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 2023-01-11 10:01  


Marjorie J. T. Norton, Jessie H. Chen-Yu and Jessie H. Chen-Yu



1 简要介绍

随着消费者对产品和服务的需求变得更加多样化,他们通过互联网和其他手段购物和购买的行为也在变化,通过与供应商数量扩大规模的比较(Corner amp; Zimmermann, 2000),营销人员会发现,获取和保留客户越来越有挑战性。在当今竞争激烈的时代,获取和保留客户的竞争尤为重要,很多企业面临的一个主要的营销问题就是需要针对消费者组织重点经营活动;然而,客户获取成本是昂贵的。根据罗森伯格和crepiel(1984)研究,吸引并且持续维持一个新顾客的成本可高达六倍。大量的研究表明,顾客忠诚度影响企业的获利能力,获得新客户的成本高是其中一个关键因素(Reichheld amp; Sasser, 1990; Srinivasan Anderson, amp; Ponnavolu, 2002)。这并不奇怪,因此,客户保持和客户关系管理已成为一个重大问题,是现代零售业的一个关键目标。

由于新的信息技术出现,如万维网,以客户为中心的经营活动已经引起了研究者们的关注,随着传统的营销理念在电子商务中的应用。互联网提供了企业和消费者之间的中介的新类型,如界面通过网站传达信息。通过网络,消费者可以获取信息来帮助他们找到自己想要的产品和服务。消费者可以访问数据,产品和服务,不管此时身在世界各地,自己的家中或办公室里(Korner amp; Zimmermann, 2000)。他们或是浏览互联网获取有关产品和服务的最新信息,或是直接进行购买和消费行为。网络还允许较远距离消费者直接相互作用,所以说互联网为个人和公司购买提供了一条切实可行的途径,通过电子市场交易产品和服务(Ramaswami, Strader, amp; Brett, 2000-2001)为客户保留提供了新的可能性,这种可能性基于对经营者和消费者之间的关系管理。

2 背景

美国近几十年来,越来越多的消费者购买行为是通过在家中直接使用邮件,目录和其他手段,与此同时,公司直接把物品送达消费者家中的模式也迅速成长起来。(Engel, Blackwell, amp; Miniard, 1995)。这些模式的出现使消费者一次性购物的时间越来越少,他们需要在家购物的需求增加,部分原因是由于扩大了有偿就业的时间量。通过苏尔书(1992)表明,在1990年,美国人平均工作近一个月的人数远超1970年,表明休闲活动时间显著减少。根据劳动统计局2000年发布的报告中,超过2500万的美国人,20.5%的总劳动力有偿工作至少一周49小时(as cited in abcnews.com)。一半人说他们一周工作超过59小时。根据Scroge(1991),在上世纪80年代,直接邮件和其他非商店零售占据了零售市场的大量份额且增长速度迅速。德雷克(1990)报告,在零售商店,邮购销售增长的销售速度是以往的两倍。

最近,通过因特网采购已成为国内购买行为中增长最迅速的方式,销售增长率超过传统零售(Levy amp; Weitz, 2001)。1998年至1999之间,企业网上销售增长了120%,约331亿美元(Shop.org amp; Boston Consulting Group, 2000)。Forrester研究公司(2001)报告说,在2000年,针对消费者的网络销售总额达到48300000000美元,年均增长46%。

网络零售的快速增长可能反映了某些令人信服的优势,网上购物比传统购物方式方便快捷。用鼠标点击几下,消费者能够节省时间和精力,一天24小时内都能通过网络购买公司的产品和服务。互联网也有利于零售商通过渠道降低成本,帮助他们保持低库存,一些零售商已经发现网络是访问客户的一个简单的方法。此外,随着使用互联网作为一种购物方式的消费者数量越来越多,互联网可以成为商家建立和维护客户关系的一个强大的媒体,一个网站的店面是否能吸引和留住顾客很大程度上可能影响一个公司的成功。(Geissler, 2001; Korner amp; Zimmermann, 2000; Selz, 1998)。

3 出现的问题


据最近的一个针对网上购物者进行的调查显示,55%的在线消费者会对他们的“购物车”里的商品放弃买单,有32%的消费者会在销售点放弃买单(Shop.org, 2001)。根据资料显示(2000),全球企业因为类似原因损失约61亿美元,2000年的时候,购买尝试失败。其中的原因,通常被归结为消费者中止搜索和购买的原因是个人信用卡信息,网站的技术问题,以及产品问题(Shim, Eastlick, Lotz, amp; Warrington, 2001)。这些原因表明,消费者不去网上购物很大程度上是因为这些网站不完善产生的不良后果而并非是对这种形式的分销渠道缺乏兴趣。

服装零售业也有自己的问题。由于服装产品的购买是一个复杂的过程,许多消费者不愿买不能看到和试用的产品,同时也包括在线交付费用以及返还流程的难度等方面原因(Shim, Eastlick, Lotz, amp; Warrington, 2001)。一个有效的网站,包括通过照片,文字说明等方式展现产品信息,进行产品演示和客户服务,这些可能对吸引客户在网上购买公司的产品发挥关键作用。



Chair Clothing and Textiles: some conceptual insights, The Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Yoo-Kyoung Seock, 2003, S.


Analysis on the Network Brand Shaping Strategies based on A Model of Clothing Websites via the Internet

Marjorie J. T. Norton, Jessie H. Chen-Yu and Jessie H. Chen-Yu

1 Introduction

As consumersrsquo; demands for products and services become more diversified, and their shopping and purchasing behavior changes with the expanded number of vendors available to them via the Internet and other means (Corner amp; Zimmermann, 2000), marketers will find it increasingly challenging to acquire and keep customers. In todayrsquo;s era of intense competition for acquiring and retaining customers, one of the main marketing issues facing many companies is the need to focus business activities on the consumer; however, customer acquisition is expensive. According to Rosenberg and Crepiel (1984), the cost to attract a new customer can be as much as six times the cost to keep a current one. A number of researchers indicate that customer loyalty is a key ingredient of firmsrsquo; profitability due to the high cost of acquiring new customers (Reichheld amp; Sasser, 1990; Srinivasan, Anderson, amp; Ponnavolu, 2002). It is not surprising, therefore, that customer retention and the management of relationships with customers has become a major issue and a key objective in modern retailing.

Since the emergence of new information technologies, such as the World Wide Web, customer-focused business activities have attracted researchersrsquo; and marketersrsquo; attention, along with the application of traditional marketing concepts to e-commerce. The Internet provides new types of intermediaries between businesses and consumers, such as the interface through web sites. Through the Internet, consumers can access information to help them find the services and products they want. Consumers can access data, products and services from around the world in their homes or offices (Korner amp; Zimmermann, 2000). They either browse the Internet to retrieve the latest information about products and services, or they buy or trade goods. By also allowing distantly separated consumers to interact directly with each other, the Internet provides a feasible way for individuals and companies to buy, sell or trade products and services through electronic market places (Ramaswami, Strader, amp; Brett, 2000-2001) and offers new possibilities for customer retention through the management of relationships between marketers and consumers.

2 Backgrounds

Over recent decades in the United States, a growing percentage of consumer shopping and buying activity has been taking place in the home through the use of direct mail, catalogs and other means, while direct marketing by companies to reach consumers in their homes has been growing rapidly as well (Engel, Blackwell, amp; Miniard, 1995). These patterns have occurred as consumersrsquo; disposable time for shopping has dwindled and their need for in-home shopping has increased, due in part to the expanding amounts of time spent in paid employment. A book by Schor (1992) showed that, in 1990, Americans worked an average of nearly one month more per year than in 1970, suggesting a significant decline in leisure activities. According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report released in 2000, more than 25 million Americans - 20.5 percent of the total workforce in paid jobs - worked at least 49 hours a week in 1999 (as cited in abcnews.com). Half of them reported that they worked more than 59 hours a week. According to Sroge (1991), during the 1980s, direct mail and other non-store retailing captured a substantial share of the retail market and grew one-third faster than average retail sales. Shim and Drake (1990) report that, in 1980, mail order sales grew at twice the rate of sales in retail stores. Shim and Mahoney (1992) noted that sales of catalog retailers outnumbered annual store sales by 10 percent.

More recently, purchasing via the Internet has become one of the most rapidly growing forms of in-home buying, with sales growth rates outpacing those in traditional retail settings (Levy amp; Weitz, 2001). Business-to-consumer Internet sales in the United States grew by 120 percent between 1998 and 1999 to approximately $33.1 billion (Shop.org amp; Boston Consulting Group, 2000). Forrester Research (2001) reports that, in 2000, Internet sales to consumers totaled $48.3 billion, representing an annual growth rate of 46 percent since 1999. According to the Monthly Retail Trade Survey of the U.S. Census Bureau (as cited in Srinivasan, Anderson, amp; Ponnavolu, 2002), Internet retail sales for 2000 were $25.8 billion, which was 49 percent higher than the sales of $17.3 billion for 1999.

The rapid growth of e-tailing may reflect certain compelling advantages of shopping on the Internet over conventional brick-and-mortar stores. With a few clicks of the mouse, consumers are able to save time and effort by comparing and purchasing companiesrsquo; products and services offered on the web 24 hours a day. The Internet also can benefit retailers by reducing real estate costs and by helping them maintain low inventories. Some retailers have found it an easy way to access customers. Moreover, with consumers increasingly using the Internet as a shopping method, the Internet can be a powerful medium for marketers to build and maintain a customer base, and a website storefront can materially influence a companyrsquo;s success in attracting and retaining customers (Geissler, 2001; Korner amp; Zimmermann, 2000; Selz, 1998).

3 The Problem

Despite the significant growth and optimistic outlook in Internet shopping, many companies still face challenges in e-tailing. Although it is reported that approximately 72 percent of Internet users search for products online at least once per month (Shop.org, 2001), such a high level of search activity does not translate into similarly high purchase levels. Conversion rates, the proportion of consumers who buy o



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