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 2022-11-22 03:11  

Making Apps Useable on Multiple Different Mobile Platforms: On Interoperability for Business Application Development on Smartphones

Andreas Holzinger , Peter Treitler , and Wolfgang Slany

Medical University Graz, A-8036 Graz, Austria Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics amp; Documentation (IMI) Research Unit Human-Computer Interaction {a.holzinger,p.treitler}@hci4all.at 2 Graz University of Technology, A-8010 Graz, Austria Institute for Software Technology (IST)

Abstract. The relevance of enabling mobile access to business enterprise information systems for experts working in the field has grown significantly in the last years due to the increasing availability of smartphones; the shipment of smartphones exceeded that of personal computers in 2011. However, the screen sizes and display resolutions of different devices vary to a large degree, along with different aspect ratios and the complexity of mobile tasks. These obstacles are a major challenge for software developers, especially when they try to reach the largest possible audience and develop for multiple mobile platforms or device types. On the other side, the end users expectations regarding the usability of the applications are increasing. Consequently, for a successful mobile application the user interface needs to be well-designed, thus justifying research to overcome these obstacles. In this paper, we report on experiences during an industrial project on building user interfaces for database access to a business enterprise information system for professionals in the field. We discuss our systematic analysis of standards and conventions for design of user interfaces for various mobile platforms, as well as scaling methods operational on different physical screen sizes. The interoperability of different systems, including HTML5, Java and .NET is also within the focus of this work.

Keywords: Mobile computing, user interfaces, smartphones, mobile platforms, app development, usability engineering, multi-platform, cross-platform.

1 Introduction and Motivation for Research

Mobile devices are gaining more and more importance and smartphones are nowadays a common sight in industrial countries. What started originally as a concept product by IBM in 1992, was a niche product for a long time. This changed rapidly with the release of the Apple iPhone in 2007, bringing smartphones to the mainstream. One year later, Google and the Open Handset Alliance released their Android platform, which gained a lot of popularity in the following years.

As of June 2012, there were a total of more than 300,000,000 Android devices shipped worldwide, with more than 900,000 new ones being activated every day. Similarly, the iPhone is very popular with more than 180,000,000 devices shipped in total. The iPad, released in 2010, has been sold more than 55,000,000 times.

Along with this new and big market, new challenges for software developers emerge. Different programming languages, IDEs and platform standards need to be learned rapidly in order to develop native apps for multiple platforms.

HTML5 promises easy multi-platform development, with browsers on most current mobile devices being able to render HTML5 content. Therefore, ideally only a single app would need to be created which then could be executed on multiple target platforms.

However, there are also some disadvantages of HTML5, when compared to native apps, such as limited access to the device hardware or to platform features, look and feel that users are not used to from other apps of the platform, as well as missing market presence. In this paper we try to pinpoint the advantages and disadvantages of HTML5 apps and native apps and try to offer some guidelines as to which to choose for app development.

Besides the number of different platforms, mobile devices come with screens in different sizes, resolutions, and aspect ratios. Additionally, tablets are typically used in landscape mode, whereas smartphones are used in portrait mode, though both can also be used in the other way. This proliferation of interface properties holds especially true for Android, which supports devices with a display diagonal reaching from 2 inches over tablets which typically measure 10 inches up to TV screens with a display diagonal greater than 40 inches.

Many problems arise during the development of mobile applications – especially in industrial, professional and safety-critical environments [1], reaching from security aspects [2] to issues of the user interface [3]. In this paper we concentrate in on the latter and deal with questions including: Are different UI layouts required for different screen sizes? If so, where should designers draw the line between small and large devices? Are there tools which support designers in creating UIs for multiple screen sizes?

2 Background and Related Work

2.1 Business Case: Mobile Access to a Business Information System

During the research for this paper a project was carried out in cooperation with the Austrian business software development company Boom Software AG. The project was concerned with usability evaluation and consulting for the development of a mobile application. We will not discuss the details of the project here, but will illustrate some of the problems and challenges encountered in order to underline the relevance of mobile devices for business applications and the importance of usability of mobile apps. The information on the company and its technologies presented here is based on their marketing documents (January 2012) and personal communication:

Boom Software AG was founded in 1995 and has 50 employees (March 2012). The company primarily develops industrial software for maintenance, management and production control. Boom Software advertises total customization [4] of its software in order to meet the specif



Andreas Holzinger , Peter Treitler , and Wolfgang Slany

医学大学Graz, A-8036 Graz,奥地利医学信息学研究所,统计与文献(IMI)研究单位人机交互作用{a.holzinger,p.treitler}@hci4all。2格拉茨理工大学,A-8010格拉茨,奥地利软件技术研究所(IST)


1 研究的动机和介绍







在移动应用程序开发过程中出现了许多问题,从安全性方面到用户界面的问题。在本文中,我们集中讨论后一种情况,并处理包括:不同屏幕大小所需的不同UI布局吗?如果是这样的话,设计师应该在哪里划定小设备和大型设备之间的界限呢?是否有工具支持设计人员创建多个屏幕大小的ui ?



在本文的研究中,与奥地利商业软件开发公司Boom software AG合作开展了一个项目。该项目涉及可用性评估和开发移动应用程序的咨询。我们不会在这里讨论这个项目的细节,但是会展示一些问题和挑战,以强调移动设备对于商业应用的重要性,以及移动应用的可用性的重要性。关于公司及其技术的信息是基于他们的营销文件(2012年1月)和个人沟通:

Boom Software AG成立于1995年,拥有50名员工(2012年3月)。公司主要开发用于维修、管理和生产控制的工业软件。Boom Software为满足个人客户的具体需求和需求,对其软件进行全面定制[4]。


Boom Software的产品管理大量的企业数据。然而,用户对访问数据并不感兴趣;他们需要有效的方法来有效地从这些数据中获取知识[5]。一个设计良好、可用的界面可能有助于实现这一目标。

虽然Boom软件产品的主要关注点一直都是微软Windows系统的桌面软件,但在过去的几年里,一个基于平台的基于平台的基于html的用户界面层已经开发出来了。最近,第一款手机应用的开发已经开始。平台的目标是Android和Windows 8(平板电脑)。Boom Software的目标是让软件系统的特定部分运行在智能手机和平板电脑上,以提高像维修工这样的户外员工的工作效率



这种移动工作通常是在笔记本电脑上完成的,在这种情况下,适当的显示分辨率支持必要的视觉性能。在过去的几年里,许多笔记本电脑被平板电脑取代。移动工作通常包括三个维度:移动性、位置依赖性和时间临界性;与上下文相关的移动工作支持功能包括:定位跟踪、导航、通知和在线作业调度。根据task-technology fit (TTF)理], [和态度/行为理论,发现任务特征与移动工作支持功能之间的契合是至关重要的;可以在[12]中找到开发和使用移动工作支持系统的指导方针。



如表1所示,目前有6个不同的移动平台,在2011年有很大的市场份额:Android, iOS, Symbian,黑莓,Bada和Windows Phone。















在本文中,我们简要地讨论了三个框架:JQuery Mobile、PhoneGap和Titanium Mobile。当然,还有更多的框架可用。选择框架的标准是,这些是当时最富特色和最受欢迎的。目的是为了使框架具有不同的关键特性,以便能够比较它们。此外,框架也可以免费使用。有几个专有的框架,但是它们不能被彻底的尝试,因此被排除在选择之外。

3.4.1 JQuery Mobile

JQuery Mobile是一个由流行的JavaScript库JQuery开发人员开发的web应用程序框架。jQuery移动的主要焦点在于移动应用的设计和呈现。


jQuery mobile网站提供了一种拖放工具,用于构建简单的UI布局,称为“编码qa”。诸如按钮、文本、图像和列表等组件可以被拖放到UI中,从而允许快速原型化。由此产生的源代码可以下载并进一步修改。这使得新手或没有经验的开发人员更容易入门,因为其他平台,比如Android,学习曲线更陡峭。


JQuery Mobile提供了一些与设计不严格相关的特性,其中最明显的是处理各种形式的触摸输入(例如,点击、滑动)和方向变化(即:,用户将设备从竖屏切换到横向模式,反之亦然。

3.4.2 PhoneGap

PhoneGap是一个应用程序平台,它可以从一个单一的代码库构建应用程序作为本地应用程序。它基于HTML5、CSS3和JavaScript,并将移动平台的硬件抽象为JavaScript API。该库为硬件访问和某些本地特性提供了接口。硬件接入包括设备的加速度计,相机和指南针。

一些平台特性是访问联系人列表或文件系统、通知和地理定位。所有这些功能都适用于Android、iPhone (3GS及以上)和Windows Phone 7。其他平台,如黑莓或塞班则有这些功能的子集。因此,PhoneGap能够将本地应用程序和web应用程序的许多优势结合起来。

从技术上讲,由PhoneGap生成的应用程序并不是真正的本地应用程序,而是混合应用程序。这些应用程序使用的是显示HTML5内容的web view,但它们可以构建到平台的原生格式,因此也可以在多个应用程序商店中发布。

开发人员需要为他们想要开发的所有平台设置sdk。这意味着一些限制:为了在iOS中部署构建PhoneGap应用程序,需要使用iOS SDK,而这又需要一个Mac OS计算机。PhoneGap支持各种平台的默认ide(例如,使用Android开发工具的Eclipse),并且只需要导入库。



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