1. 路由协议

有两种类型的路由协议:静态或动态路由协议。动态路由协议是优于静态路由协议在于其可扩展性和适应性强的特点。动态路由与另一通信的每个路由器有关系,当一个新的路由器添加或删除旧的路由器,路由器发生变化,更新其路由表,并通知修改其他有关路由器。一个路由协议的分类,通常是内部或外部网关协议。内部网关协议外部网关协议运行一个算法在一个自治系统(AS)。内部网关协议分为两组:距离向量(DV)或链路状态(LS)。距离矢量在选择最佳路由路径的距离度量的基础上,在链路状态选择最佳的路由路径,通过计算状态的每一个环节中的路径和发现的路径,具有最低的总度量达到目的地[ 1 ] [ 5 ]。要使用的参数来评价算法的性能是:[ 7 ] [ 13 ]。

瞬时数据包延迟:这是所有的数据包发送成功的从源到目的地的一段期间的平均延迟算法仿真。瞬时吞吐量:这是对于一个给定的时间路由算法成功仿真过程中的数据包的数目。数据包丢失:这指的是丢失的数据包的数目。不同功能的LS和DV协议进行了[ 1 ] [ 4 ] [ 6 ]。在[ 14 ]他们提高来提供稳定和降低更新开销消息。在[ 12 ]和[ 13 ]他们提高OSPF使用QoS。在[ 5 ]表明OSPF比RIP的吞吐量,分组延迟,丢包等方面。

  1. 路由信息











RIP是利用快速自愈的距离矢量协议增强(fs-dvp),fs-dvp抑制其故障通知提供更好的稳定性和降低更新开销消息。在fs-dvp,每个节点生成一个备份节点集,每一个目标,预先计算并存储备份下一跳。如果连接失败,分组选择下一跳的备份集。fs-dvp从而消除了延迟,由于没有重新计算和重新路由链路故障的存在任何中断包。为了节省带宽资源、平衡网络负载,fs-dvp使用抑制失效的技术来处理链路故障,所以当链路发生故障时,相邻的节点将更新消息和设置一个用于抑制定时器,但没有明确通知其他节点的失效。当路由器R1,R2的检测是遥不可及的,R1启动一个定时器,定时器必须小于60秒,如果R1 ,R2的路由接收来自定时器到期之前,链路恢复,抑制是成功的,没有通知传播这种故障,否则失败的传播在抑制间隔新的路由表,最后计算。fs-dvp应用于RIP称为fs-rip。在fs-rip 99.8756%包到达其目的地,50%包到达目的地OSPF。fs-rip具有更少的丢包比OSPF。

  1. 开放最短路径优先(OSPF)


下表总结OSPF的优点和缺点 :










OSPF的成本度量是由管理员给定的成本。成本反映货币成本是一种静态值。成本度量可以是带宽和链路延迟。在[ 13 ] OSPF成本度量是基于带宽,与成本带宽成反比。高带宽意味着更低的成本(成本= 108 /带宽在BPS)。在[ 12 ]的OSPF扩展到一个链路时延QoS度量来计算路线。当数据包在路由的最短路径的基础上的静态成本,这可能会增加链路的延迟。在基于延迟的路由算法,链路延迟是链路传播延迟和平均链路采样间隔排队延迟的的总和。延迟算法采用阈值为增量因素重新计算算法。阈值增量因素的调整,以一个可接受的权衡延迟提高交通流的稳定性。基于带宽或延迟的成本指标,适用于多媒体和电子商务的应用。

  1. 仿真系统的设计模型


  1. 模拟

模拟实验的环境是Ubuntu 10和ns-2.34。为了分析数据结果,使用两种工具。我们使用三种不同大小的网络。最小的网络有五个节点,五链接。节点0发送一个UDP协议数据包速率常数节点3。TCP协议用于发送到FTP 节点3 节点0。节点0连接节点,节点到节点3,节点3到节点4,节点4到节点2和节点2到节点0。连接节点0为连接从节点到节点3带宽为1 Mbps和有5毫秒的延迟而其他连接的带宽为2 Mbps和有一个2毫秒的延迟(网络模拟器NS2)具有与静态成本OSPF协议的一个实现称为链路状态路由。也有撕裂的实现被称为距离向量。仿真研究在网络模拟器(NS2)。我们首先建立了网络的路由协议RIP和OSPF使用相同的模型分析和评价结果。在[ 13 ]他们用带宽作为度量,实验中我们使用相同的度量。从节点0为连接并从节点到节点3连接有一个成本100其他连接有一个成本的50。计算数据包丢失和连结节点0 DV和节点之间的连接,并重复这节点0和节点2之间的LS。重复相同的实验,与一个更大的网络采用11节点和21节点。

  1. 结论



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