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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-03-13 11:03  

摘 要





China is a country with frequent earthquake, the earthquake intensity of higher areas of power transmission is unavoidable; At the same time, the power transmission system to speed up the upgrade, transmission technology continues to improve, large space, large span of the composite transmission tower continue to appear The So the seismic research of the transmission tower has a very far-reaching significance.

In this paper, the typical transmission tower model of the five towers in the quake zone of 9 degrees is selected for seismic study.Firstly, the three-dimensional model of single tower, five tower and tower system is established by ANSYS software. The coupling coefficient of single tower and tower line coupling system is analyzed from the top of the tower, the shear force of the base and the compressive stress of the bar analysis,The influence of the coupling effect of the wire and the tower on the seismic response of the tower under the action of the transverse direction, the direction of the road and the direction of the vertical line is studied.The results show that the displacement of the tower line in the transverse line (X direction) under the action of the seismic wave is relatively reduced compared with the tower,due to the self-weight of the wire, the relative increase in the reaction force, the compressive stress is greatly reduced;In the direction of the line (Y direction) under the action of seismic waves, the tower tower tension tower tower tower displacement significantly increased, slightly reduced cable tower; tower line system of the reaction force than the tower system has increased significantly; The stress value increases;In the vertical (Z-direction) seismic wave, the value of the tower top displacement of the tower system is obviously increased with respect to the tower. In terms of stress, the stress is obviously increased except for the partial tower.The comparison of the insulator lines of the I-type insulator cable system in the V-type insulator cable system reveals that the connection of the insulators of the transmission leads will affect the coupling coefficient of one or more tow lines in the tower system, and the different connection methods And obtain the different coupling coefficient value, it is concluded that the connection method of the insulator will affect the seismic response of the transmission line.

Key words: Finite element; Transmission tower line; Earthquake; Coupling coefficient


1. 绪论

1.1. 研究背景

1.2. 输电塔体系抗震研究现状

1.3. 本文的研究目的及内容

2. 有限元建模与模态分析

2.1. 工程背景

2.2. 有限元建模

2.2.1. 耐张塔的建模

2.2.2. 直线塔的建模

2.3. 自重下的静力分析

2.3.1. 耐张塔的重力分析

2.3.2. 直线塔的重力分析

2.4. 动力特性分析

2.4.1. 耐张塔

2.4.2. 直线塔

2.5. 输电线的建模与静力分析

2.5.1. 导线的初始构型与初始应力

2.5.2. 导线动力特性分析

2.6. 塔-线耦联体系的建模与静力分析

2.6.1. 塔-线耦联体系的建模

2.6.2. 塔线体系自重下的静力分析

2.7. 塔线体系的动力特性分析

3. 强震下塔线体系的动力响应分析

3.1. 地震波的选取

3.2. 动力时程分析方法

3.2.1. 纽马克(Newmark)法

3.3. 单向地震作用下输电杆塔的地震响应分析

3.3.1. 顺线路输电塔地震响应分析

3.3.2. 垂直线路输电塔地震响应分析

3.3.3. 竖向线路输电塔地震响应分

3.4. 单向地震作用下塔线耦联体系的地震响应分析

3.4.1. 顺线路塔线体系地震响应分析

3.4.2. 垂直线路塔线体系地震响应分析

3.4.3. 竖向线路塔线体系地震响应分析

4. 塔线体系地震响应的耦联系数分析

4.1. 横向线路方向地震响应耦联系数分析

4.2. 顺线路方向地震响应耦联系数分析

4.3. 竖向线路方向地震响应耦联系数分析

4.4. 绝缘子类型对塔线耦联效应的影响

4.5. 小结

5. 结论与展望

5.1. 结论

5.2. 展望







1971年美国San Fernando地震,由于输电塔整体抗震性能比较好,故当时主要是一些混凝土电线杆发生一定程度的损坏,但对于输电塔的抗震具有警示性作用。1976唐山大地震中[[4]],唐山地区的电力系统因地震的缘故受到了极大地损坏,区内输电线路都遭受了不同程度损坏,导致电力中断,抗震救灾工作受到了严重的影响。1989年10月17日美国Loma Prieta地震的典型特点是电力系统的显著破坏;地震中,230KV和500KV的高压变电站破坏严重,输电线路严重破坏,由此造成140多万用户停电。1995年1月17日,日本冰库县南部地震,有38条高压线路、446条配电线路损坏;共有20座输塔塔基础沉降,塔架倾斜,部分线路绝缘子损坏,遭受重大损失。1999年9月21日中国台湾地震造成345KV特高压输电塔大规模毁损。2008年5月12日我国汶川大地震中,据不完全统计,地震及余震导致110KV线路倒塔20多基,局部破坏受损约16基[[5]]。

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