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 2022-12-09 10:12  

Determinants of Capital Structure of Chinese-listed Companies

Jean J. Chen


This paper develops a preliminary study to explore the determinants of capital structure of Chinese-listed companies using firm-level panel data. The findings reflect the transitional nature of the Chinese corporate environment. They suggest that some of the insights from modern finance theory of capital structure are portable to China in that certain firm-specific factors that are relevant for explaining capital structure in developed economies are also relevant in China. However, neither the trade-off model nor the Pecking order hypothesis derived from the Western settings provides convincing explanations for the capital choices of the Chinese firms. The capital choice decision of Chinese firms seems to follow a lsquo;lsquo;new Pecking orderrsquo;rsquo;—retained profit, equity, and long-term debt. This is because the fundamental institutional assumptions underpinning the Western models are not valid in China. These significant institutional differences and financial constraints in the banking sector in China are the factors influencing firmsrsquo; leverage decision and they are at least as important as the firm-specific factors. The study has laid some groundwork upon which a more detailed evaluation of Chinese firmsrsquo; capital structure could be based.

1. Introduction

Over the past 40 years, much of the capital structure research has advanced theoretical models to explain the capital structure pattern and also to provide empirical evidence concerning whether the theoretical models have explanatory power when applied to the real business world. The focus of both academic research and practical financial analysis has been on those large corporations with publicly traded debt and equity securities that dominate economic life throughout the developed world.

Although the majority of the capital structure research has focused on understanding the forces that influence corporate financing behavior of the U.S. firms, capital structure research has become increasingly international in recent years, which provides researchers the opportunity to make cross-sectional comparisons between countries and between various industries around the world. In particular, Rajan and Zingales (1995) applied the capital structure models derived from a U.S. setting to firms in the G-7 countries and found that the variables that were found to have correlation with leverage in the United States were also correlated with leverage of firms in other G-7 countries. Wald (1999) examined characteristics of firms that were not similarly correlated with leverage across countries. He demonstrated that institutional differences could contribute to differences in capital structure. His results indicate that institutions may significantly influence firmsrsquo; capital structure decision and that agency and monitoring problems, while existing in every country, may create different outcomes.

While the majority of the research results has been derived from the experience of developed economies that have many institutional similarities (Hodder and Senbet,1990; Rajan and Zingales, 1995; Wald, 1999; Ozkan,2001; Chui et al., 2002; Bevan and Danbolt, 2002), little work has been done to further our knowledge of capital structure within developing countries that have different institutional structures. Recently, Booth et al. (2001) pro-vided the first empirical study to test the explanatory power of capital structure models in developing countries. The study used data from 10 developing countries to assess whether capital structure theory was portable across countries with different institutional structures. It investigated whether the stylised facts, which were observed from the studies of developed countries, could apply only to these markets or whether they had more general applicability. The results were somewhat sceptical of this premise. They provided evidence that firmsrsquo; capital choice decisions in developing countries were affected by the same variables as they were in developed countries. Nevertheless, there were persistent differences of institutional structure across countries indicating that specific country factors were at work .Their findings suggest that although some of the insights from modern finance theory are portable across countries ,much remains to be done to understand the impact of different institutional features on capital structure choices.

Booth et al. (2001) selected countries operating a market-orientated economic system, which bore many similarities to developed countries. It is interesting and important to knowhow capital structure theories work in a transitional economy environment within which institutional structures differ not only from developed countries but also from developing economies. The Peoplersquo;s Republic of China is the largest developing and transitional economy in the world, and therefore is chosen as the focus of this study. Since this is the first examination of its type, the aim of this study is to develop some preliminary groundwork that a more detailed evaluation could be based. It is hoped to answer the question whether, and how closely, does the determinants of Chinese capital structure support the Western finance theory? More specifically:

1. Are firm-specific factors correlated with leverage that have been identified in the Western settings also similarly correlated in China?

2. Does the institutional structure in China affect Chinese firmsrsquo; capital choice decision?

3.Do the Western capital structure models have robust explanatory power for Chinese companies in the Chinese economy?

The remainder of this paper is organised into five sections. Section 2 covers a brief literature review of the capital structure debate. Section 3 provides background to the Chinese institutional environment. The data collectio



Jean J. Chen


本文开展了一项初步研究以探索中国上市公司的资本结构的决定因素。研究结果反映了中国企业环境的过渡性质。研究结果建议,现代的一些关于资本结构的金融理论可以移植到中国,因为某些与解释资本结构相关的企业特定因素在中国的经济体中也是相关的。然而,西方企业背景下的权衡模型和Pecking假设都没有为中国企业的资本选择提供令人信服的解释。中国企业的资本选择决策似乎遵循“新的啄食秩序” 包括留存收益,股本和长期债务。这是因为基本的制度假设所支撑的西方模式在中国是无效的。中国银行业部门的重大制度差异和金融制约是影响企业杠杆决策的重要因素,它们至少与企业自身因素一样重要。以本研究为基础,可以对中国企业的资本结构进行更详细的评估。




虽然大多数源自发达经济体的研究结果有许多制度上的相似之处(Hodder和Senbet,1990;Rajan and Zingales,1995; Wald,1999;Ozkan,2001; Chui等人,2002;Bevan和Danbolt,2002),等人已经做了进一步了解,但发展中国家的资本结构有很多的制度差异。最近,Booth等人(2001)进行了第一次实证研究来测试资本结构模型在发展中国家的解释力。研究使用10个发展中国家的数据进行评估资本结构理论是否可以适用于不同制度的国家。他研究在发达国家已发现的模型是否适用于这些发展中国家的市场抑或它们是否具有更广泛的适用性。研究结果一定程度上否定了这个假设。他们提供了企业的资本选择决策的证据,证明发展中国家同样受到发达国家中相关变量的影响。然而,现实存在的不同国家的制度结构差异表明具体的制度因素确实发挥了影响。研究结果表明,虽然一些研究结论可以从现代金融理论可移植到各国,但了解不同的制度特征对资本结构选择的影响仍有许多工作要做。









就杠杆而言,虽然因为政府信贷政策的影响银行是愿意向上市公司提供长期银行贷款,但是其资本资源非常紧张。债券市场非常欠发达。进一步来说,由于在二级市场可以持续获得大笔资金,上市公司也受到股权融资的吸引。另外由于公司治理问题和公司法没有被很好的执行,个人股东没有足够的投资保护。股本成为一个“自由”的资金来源。管理者偏好股权融资而不是债务融资因为前者没有约束力。预测的税收影响在中国也是相当有限。这是因为国家仍然是企业的控股利益相关者和银行的所有者以及税收的受益人,这反映了中国作为一个中央计划经济体的企业生态环境。这促使公司尽可能使用股权融资。因此,股权融资优于债务。由于股票发行相关的交易费用以及对公司经营业绩的限制,对于大多数公司来说留存收益是最快捷,最简单的融资来源。 此外,由于大多数的新股权通过股份分配发行,新发行的股票通常导致公司股价下跌。 因此,留存收益是募集额外资本的首选方法。 中国上市公司的新啄食模型似乎就此显现,先是留存收益,然后是股权融资,最后是债务融资。





另一个原因可能是股票市场承认增长机会的价值,银行也是如此。这一认同已经反映在股价上。根据信号模型,高价值企业能够使用更多的债务融资,因为债务具有其无偿费用,这使得较不有价值的公司更有可能陷入破产(Ross,1977)。信号模型通常预测,盈利和增长前景最好的公司将采用最大的杠杆作用。 Lang等人(1996)进一步认为,只有对于增长机会未被资本市场认可的企业,杠杆与增长机会负相关。中国市场的高市值可能表明,与上市公司相关的增长机会已被资本市场认可;因此,银行愿意向高杠杆公司分配更高的估值,并发放更多的长期债务来资助企业的增长机会。






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