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毕业论文网 > 外文翻译 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 食品质量与安全 > 正文


 2023-01-10 04:01  


原文作者Maryuri T.Nunez De Gonzalez,Wesley N. Osburn,Margaret D. Hardin, Michael Longnecker,Harsha K. Garg, Nathan S. Bryan, and Jimmy T. Keeton,


对可零售腌制肉类常规的(C)产品进行了验证残留亚硝酸盐(NO2-)和硝酸盐(NO3-)浓度的调查,树立了基准有机/自然/固化/间接固化(INC)的产品。在本研究中,代表六大类腌腊肉制品的470个产品是从美国的五个主要大城市零售店买来的。代表C和ONC型制品的随机样本使用配备反相柱一个ENO-20高效液相色谱法系统进行NO 2 -和NO 3 -含量(ppm)的分析。一般来说,有C和ONC肉食类之间NO2-浓度无显著差异,但在某些城市调查了几个产品后发现ONC的NO3- 含量较低。城市之间的两两比较表明,所有的C类产品NO2-和NO3-含量均没有明显的不同,同样大部分ONC产品也是如此。



在某些情况下功能性食品配料亚硝酸盐(NO2minus;)和硝酸盐(NO3minus;),是作为有效的抗菌剂为了抑制肉毒梭菌的生长,赋予肉类产品一个独特腌制品的颜色,提供抗氧化性能延缓脂质过氧化,延长了这些产品的保质期。它们在肉类中的应用可以追溯到古代,但直到20世纪初,才阐明了涉及NO2-和NO3-固化反应是化学反应。在1926年美国政府规定NO2minus;最高使用浓度156 ppm。可这些成分仍然是不受管制的,该条例已经略作修改因为它们对于NO2-浸泡产品的实施上限高达200ppm,减少到对于熏肉的120 ppm并强制纳入547 ppm的抗坏血酸来抑制亚硝化反应。当前美国法规允许在肉制品中根据产品类别、固化的方法使用NO2- 和NO3-。根据原产品的重量,浸泡治愈、按摩、或泵产品如火腿或熏牛肉中NO2minus;和NO3minus;的最大浓度分别是200和700 ppm。然而干腌制品,NO2minus;和NO3minus;被允许最大迁入的浓度分别是625和2187 ppm的,因为这些产品具有较长的固化时间,使NO2minus;耗散和NO3minus;转化为NO2minus;。如果使用NO2minus;和NO3minus;组合,该组合必须不会导致在NO2-成品中钠的含量不得超过200 NO2- ppm。 粉碎制品如法兰克福香肠、博洛尼亚腊肠和其他腌制香肠中NO2minus;钠或钾含量被限制在一个最大迁入浓度156 ppm基于原始的肉块的重量。无关用盐的种类,钠或钾的NO3minus;可能添加到这些产品在1718 ppm。在20世纪70年代,关系到人体健康的腌制肉类的安全性提出了质疑,摄入NO2minus;是因为他们的潜能在胃里形成致癌的亚硝胺。1981年,是由美国国家科学院发表的评估这些化合物的人类健康风险的一份全面的报告题为“健康硝酸盐的影响,亚硝酸盐及N-亚硝基化合物”出版。Eleven建议提出,以减少与亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐和N-亚硝基化合物在腌肉消费相关的风险。从报告中以及在固化使用NO2-的其他研究的随后出版衍生的建议导致了美国农业部食品安全检验局法规的变化1978年和1986年减少了肉制品NO2-和NO3-的允许浓度。一项规定还针对使用还原剂如抗坏血酸钠制成,以减少残留NO2-和N-亚硝基化合物的形成的可能性。减少NO 2 - 的浓度,限制使NO 3- ,这用作NO2-的贮存器以及固化促进剂的包容(异抗坏血酸钠),以抑制硝化反应具有减少亚硝胺的形成的潜力显着地和降低NO 2 - 和NO 3 - 的残留浓度。然而,流行病学研究提出腌制肉类摄入与特定类型癌症(儿童白血病,脑癌)关注续签这个肉成分的安全问题。这些通常是膳食研究,亚硝酸盐估计鲜有报道。如果是这样,他们已经基于摄入量估计值和参考值计算。

饮食NO2minus;和NO3minus;当摄取吸收进入体循环,进入一系列的反应由一氧化氮合成酶( NOS)介导的,一群重要的信号分子,产生一氧化氮(NO)。血管组织的正常运转需要NO2minus;的存在,其被转换为NO,反过来一氧化氮调节血管舒张、血压下降、内皮炎性细胞聚集和血小板聚集。内源性NO可以从L-精氨酸-NOS通路以及通过饮食转化来产生NO2-和NO3-。然而,作为NO的来源,首先必须减少NO2-的使用。这可以通过共生细菌在口腔中减少唾液NO3-到NO2-的动作或通过全身还原NO 3 - 以NO 2来完成。 Lundberg等人报告说,约25%的NO3-在唾液中获得和20%由在舌头上的共生细菌转换为NO2-(或总NO3-摄入5-8%)。

在NO2-和NO3-的食物来源问题是空气接触这些成分会带来真正足够的健康风险,从食品供应保证它们转移或限制,特别是腌制肉类。与任何化合物一样,剂量指示毒药,在高浓度时,纯NO2minus;可以与估计有致命的有毒口服剂量的2minus;9 g体重60公斤的成年人。能诱发婴儿高铁血红蛋白血症的NO2-剂量,已有报告范围将从1到8.3毫克NaNO2-/ kg体重。据报道NO2-的最低急性口服致死量已经从33变化到250毫克/千克体重,其中低剂量范围可能适用于儿童或老人。致命剂量硝酸钾(KNO3-)已被估计为4至30克(70-500毫克/公斤体重),但在成人中致死剂量的实际的估计为NO3-20g 或NO3-330毫克/ kg体重。美国国家科学院认为39岁,34岁NO2minus;16%的摄入量分别来源于膳食的腌肉、烘焙食品、谷物和蔬菜,然而,最近的报告显示,NO2minus;和NO3minus;摄入量只有不到5%的来源于腌肉的,其余来自蔬菜和唾液。其结果是,NO 2和NO 3 - 暴露的一个主要来源来自硝酸盐丰富的食物,例如蔬菜。Gangolli 等人评估得出的结论是,NO3minus;、NO2minus;和N-亚硝基化合物在人类饮食,NO3minus;膳食摄入量,蔬菜贡献每日超过85%,内源性合成是整体人类的NO3minus;来源的一个重要贡献者的。霍德等人估计,膳食摄入NO3-大约80%来自蔬菜的消费来源,而膳食NO2-摄入包括蔬菜,水果和肉类加工。总膳食的NO3-和NO 2 - 消耗,据估计,在人类的NO3-和NO2-的稳态浓度的约50%来自膳食来源。内源性补充和食物来源有助于NO3-和NO2-集合体,以确保没有充足的细胞功能的容器。即使NO2-和NO3-的稳态浓度的高达50%,从饮食来源衍生的一些估计,仅从唾液总日常NO2minus;暴露会75mu;mol或5.18毫克。霍德等人评估得出结论是,NO2-和NO3-的正常生理暴露水平大大超过浓度通常被认为以生产健康风险。硝酸盐和NO2-摄入量是个体之间变化很大归因于消费模式(即新鲜蔬菜,面包,麦片的变化,块茎作物,和水)以最大的曝光来自蔬菜和唾液来。

在由卡森斯的一项调查显示,从大城市的超市采取的腌制肉类NO2-的残留含量被发现是咸肉中含量为7 ppm、火腿切片为6 PPM和热狗为4 ppm。随后大调查从几个美国城市各种厂家腌制肉类采取零售样本超过100,呈现整体剩余NO2-的含量是〜10 ppm的。这表示从1975年怀特发现在腌制肉类平均剩余52.5 ppm浓度的NO2-起,该含量大幅下降了。加拿大报道在1972年至1997年的此期间进行了全面审查在1996年采样的腊肉制品NO2-的平均值为28 ppm,这比在同一时期在美国报告的浓度稍高。因为已经过去了好几年以来,腌腊肉制品的调查首先发现在美国,我们进行了全面的调查,以验证实际在目前的零售和建立数据库进行比较,其他历史调查.以前的研究提供腌制肉类残留NO2-/ NO3-浓度已经提供了剩余的NO2-/ NO3-肉类和食品,但没有全面的国家研究价值已经完成建立新的腊肉类(即有机/自然/固化/间接NO2-/ NO3-浓度治愈)。

在最近几年,出现了在消费者对“天然”和“有机”的食物的需求显著增加。美国能源部来定义有机和天然肉产品在农业法规和标签要求两个单独和不同的类别。无论类别是添加钠(钾)亚硝酸盐或硝酸盐,都不被允许生产。然而,美国农业部许可制造“未硫化的”版本的典型的腌肉产品根据联邦法规的代码。有机和天然的定义要求“未硫化的”被包含在产品标准化治愈产品名称的标签,然而,重要的是要注意,并非所有标记为“未硫化的”是有机或天然产品。各种成分已经被使用在这些类别的产品,包括海盐(NO2minus;,0 minus;0.45 ppm;NO3minus;,0.3minus;1.7 ppm ),蒸发甘蔗汁、生糖或红糖、乳酸起动文化,天然香料,天然调味料,和果汁从芹菜、胡萝卜、甜菜、菠菜,也是硝酸盐的来源(NO3minus;171minus;3227 ppm )。


这项调查是通过美国各地不同地区的的五大城市开展,随机抽取评估零售店腌腊肉制品NO2-/ NO3-残留含量。这种方法的目的是在过去的15年里获得一个代表性抽样的腌肉产品NO2-/ NO3-残余浓度的发生的变化。除了传统的腌制肉类,有机/自然/未固化/间接固化型产品也被调查,以比较其他数据库提供一个基准。

总体而言,在本调查中观察到的残留NO 2-值分别与每个产品类别内相一致(如由相对小的单个标准误差表示),并与卡森斯的报道没有明显不同。相比较而言,在这项研究中NO2-和NO3-值比那些在NAS2研究报告的数值低。本研究证实了在腌肉制品的残余NO2-浓度类似于1997年报道中提到的,并为零售的有机/自然/未腌制/间接腌肉制品类的NO2-/ NO3-浓度提供一个基准。


Survey of Residual Nitrite and Nitrate in Conventional and Organic/Natural/Uncured/Indirectly Cured Meats Available at Retail in theUnited States

Maryuri T. Nuñez De González,Wesley N. Osburn, Margaret D. Hardin,Michael Longnecker,Harsha K. Garg,Nathan S. Bryan, and Jimmy T. Keeton

ABSTRACT: A survey of residual nitrite (NO2minus;) and nitrate (NO3minus;) in cured meats available at retail was conducted to verify concentrations in conventional (C) products and establish a baseline for organic/natural/uncured/indirectly cured (ONC)products. In this study, 470 cured meat products representing six major categories were taken from retail outlets in five major metropolitan cities across the United States. Random samples representing both C and ONC type products were analyzed forNO2minus; and NO3minus; content (ppm) using an ENO-20 high-performance liquid chromatography system equipped with a reverse phase column. Generally, there were no differences in NO2minus; concentrations between C and ONC meat categories, but a fewONC products surveyed in certain cities were lower in NO3minus; content. Pairwise comparisons between cities indicated that NO2minus;and NO3minus; contents of all C type products were no appreciably different, and the same was true for most ONC products.Numerical NO2minus; values were less variable than NO3minus; concentrations within each meat product category. NO2minus; concentrations were similar to those previously reported by Cassens (Cassens, R. G. Residual nitrite in cured meat. Food Technol. 1997a, 51,53minus;55) in 1997. Residual NO2minus; and NO3minus; values in this study were numerically lower than those reported by NAS (National Academy of Sciences. The Health Effects of Nitrate, Nitrite, and N-Nitroso Compounds; National Academy Press: Washington, DC,1981) in 1981. Data from this survey provide a benchmark of NO2minus; and NO3minus; concentrations for ONC products available atretail.

KEYWORDS: nitrate, nitrite, organic, natural, uncured/indirectly cured, cured meat products

Nitrite (NO2minus;) and in some cases nitrate (NO3minus;) are functional food ingredients that serve as effective antimicrobialsto inhibit Clostridium botulinum growth, impart a distinctiv cure color to meat products, provide antioxidant properties to retard lipid oxidation, and extend the shelf life of these products. Their use in meat curing can be traced to antiquity,3,4 but it was not until the early 1900s that the chemistry of curing reactions involving NO2minus; and NO3minus; was elucidated. These ingredients remained unregulated in the United States until1926 when government regulations established a maximumNO2minus; use concentration of 156 ppm.5,6 The regulations have been modified only slightly since their implementation with allowances of up to 200 ppm NO2minus; for immersion or pumped products and a reduction to 120 ppm in bacon with mandatory inclusion of 547 ppm ascorbate to suppress nitrosation reactions. Current U.S. regulations allow the use of NO2minus;and NO3minus; in meat products based upon product category and method of curing.7 Immersion cured, massaged, or pumped products such as hams or pastrami are limited to a maximumingoing concentration of sodium or potassium NO2minus; and sodium or potassium NO3minus; of 200 and 700 ppm, respectively,based on the raw product weight.8 Dry-cured products,however, are allowed a maximum ingoing concentration of 625 and 2187 ppm of NO2minus; and NO3minus;, respectively, since these products have longer curing times that allow for NO2minus;dissipation and NO3minus; conversion to NO2. If a combination of NO2minus; and NO3minus; is used, the combination must not result in more than 200 ppm sodium NO2minus; in the finished product.Comminuted products such as frankfurters, bologna, and other cured sausages are limited to a maximum ingoing concentration of 156 ppm of sodium or potassium NO2minus; based on the raw weight of the meat block. Sodium or potassium NO3minus; may be added to these products at 1718 ppm regardless of the type of salt used. During the 1970s, the safety of cured meats related to human health was questioned due to their potential to form carcinogenic nitrosamines in the stomach following ingestion of NO2minus;. In 1981, a comprehensive report entitled “The HealthEffects of Nitrate, Nitrite and N-Nitroso Compounds” was published by the National Academy Sciences2 to assess the human health risk of these compounds. Eleven recommendations were made to reduce the risks associated with the consumption of nitrites, nitrates, and N-nitroso compounds in cured meats. Recommendations derived from the report and

subsequent publication of additional studies on the use of NO2minus; in curing led to a change in USDA-FSIS regulations in 1978 and 1986 that reduced the allowable concentrations of NO2minus; and NO3minus; in meat products. A provision also was made for the use of reductants such as sodium ascorbate to decrease residual NO2minus; and the potential for N-nitroso compound formation. Reducing the concentrations of NO2minus;, restricting the use of NO3minus;, which serves as a reservoir for NO2minus;, and the inclusion of cure accelerator (sodium erythorbate) to inhibit nitrosation reactions have reduced the potential for nitrosamine formation dramatically and reduced the residual concentrations of NO2minus; and NO3minus;. However, concerns raised by epidemiological studies and weak associations of cured meat ingestion with specific types of cancer (childhood leukemia, brain cancer)have renewed concerns about the safety of this meat ingredient.These are often dietary studies, and nitrite estimates are rarely reported. If so, they have been calculated based on intake estimates and referenced values.

Dietary NO2minus; and NO3minus; when ingested are absorbed into the systemic circulation and enter into a series of reactions mediated by nitric oxide synthases (NOSs), a group of important signaling molecules that generate nitric oxide(NO). Normal functioning of the vascular tissues requires the presence of NO2minus;, which is converted to NO. Nitric oxide in turn regulates vasodilation, blood pressure, endothelial inflammatory



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