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 2023-01-11 10:01  





关键词:委托代理; 信息不对称; 道德水平

委托代理理论要想在原有模式的基本结构下进行发展,首先要做的是委派他人作为代理。 代理关系是社会交往中最古老和最常见的一种模式。如果我们在某些特殊领域遇到决策问题时,代理关系也将会变得很复杂,常常有指定的代理,以及代理行为等。这可能是由于缺乏足够多的时间或能力去完成这项任务,甚者说自己主观上不愿去做这事,因此,关键的假设是代理人和委托人可能会有冲突的目标。如果冲突的原因是因为信息的不完整,那么委托人将不能完全控制代理人的绩效水平。



本文模型出现在20世纪70年代,它不可避免的造成了委托任务与优先代理的有限公司之间的问题,同时在决策模型周期中,观念、目标和利益都存在不同的特征。在过去的30年中,通过对典型模型的大量修改,使得委托代理理论已日趋完善,并且被应用到了经济学领域。我们应该考虑到,委托代理理论有着悠久的传统,但在许多方面却依然有争议,虽然现在该理论具有的连贯性已经超出了我们的预期。在传统的理论模型中,存在一个共同点,倾向于同一层次代理问题,并同时采取信息不对称的方式。他们构建一个弱势的利益主体,然后通过激励加强了管理,并且常常通过对常数的设置来改变目标冲突和信息不对称的问题。 总体而言,该模型专注于一个委托人和代理人,使得程序过于简单,同时被很广泛地应用。然而,扩大模型引进了利益冲突问题。数量模型委托水平和人工信息不对称概念也随即产生。正如我们所看到的,这需要引进第二个层次的委托代理关系,从而扩大垂直模型来研究。

通过几项研究,如知识转让和跨国公司对子公司的控制范围等,意味着在原则上的多级委托代理关系日渐明朗,证明一个演员确实能扮演多个角色(见,如比约克曼,巴尔纳-拉斯穆森和李,2004;巴尔加斯,2003;奥多内尔,2000)。 理论结果存在的缺陷,部分来自于历史发展的原因。对机构的研究最初来自对经济困境的案件的分析,最突出的机构则是保险业。目前,应用在经济、生产及组织的理论已经适应了不同环境和众多结构的需求。它的出现带来了更大的压力,使人们重新评估其核心命题。总体而言,需要重新对信息,控制和目标设想进行设定。

人工信息不对称是指一个二维的委托代理关系的不对称。它包括一个真正的代理,一个真正的主体,但同时也是一个演员既有委托人又有代理人。为了说明这一点,公开被认为是一个成为治理政治实体问题的主要选择。代理人应该成为他或她的选区的代表,同时被授权一些任务。这些新的受托人可以再把某些任务转给新的代理人,从而成为另一个主要的受托人。在如今的政治和官僚组织结构中,这可能继续创造不同层级的委托代理关系,为我们勾勒出一个人工信息不对称战略的基本机制,使得仅用两级模型就足够了。 我们认为这是明智的理性选择,前提是假设只有演员和机构受到限制,并且演员都是理性的。目标的概念意味着一个演员能有独立,甚至有反对他的主要的私人动机。由于自私的动机,我们在逻辑上希望个人受到限制。通过我们对英国女王伊丽莎白的观察,心理上合观念上的制约,也是能够起到有效的作用的。道德价值观和信仰的设置可以限制一个演员的回旋余地。代理的主要问题出现时,人们认为内外的替代品数量是有限制必要的,这意味着他或她已违反了游戏规则,而不是按照他们的主要代表来进行选择。人们的实际动机是多方面的,并且存在多变,自私的特性。因此,代理人自然努力追求一种策略,来保证自身所喜爱的结果,并且同时避免处罚。

人工信息不对称概念的实质是第二层的关键,我们的“领导者”,将不被追究责任,同时假定人们无法控制的第一层问题,他的“上级”或公众,他们的代理人,都有可能。这种基于传统的关键命题,主要是因为在一般的不完全信息情况中处于不利地位。在现实中,我们将观察到的(联合国)中存在的严格的问责框架制度。而且,它一般是很难解释如何预测和控制失败。不能够控制人们的代理人可能被认为是领导能力的缺陷或是因为不愿承担维持治安的必要费用。 公众作为我们的一级,主要不仅仅是对其直接处于信息弱势地位。而且第二级的委托人,甚至还无法去处理因潜在的道德风险而引起的第二级的代理人。换言之,第二级的代理控制已经成为第二级的主要问题。委托人主要可以利用这个事实故意忽略信息不对称和代理人的道德风险控制的事实。只要长期目标达成共识,即二级委托人与代理人的存在,则二级委托人是没有动力去行使控制权的。受托人甚至没有意识到这一目标的存在共识。它甚至在主要的利益上来掩盖这一事实,使代理人不能按此协议行事。

人工信息不对称是一种策略,可以应用的很广泛,比如扩大自己的的政策选择,胜过风险的丑闻和惩罚。它位于这一战略的本质环节,它最成功的应用应该承认。干预控制机关和新闻调查,或干预有助于引发公众揭露丑闻的行为。 应用概念第一级作为一个公共的委托代理人,主要是由于第一级所代表的一级代理商之间存在的信息不对称(在同一时间二级委托),同时只有债权关系的信息不对称。虽然在口头民主结构的环境下,我们可以很容易地采用同样的动力。我们可以期望找到类似条件的策略以便用到商业或私生活上。最近的几件事,引用了弥补人工信息不对称的优秀案例来进行研究。这种战略通常经常适用于侵犯人权的情况。这不是巧合,而是试图制定战略,并且是在米切尔的一项关于人权意识的领导决定(米切尔,2004年)的结果中发现违反研究的典范。 虐待囚犯的待遇在阿布格莱布正式认定为道德风险,下落不明的现象是一些“害群之马”。这些“害群之马”的道歉,正是篡夺权利的女王伊丽莎白对下属机构的感叹。但是,很可能存在这样的压力,收集lsquo;采取行动的情报是一项政策,甚至可以追溯到美国国防部高层的决策。实际肇事者甚至没有意识到这一点。使用动议特定的审讯方式的不是罪行的唯一原因。创造一种环境,鼓励外在的控制行为似乎更为重要,并且没有表示十分相似的指挥控制。“害群之马”,然后被当做替罪羊??就像马基雅维利的西班牙部长。



外文文献出处:Poth,Stephan,Selck,Torsten J.Politics,2009 5:p137-144.


Principal Agent Theory and Artificial Information Asymmetry Principals agents and asymmetry of information

The initial step in developing the original modelrsquo;s underlying structure is the delegation of tasks to an agent by his or her principal.

lsquo;The relationship of agency is one of the oldest and commonest codified modes of social interaction. We will say that an agency relationship has risen between two(or more) parties when one, designated as the agent, acts for, on behalf of, or as representative for the other, designated the principal, in a particular domain of decision problemsrsquo; (Ross, 1973, p. 134.)

This can be motivated by a lack of time or capacity to perform the task themselves or even sheer unwillingness. The key assumption is that agents and principals potentially have conflicting objectives. If conflicting objectives are accompanied by imperfect information about an agent, the principal cannot completely control his or her agentrsquo;s performance (Laffont and Martimort, 2002). The asymmetrical distribution of information is mainly of a structural nature. However, the information gap is not axiomatic but can under certain circumstances be bridged or mitigated by policing efforts. Even if monitoring is technically feasible, it is assumed to be subject to a cost-benefit analysis that is likely to render it as too costly in highly complex agency relationships. The structural disadvantage of asymmetrical information causes inefficiency and imperfect markets. The principal can apply a costly strategy to elicit private information from his or her chosen agent, thus balancing asymmetrical patterns of information distribution. We distinguish between two modes of asymmetrical information:(1) when action is unobservable to a principal we refer to moral hazard see (Holmstrom, 1979) or hidden action; (2) adverse selection (Akerlof, 1970) refers to the risk arising from not knowing the habit and character of agents. It is the principal who bears the cost of asymmetrical information and goal variance whereas the agent can shirk or, more generally, pursue individual interests.

When the model emerged in the 1970s, the problem of limited control caused by the unavoidable delegation of tasks to agents with potentially parochial priorities, perceptions, goals and interests had been a recurring feature in models of political decision-making. Over the last 30 years, principal agent theory has been applied to political science settings with significant modifications of the canonical model received from economics. We should consider that principal agent theory has a long tradition but is yet in many aspects still controversial and less coherent and cohesive than we might expect. Models within the theoretical tradition have in common a tendency to focus on one-level agency problems and take the existence of information asymmetry for granted. They construct a disadvantaged principal whose natural interest it is to seek control over renegade agents through incentives. Goal conflict and information asymmetry are widely accepted to be constants with little change across time and settings.

Overall, the modelrsquo;s narrow focus on one principal and his or her agent is too simplistic for many applications. However, expanding the model horizontally by introducing a number of principals with conflicting interests is not sufficient for the concept of artificial information asymmetry. As we will see, this demands the introduction of a second level of principal-agent relationship, thereby expanding the model vertically. Several studies, such as research on knowledge transfers and subsidiary control within multinational corporations and other work on business organisation imply in principle the idea of multiple levels of principal-agent relationships, where an actor can be principal in one relationship and agent in another see, (e.g. Bjorkman, Barner-Rasmussen and Li, 2004; Vargas, 2003; Orsquo;Donnell, 2000.)

The shortcomings of the theory result in part from its historical development. Research on the agency dilemma originally derived from economic analysis, most prominent in the case of insurance. Applied within economics, the theory of the firm and organisational theories already had to be adapted to numerous varying environments and structures. Its emergence in political science brought even more pressure to reassess its central proposition. Overall, the need to reformulate assumptions about information, control and goals has been recognised by theoretical developments

The artificiality of information asymmetry

Artificial information asymmetry refers to a two-dimensional principal-agent relationship. It includes a genuine agent and a genuine principal, but also an actor who is both principal and agent. To illustrate this point, assume that a public is a principal choosing a chief executive for governing its political entity. The agent is supposed to act as a representative on behalf of his or her constituency which has delegated several tasks to him or her. This new agent may delegate certain tasks to further agents, thus becoming a principal him or herself. In highly complex environments such as todayrsquo;s political and bureaucratic organisational structures, this might continue creating several levels of principal-agent sub-games. For our purpose of outlining the basic mechanism of a strategy of artificial information asymmetry, a two-level model is sufficient.

We believe it is advisable to stretch the classic rational choice approach assumptions that only actors and institutions exert constraints, and that actors are instrumentally rational. The concept of goal variance implies that an actor can have private motives that are independent or even opposed to those of his or her principal. Given selfish motivation we can logically expect personal constraints. Psychological and ideational constraints might effectively take the role



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