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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2021-03-19 22:10:21  

摘 要

Abstract II

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景 1

1.2 课题研究的目的及意义 1

1.3 国内外发展现状 2

1.3.1国外发展现状 2

1.3.2国内发展现状 2

1.4 论文主要内容简介 3

2 总体设计 4

2.1 开发环境的选择 4

2.1.1 选用Unity 3D引擎作为软件开发引擎 4

2.1.2 选用Visual Studio2005作为开发平台 4

2.2 活塞连杆虚拟拆装系统总体设计 5

2.2.1 活塞连杆虚拟拆装系统功能 5

2.2.2 活塞连杆虚拟拆装系统主要功能模块设计 6

2.3 活塞连杆部件结构展示系统总体设计 14

2.3.1 活塞连杆部件结构展示系统功能设计 14

2.3.2 活塞连杆部件结构展示系统主要功能模块设计 15

3 活塞连杆虚拟拆装和结构展示系统实现 15

3.1 技术基础 15

3.1.1 虚拟拆装技术 15

3.1.2 单例类 16

3.1.3 键盘交互技术 16

3.1.4 Unity3 D技术 16

3.2 活塞连杆虚拟拆装系统实现 18

3.2.1 项目的创建 18

3.2.2 窗口UI的创建 18

3.2.3 模型的动画控制器和动画事件设置 20

3.2.4 主要功能的实现 22

3.3 活塞连杆部件结构展示系统实现 24

3.3.1窗口UI的创建 24

3.3.2功能实现 25

4 测试 27

4.1 软件测试概述 27

4.2 活塞连杆虚拟拆装系统主要功能测试 27

5 总结 32

致谢 33

参考文献 34



本文研究了基于Unity3D的活塞连杆虚拟拆装和技术,以Unity 3D引擎作为开发引擎、以Visual Studio 2005作为开发平台、以虚拟拆装技术、Unity 3D技术和键盘交互为主导技术,采用脚本驱动的模式开发了一个基于Unity 3D的活塞连杆虚拟拆装系统,实现了活塞连杆的虚拟拆装和结构展示功能。


关键词:虚拟拆装;Unity 3D;辅助教学


With the rapid development of computer technology, education, Computer, network and education more and more inseparable, the use of virtual reality technology in the application of teaching is more and more widely, which is widely used in virtual disassembly technology. It is early put forward new ideas of using virtual disassembly instead of physical disassembly, the reality of easy to wear, the higher cost of some of the teaching props using computer virtual technology to simulate them and in the computer step by step manual disassembly demonstration, so that students can not even contact with the kind of physical and intuitive understanding of demolition loading steps and methods, so as to achieve the purpose of skilled use and cost savings.

This paper studies the virtual disassembly and technology of piston link based on Unity3D, use Unity 3D engine as the development engine, taking Visual Studio 2005 as the development platform, takes virtual disassembly technology, Unity 3D technology and keyboard interaction as the leading technology, using script-driven mode to develope a Unity 3D piston piston virtual disassembly system, to achieve the piston plug virtual disassembly and structural display function.

This paper analyzes the advantages of virtual disassembly in auxiliary teaching, discusses the purpose and significance of the research, and describes the development status at home and abroad. Detailed expression of the entire system of specific implementation. Finally, the system was tested and a summary of the graduation design was made.

Keywords: virtual disassembly, Unity 3D, auxiliary teaching

1 绪论

1.1 课题研究的背景


而另一方面随着时代的发展和社会的进步,3D技术从原本只有对计算机三维图形学有较深入研究的高端人群所垄断的技术演变成普通群众都能接受和使用的平民技术,其中应用最为广泛的是Unity Technologies开发的多平台综合开发工具Unity 3D引擎,Unity3D是一款可以轻松创建诸如三维视频游戏、建筑可视化和实时的三维动画等类型互动内容的多平台综合型游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎。

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