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    《哈姆雷特》中的疯癫与清醒Madness and Soberness in Hamlet开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献) Literature Review Gao Huilian noted that from the dialogue between Hamlet and the main characters in the play and several major actions demonstrated, we can conclude that Hamlet was sober. Firstly, after the dialogue with the ghost of king, Hamlet didn't lose rationality. He asked his friends to keep a secret after the shortest time he restored calmed. Then, he told his friend he would pretend mad in order to revenge. Secondly, he abandoned Ophelia whom he loved deeply. It is hard for him to make this decision. However, it was a correct and helpful way for his revenge. Thirdly, Hamlet keenly knew the purpose was not pure when Rosencrantz and Guildensten visited him. He talked with them used mad and aggressive words to get a real purpose: it was the king and queen let them to test Hamlet. Forth, Hamlet had a chance to kill his uncle Claudius who had not attendants. However he gave up, thought that it is wrong time

    The Theme of Death from Hemingway’s The Snows of Kilimanjaro and The Old Man and the Sea 从《乞力马扎罗的雪》与《老人与海》看海明威的死亡主题开题报告

    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)Like I said in the introduction, Hemingway was considered one of the most famed novelist in the 20th century, and his works won him a Pulizter Prize and a Nobel Prize in literature, the two awards only granted to the greatest. Putting these achievements aside, reading Hemingway#8217;s works instills one with lasting inner strength that brings his feet back on the ground, not to mention the pure pleasure while reading his simple but poweful words. Therefore, the elapse of time have#8217;ve quenched people#8217;s desire to explore Hemingway#8217;s masterpieces and his inner world, tons of studies done on the subject with more to come in the future. When people think of Hemingway, certain tags naturally pop into people#8217;s mind like ”Code Hero”, ”Grace under pressure”, ”the lost generation”, and these are among the most explored subjects. Nevertheless, Hemingway#8217;s treasure haven#8217;t been exploited fully


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) I. WRITING CONTENT REQUIREMENTS: AIM ANDSIGNIFICANCE (Including both of the domestic and international researchcondition) AIMAND SIGNIFICANCE It’s anera of global trade, so the transportation of goods is very important.. According to thestatistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, the total volume of freighttransportation last year was 47.9 billion tons, an increase of 9.3% over theprevious year. Railway transportation is 3.69 billion tons, road transportationis 36.8 billion tons, water transportation is 6.66 billion tons, civil aviationis 70.58 billion tons and pipeline transportation is 790 million tons. From these data, it can be seen that roadtransportation is the main component except for fast shipping. Highwaytransport equipment is trucks. It is necessary to drive safely when usingtrucks, and to improve the efficiency of freight transportation as much aspossible. Automobile contains many systems, am


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 汽车工业的发展可带动公路建设、石油化工、钢铁、机械制造、电子等行业的同步发展,对全球经济影响深远,因此汽车工业可以说是全球工业的龙头行业,许多国家也都把汽车工业列为支柱产业。随着中国国民经济的快速发展,中国居民收入水平不断提升,汽车的需求量也越来越大。世界车企纷纷入驻中国市场,抢占市场份额,行业内的竞争日渐激烈。车企为了提高竞争力,一方面通过车型的升级、扩充来赢取客户的青睐,另一方面通过降低成本来提高利润率。汽车是民用消费品中最为复杂的商品之一,汽车销量逐年攀升的同时,行业内的竞争势态也在逐年加剧,对于汽车工业制造企业来说,为了赢得市场,获得生存发展就需要适应消费者需求多样化的变化而建立高效、灵活的生产系统是关键。 汽车零部件


    全文总字数:3486字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1.1课题研究的背景和意义 随着我国的工业化程度越来越高,汽车产业得到了飞速发展,人民生活水平的提高,汽车也成为人们最重要的交通工具之一。虽然汽车给人们提供了许多便利,但他也带来了不少隐害,例如交通安全问题,这严重影响着人们的人身安全,交通事故是世界性难题,我国每年发生的交通事故不下于50万,每年因此丧生人数不下于10万,交通事故对我国发展造成了严重危害,而汽车的制动器性能是最基本的保障汽车安全行驶的性能,因此汽车制动系统对避免这一危害发挥着巨大的作用。制动性能是汽车在行驶时能人为可控的降低行驶速度或停车的能力,它是汽车的重要性能之一。汽车制动性能的检验是检验汽车安全技术的重要内容,它不仅关系到交通安全,同时也对加强环境保护


    全文总字数:11914字1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) I. WRITING CONTENT REQUIREMENTS: AIM ANDSIGNIFICANCE (Including both of the domestic and international researchcondition) AIMAND SIGNIFICANCE It’s anera of global trade, so the transportation of goods is very important.. According to thestatistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, the total volume of freighttransportation last year was 47.9 billion tons, an increase of 9.3% over theprevious year. Railway transportation is 3.69 billion tons, road transportationis 36.8 billion tons, water transportation is 6.66 billion tons, civil aviationis 70.58 billion tons and pipeline transportation is 790 million tons. From these data, it can be seen that roadtransportation is the main component except for fast shipping. Highwaytransport equipment is trucks. It is necessary to drive safely when usingtrucks, and to improve the efficiency of freight transportation as much aspossible. Automobile


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 1. 目的及意义 (1)深度学习简介 深度学习是近年来计算机科学领域比较热门的研究方向,是机器学习的一个分支。 机器学习指机器能够利用大数据集进行自主学习,而不是通过硬性编码规则,这种学习类型基于现代计算机强大的处理能力,能够在短时间内处理大数据集;并且由于大数据时代的到来,人们收集信息的速度和规模变得很大,从而为机器学习提供了海量数据集。机器学习是人工智能的核心,是使计算机具有智能的根本有效途径。 深度学习的概念源于人工神经网络的研究。神经网络是构成深度学习系统的框架,它由大量彼此相连、概念化的人造神经元组成,分为输入层、隐藏层和输出层。普通神经网络只有一个隐藏层,含有多个隐藏层的人工神经网络便称为深度学习系统。 深度学习分为监督式学习和非


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) 在互联网技术的进步和web2.0的刺激下,普通网民参与内容生成的热情高涨,涌现了诸多UGC平台。从电子公告板(BBS)到人人网、开心网、虎扑,从博客到微博,从百度百科到知乎,从文字的UGC到短视频的UGC,普通网民获得了极大的展示自我的空间,使得互联网中的内容得到了充实,舆论空间、艺术空间得到了扩展。但同时,UGC如同一把双刃剑,其弊端也日渐暴露,即用户生成内容引发的版权侵权问题。 用户生成内容的版权侵权,一方面给UGC平台带来一批批的诉讼,面临相关的赔偿,并影响其平台名誉,另一方面也使被侵权者受到直接的利益损害和精神影响。另外,由此暴露的国内知识产权问题、版权保护问题,使得我国相关法律受到质疑,影响我国的国际形象。这些负面影响


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述) Researchstatus analysis Adriverless car is a car that senses its surroundings by sensors on the car, andsends out correct driving instructions to the car based on the sensed road andvehicle position, so that the car can safely and reliably travel. However, sometimesthere are many departure situations in the car. In some special cases, the useof natural language description can help the car to avoid accidents morequickly. Therefore, the main research content of this paper is the naturallanguage driving navigation for smart cars. AlbertS. Huang et al. [18] controlled the natural language commands of homemademicro-aircraft. In [17], they gave a method for generating spatial descriptionclauses. In thesame way, in domestic research, many scholars have studied a lot about theanalysis of Chinese natural language directives and the control of thetrajectory of operations. Zhang Xueying [5] proposed: Introducing the solutionto the difficulty of the desc


    1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)1.1 研究背景 奥卡西平(oxcarbazepine)是一种神经性药物,可用于局限性及全身性癫痫发作,是卡马西平(CBZ)的衍生物,与卡马西平比较具有完全不同的代谢特点,临床上呈现较好的耐受性和较少的药物相互作用。目前奥卡西平作为一线抗癫痫药物,在芬兰、丹麦、荷兰、阿根廷、奥地利和墨西哥等国家注册、上市和应用[1]。 大型溞(Daphnia magna)属于节肢动物门、甲壳纲、枝角类,是常见的小型浮游甲壳动物[2]。于人工气候箱中培养,控制温度为 20 ℃ #177; 1 ℃,饲养密度为每 20 mL 培养液[3]饲养1 只母溞。每 2 d 更换 1 次培养液 (M4),每天喂食小球藻 Chlorella。小球藻参照 OECD 化学品测试准则”201”中绿藻的要求培养[4]。投饵密度为2.0#215;103-5.0#215;103,,每天监测小球藻的密度,待其稀释到投饵密度后再喂






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