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 2022-12-09 10:12  

A European perspective on achieving competitiveness, 2000, (21): 79-88.

Enhance the competitiveness of the Regional Tourism Strategy

Frank, Gregory Robert Wes

British tourism research institute

Abstract: The development of tourism is closely related to tourist resources and marketing activities. However, the geographical features of tourist resources and touristmovementaccount for the interaction between tourism and geographical structure. This leads to the existing a signficant task to research into the strategies of advancing regional tourism competitiveness.

Key words: regional tourism; competition; influence

In recent years, with the rest of the world competing to tourism as a pillar industry for the development of local and regional competition among the more obvious and in-depth. How to base their own reality, create competitive advantage, has become a top priority of the regional tourism development, but also travel in the new round of competition of the race. On the competitiveness of regional tourism can enhance the regional competition of the sense of urgency, to promote discovery and understanding of the regional competition in their own strengths and weaknesses, and then rapid response, positive response, the local competitiveness through the expansion of Chinas tourism industry to strengthen the international market competitive power.
First, the regional tourism competitiveness factors
The so-called regional tourism competitiveness refers to the various tourist regions as a whole, in its own process of development shown in the competition for tourists, development, occupation, industry, tourism development of the market and obtain the capacity factor and growth potential. Regional tourism competitiveness is not the competitiveness of a given area, but by the interaction of many factors affecting the results, but also a potential to the competitive strength from the competition, to competition, the results of the dynamic development process. Competitive once made, has aroused extensive concern of scholars home and abroad. The most prominent of which is research professor at Harvard University, the famous expert on competitive strategy Porter, his 'national diamond map' model for industry competitiveness study provides an economic paradigm. In this paradigm which, Porter summarized the six factors: (1) factors of production, including natural resources, human resources, knowledge resources, capital resources and infrastructure; (2) demand conditions, the major source markets that the demand structure and the scale of demand; (3) related and supporting industries conditions; (4) business strategy, structure and competition; (5) government action; (6) opportunities. For the tourism industry, because of its comprehensive features of its development, determine the impact of competitive factors in the regional tourism industry is also multifaceted. Based on these factors affect the competitiveness of the tourism industry, the size, can be divided into a decisive factor in supporting factors, developmental factors and security factors. Decisive factors include the conditions of resources, tourism demand conditions, the competitiveness of tourism enterprises and the regional state tourism image overseas. These factors constitute the core of competitiveness of regional tourism, but also to improve the future competitiveness of the regional tourism industry must focus. Factors supporting the development of tourism is not simply to exist, but the increase through its own perfect and can better stimulate and promote the competitiveness of regional tourism enhancement. Such factors include infrastructure, related and supporting industry conditions, personnel quality, technology level. Regional tourism development factor is the formation and savings based on the future competitiveness, mainly referring to the regional tourism resources development and utilization of capacity, marketing, tourism enterprises, innovation, tourism, access to capital and the use of capacity, tourism industry, optimization, adjustment capability . Protective factors constitute the development of regional tourism industry, the external environment, to promote and ensure the smooth direction of tourism development along healthy. Such factors include the tourism environment, the government and other development opportunities. Affect the competitiveness of the regional tourism industry is not independent of each other four factors, but an organic community. Decisive factor in competitiveness as a regional tourism in the core part of their development directly affects the strength of the overall competitiveness of the region. When the supporting factors for more approach and tilt to the tourism industry, the development of factors can play a better role. The supporting factors and developmental factors working together, can enhance the decisive factors on the actual and potential tourist attraction, but also to better meet the needs of visitors and enhance visitor satisfaction provide a guarantee. Factors can protect the decisive factor, supporting factors and developmental factors play better to create a good atmosphere, contributed to the severity.
Second, to enhance the competitiveness of regional tourism strategy choice
Competitive loading phase theory of Porter on the industry, another important contribution to competitiveness, according to this theory, the formation of regional tourism competitiveness go through four stages, namely, factor-driven stage, the investment-driven stage, innovation-driven stage and wealth driver stage. It is characterized by two stages: In the factor-driven stage, the formation of competitiveness from the rich resources of the region require regional integration through the resources found superior resources, then the resource advantage into competitive advantage. Investment-driven stage of the formation


A European perspective on achieving competitiveness, 2000, (21): 79-88.




摘 要 旅游业的发展离不开旅游资源的存在和旅游者活动的开展,但是旅游资源的地域特征和旅游者活动的空间转移特点,决定了旅游业的发展必然要与相应的空间地域结构联系,呈现出一定的区域特点,这也决定了区域旅游业竞争存在的必然性和必要性。因此,提升区域旅游业竞争力的策略研究,已成为各地区域旅游业发展的当务之急。

关键词 区域旅游业;竞争力;影响;策略

前 言



所谓区域旅游业竞争力是指各旅游区域作为一个整体,在自身发展过程中所表现出来的争夺客源,开拓、占领旅游市场并获取产业发展要素和增长潜质的能力。区域旅游业竞争力不是指某一方面的竞争力,而是由众多影响因素共同作用的结果,同时也是一个从竞争潜力到竞争实力、再到竞争结果的动态发展过程。竞争力一经提出,便引起了国内外学者的广泛关注。其中研究成果最为突出的是美国哈佛大学教授,著名的竞争策略研究专家波特,他的“国家菱图”模型为产业竞争力的研究提供了一个经济范式。在这一范式当中,波特归纳出了六大影响因素:(1)生产要素,包括自然资源、人力资源、知识资源、资本资源和基础设施等;(2)需求条件,主要指客源市场的需求结构和需求规模;(3)相关与辅助产业的状况;(4)企业策略、结构与竞争对手; (5)政府行为;(6)机遇。对于旅游产业来说,由于其自身发展的综合性特点,决定了影响区域旅游业竞争力的因素也是多方面的。依据这些因素对旅游产业竞争力影响的大小,又可将其分为决定性因素、支持性因素、发展性因素和保障性因素。决定性因素主要包括资源条件、旅游需求状况、旅游企业竞争力状况和区域对外旅游形象等。这些因素构成了区域旅游业竞争力的核心,也是未来提升区域旅游业竞争能力必须关注的焦点。支持性因素并不是纯粹为了旅游业的发展而存在的,但是其通过自身的完善和提高,可以更好地刺激和促进区域游业竞争力的提升。这类因素包括基础设施、相关及辅助产业状况、人才质量、科技水平等。发展性因素是区域旅游业形成和积蓄未来竞争实力的基础,主要指区域旅游资源的开发利用能力、旅游企业的营销、创新能力、旅游资金的引进和利用能力、旅游产业的优化、调整能力等。保障性因素构成区域旅游产业发展的外部环境状况,能够带动和保证旅游业沿着良性的方向顺利发展。这类因素包括旅游环境、政府行为以及发展机遇等。影响区域旅游业竞争力的四类因素并不是相互独立的,而是一个有机的共同体。决定性因素作为区域旅游业竞争力的核心部分,其发展的好坏将直接影响到区域整体竞争力的强弱。当支持性因素更多的向旅游产业靠拢和倾斜时,发展性因素才能更好的发挥作用。而支持性因素和发展性因素共同作用,可以增强决定性因素对现实和潜在游客的吸引力,也为更好地满足游客的需求和增强游客的满意度提供了保证。保障性因素能够为决定性因素、支持性因素和发展性因素更好的发挥作用营造良好的氛围,起到推波助澜的作用。



(一) 区域旅游业发展战略规划策略


(二) 政府主导型策略


(三) 旅游产品差异化、系列化策略


(四) 旅游融资策略

资金是旅游业发展的基本要素之一。对于经济实力薄弱的区域来说,资金的不足是制约区域旅游业竞争力提升的瓶颈。因此,地方政府要在引资、贷款、税收方面制定优惠的政策,优化投资环境,促进投资的多元化。同时,地方政府的财政预算要有意识的向旅游业倾斜,逐渐加大旅游业的资金投入。旅游业自身也要发挥主观能动性,调动各方面的积极性,尽可能多的争取外方资金、民间资金和侨资等,动员和引导社会力量办旅游。此外也要“以旅促旅” ,将取得的旅游收入再合理的投入到开发建设中来,在发展中建设,在建设中发展,最终实现旅游经济的循环发展。

(五) 客源市场整合策略


(六) 产业集群化策略


(七) 旅游业结构优化策略


(八) 人才培养策略




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