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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2022-06-04 22:50:19  


摘 要




关键词: 路基 路面 沥青混凝土 水泥混凝土 防护 排水


The design is the part of the leiyang to the yizhang of the jingzhu expressway.The technology level is the expressway of the high hills.The content that will be finished has selecting and confirming the line, flat vertical designs and cross section to be designed of a road mainly, road surface structural design of road bed. Calculate the application which has confirmed the class of highway and technical standard according to the volume of traffic, pass such the investigating further of the state as local topography , climate , hydrology , geology ,etc. correctly at the same time , for selecting to prepare the firsthand material of scheme of the highway. Fix up after fixing the level of the circuit.

The major content of this design is the design of the road bed.The ways of the design is the select and confirm,calculate,checking computations to the asphalt concrete and the cement concrete. To the asphalt concrete,I calculate the cumulative equivalent shaft times and the traffic,at the same time,I check computations the deflection value and the tensile stress.To the cement concrete,I calculate the cumulative equivalent shaft times and calculate the thickness of the cement concrete,at the same time,I check computations the thickness of the cement concrete that I drafted. On the basis of the major content,I design and calculate the guard of the subgrade slope ,as well as the drainage of the edge.

Having originally designed and also summarized one's own gains, this is a very good summary that has been studied over the past four years, can lay the solid foundation theory and reality conbining together organic for work and pursuit of advanced studies in the future.

Key words:

subgrade;road bed;asphalt concrete;cement concrete;guard;drainage

目 录

第一章 道路工程概况 1

第二章 公路路线设计 2

2.1 高速公路技术指标计算 2

2.1.1 交通量计算 2

2.1.2相关技术指标 3

2.2 公路选线定线及平面设计 3

2.2.1平面设计的原则 3

2.2.2定线 3

2.2.3 平曲线要素计算 4

2.2.4主点桩号计算 7

2.2.5 直线曲线及转角表 8

2.2.6逐桩坐标表 8

2.3超高及加宽设计 8

2.3.1 超高计算 8

2.3.2加宽计算 11

2.4 公路纵断面设计 11

2.4.1纵坡设计原则 11

2.4.2平纵组合的设计原则 11

2.4.3设计步骤 12

2.4.4拉坡 12

2.4.5竖曲线要素计算 12

2.4.6竖曲线表 13

2.5 公路横断面设计 14

2.5.1概述 14

2.5.2横断面尺寸 14

2.5.3路基土石方数量计算与调配 15

第三章 路基设计 18

3.1设计原则 18

3.2公路路基防护工程设计 18

3.2.1路基防护的目的及分类 18

3.2.2路基防护的要及所遵循的原则 18

3.2.3边坡防护措施 19

3.3公路排水设计 20

3.3.1路面排水 20

第四章 路面工程设计 24

4.1路面设计的原则 24

4.2水泥混凝土路面与沥青混凝土路面的比较 24

4.3沥青路面设计 24

4.3.1沥青路面的设计内容 25

4.3.2沥青路面交通等级 25

4.4沥青路面结构组合设计 28

4.4.1沥青面层结构 28

4.4.2确定土基回弹模量 30

4.4.3确定结构设计参数 30

4.4.4路面结构厚度设计方程式 31

4.4.5验算结果 33

4.4.6路面结构图 33

4.4.7确定最小防冻厚度 34

4.5路面交工验收指标 34

4.6水泥混凝土路面设计 35

4.6.1概述 35

4.6.2混凝土路面结构设计原则 35

4.6.3混凝土路面交通等级 36

4.6.4水泥混凝土路面宽度设计 36

参考文献 42

结 束 语 43

致 辞 44


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