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 2021-12-22 22:11:20  


摘 要



关键词:直销银行; 前后端分离; Java; Spring框架; Angular框架

Designing bank marketing system using Java


Popular speak direct bank is the various business will be offline bank transfer to line up, direct bank in our country starts late, a market segment is still in its infancy, due to the traditional bank bring people long-term way of curing, make direct bank is now hard to accept, and combined with the bank of the bank on the net, such as the function of the software and direct bank repeat, let a person is difficult to distinguish the difference. However, direct selling Banks have their own unique advantages, and the government and Banks are paying more attention to them. In particular, compared with traditional Banks, the sudden epidemic has highlighted their advantages. With the direct banking system, people can open accounts and make financial purchases without going to a physical counter. This is a win-win situation for both users and Banks.

The direct selling banking system designed in this subject mainly includes four systems, which are virtual banking system, direct selling banking core system, identity authentication system and background management system. The virtual banking system mainly includes the following functions: login, registration, account opening, card binding, recharge, withdrawal, financial product display, financial purchase, financial redemption, transaction record inquiry and display of purchased products. The Internet core system is mainly responsible for handling moving account operations. The authentication system is mainly responsible for the real-name authentication when users register. Background management system is mainly responsible for the addition, modification, deletion and other operations of financial products. JAVA is still the number one background development language, so the interface of the system is written in JAVA language. The virtual banking system USES Spring framework, the back-end management system USES Struts2, and the front-end USES Angular framework.

Keywords: Direct bank; Front and rear end separation; Java; Spring frame;Angular

目 录

摘 要 II

Abstract III

目 录 1

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 背景介绍及意义 1

1.2 直销银行现状 1

1.3 主要研究内容 2

1.4 本章小结 3

第二章 技术背景 4

2.1 软件综述 4

2.2 Java语言 5

2.3 Spring相关框架简介 5

2.4 mysql数据库 5

2.5 开发环境 5

2.6 本章小结 6

第三章 需求分析与概要设计 7

3.1 系统介绍 7

3.2 可行性分析 7

3.3 身份认证系统需求分析 8

3.4 直销银行核心系统 9

3.5 虚拟银行系统 12

第四章 系统设计 17

4.1数据库设计 17

4.1.1 虚拟银行系统数据库的设计 17

4.1.2 互联网核心系统的设计 18

4.1.3 身份认证系统的设计 18

4.2接口的制定 19

4.3 验证码功能 23

4.4 注册功能 24

4.5 登录功能 27

4.6开户功能 28

4.6.1 系统间的报文交互 30

4.6.2 Socket 多线程 30

4.7 绑卡功能 32

4.8 充值功能 36

4.9 提现功能 39

4.10 理财产品 43

4.10.1 产品筛选 44

4.10.2 理财购买 46

4.11 理财产品赎回功能 47

4.11.1 活期手动赎回 48

4.11.2 定期自动赎回 49

4.11.3 理财产品收益 50

4.12交易记录 50

第五章 总结 I

参考文献 II

致 谢 IV

第一章 绪 论

1.1 背景介绍及意义


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