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 2022-10-28 03:10  

Design of a Small Temperature Control System Based on TEC

Hui Huang, Shimin Fu, Peng Zhang, Likai Sun

The 49th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Harbin, China Huanghui959@126.com

Abstract—In this paper, we design a small temperature control system based on thermoelectric cooler (TEC), which uses proportional integral differential (PID) compensation network to control and drive the TEC module used as a temperature compensation element, and adopts a dedicated control chip, MAX1978, to conduct semiconductor refrigeration closed-loop automatic control. In room temperature environment, the temperature range of the temperature control system is 5ć to55ć, which can be continuously adjusted with the accuracy of up to 0.5ć. The system has the advantages of small volume, low power consumption, high efficiency, high integrated level, long service life, no noise, no mechanical movement, rapid and flexible refrigerating and heating, high precision temperature control, no need of refrigerant, no pollution to the environment, and not only provides a practical method to improve the temperature stability of semiconductor laser diode and rapidly reach a steady state, but also provides the beneficial reference to the similar temperature control system.

Keywords- TEC; MAX1978; temperature control; PID


Temperature control technology is a very important industrial technology. In the traditional temperature control technology, heating and cooling are often discrete. Generally speaking, heating uses the method of converting electric energy or chemical energy into thermal energy, and the electric heating element such as resistance wire, heat resistance have widely application in the industry. According to applications, refrigeration consist of air-cooled, water- cooled and compression type refrigeration. In certain situations, temperature control system often need to have heating and cooling functions at the same time, then the temperature control method is very convenient. And the semiconductor temperature control system which uses the thermoelectric cooler as the executive device of the temperature control can convert the refrigeration and heating by changing the direction of the current flow through the cooler, which is very convenient. Meanwhile, due to the semiconductor temperature control system using the Peltier element, so compared with the traditional temperature control method, it also has the advantages of small volume, light weight, long service life, no noise, no mechanical movement, rapid refrigeration, high precision temperature control, no need of refrigerant, no pollution to the environment [2].

In this paper, we design a small temperature control system based on thermoelectric cooler, which uses proportional integral differential compensation network to control and drive the TEC module used as a temperature compensation element, and adopts a dedicated control chip, MAX1978, to conduct semiconductor refrigeration closed- loop automatic control. The advantages of semiconductor temperature control system make it have an important role in the fields of semiconductor lasers, medical treatment, requiring constant temperature [3].

  2. The working principle of TEC

The principle of semiconductor refrigeration which is also known as thermoelectric refrigeration is mainly the use of the Peltier effect of the Peltier elements. Peltier effect is that when the current I through the closed loop combined by two different materials, the one end of the joint of the material will absorb the heat Qp, the other end will emit heat Qp. This heat of absorption or release is called the Peltier heat whose size is determined by the formula (1) and endothermic or exothermic is determined by the direction of the current.

Qp = pi; · I (1)

Including: pi;is Peltier coefficient related thermoelectric power andpi;= (a1 — a2) · T . a1 , a2 is respectively the thermoelectric power of two kinds of materials, T is the temperature of the relevant joint. In fact, Peltier elements at work not only produce the Peltier effect, but also can produce other four kinds of effects that is Seebeck effect, Joule effect, Thomson effect, and Fourier effect. Therefore, the cooling capacity of Peltier elements should be the result of the mixture of these five effects. In these five kinds of effects, influences of Thomson effect and the Fourier effect

is relatively weak and negligible [4]. We only consider the effect of Peltier effect, Joule effect, in addition to the impact of heat conduction. Heat produced by Joule effect is

Including :R is the resistance of the semiconductor refrigerator.Heat transfer from the hot end to the cold end is

Qe = K(T1 — T2) (3)

Including :R is the rate of thermal conductivity of semiconductor refrigerator.T1,T2 is respectivity the temperature hot end and cold end .So the heat absorbed or released by the Peltier elements is

Semiconductor refrigerator puts a P-type semiconductor and a N-type semiconductor welded into a couple with copper piece, as shown in Figure 1. When semiconductor refrigerator connects the DC power supply, electronics start from the negative to P-type semiconductor where absorb heat and then go through the N-type semiconductor where emit heat. Electronics each go through a NP module, heat was sent from one side to the other side. There is heat sinking phenomenon in 2, 3 end of copper connecting piece which called the cold end and there is exothermic phenomenon in 1, 4 end of copper connecting piece which called the hot end. When DC electric go through refrigerator, cold end will cool down which can be u




关键词:TEC; MAX1978; 温度控制; PID

  1. 介绍



  1. TEC的温度控制分析
  2. TEC的工作原理

半导体制冷的原理也被称为热电制冷,主要是使用珀耳帖元件的珀耳帖效应。 珀耳帖效应是当电流I通过闭合环路由两种不同材料组合而成时,材料的一端将吸收热量Qp,另一端将散发热量Qp。 这种吸收或释放的热量被称为珀耳帖热,其尺寸由公式(1)确定,并且吸热或放热由电流的方向确定。

Qp = pi; · I (1)

包括:pi;是珀耳帖系数相关的热电功率,pi;=(a1-a2)·T。 a1,a2分别是两种材料的热电功率,T是相关接头的温度。 事实上,Peltier元件在工作时不仅产生珀尔帖效应,而且还可产生其他四种效应,即塞贝克效应,焦耳效应,汤姆逊效应和傅里叶效应。 因此,珀耳帖元件的冷却能力应该是这五种效应的混合的结果。 在这五种效应中,汤姆逊效应和傅里叶效应的影响

是相对较弱和可忽略的[4]。 我们只考虑珀尔帖效应,焦耳效应,除了热传导的影响。 焦耳效应产生的热量:


Qe = K(T1 — T2) (3)



Figure1. Semiconductor thermocouple


当使用半导体冷却器控制温度时,我们只需要控制电流。 改变电流方向可以实现加热和冷却之间的转换,并且改变电流的大小可以根据吸收或释放热量的大小来调节[6]。

半导体冰箱的制冷能力受环境温度的影响。 半导体制冷器可以达到的温度下限在不同的环境温度条件下不同。

焦耳效应和热传导影响半导体冰箱的冷却效果。 半导体冷却器应在冷却条件下使用风扇散热,减少由于焦耳效应和热传导的制冷效应的影响。

  1. 温度控制系统的结构设计

温度控制系统模块的安装如图2所示。激光二极管固定在设有热敏电阻的铝导热板上。 半导体冰箱的冷表面靠近与激光二极管连接的铝导热板,半导体冰箱的热表面靠近相对的是风扇的大散热器。 以这种方式,半导体冰箱产生的热量将散布通过散热器和风扇。 热敏电阻必须向温度控制系统提供精确的温度信号。 为了提高精度,使用导热油脂填充热敏电阻和铝之间的空隙。 这样,我们不仅确保良好的接触,而且防止热敏电阻的滑动。 TEC和散热器由制冷平台组成,它不仅可用于冷却激光二极管,而且可用于其他小型环境冷却领域。

为了保证良好的导热性能,在安装时应尽可能增加元件的接触面积,降低接触电阻,以提高传热效果。 每个表面的接触面均匀涂一层薄的导热油脂,可以降低25〜30%的热阻。 风扇用于风冷,这使得散热器散热片方向平行于流动方向。 散热器基于传热系数大的铜材料,散热片由铝合金材料制成。 散热片和散热器的组合增加了散热器和空气之间的接触面积,并且通过散热片的空气流形成涡流,使得从散热器传递的热量被快速地发射到空气中。

Figure2. Schematic diagram of temperature control system structure

为了保证良好的导热性能,在安装时应尽可能增加元件的接触面积,降低接触电阻,以提高传热效果。 每个表面的接触面均匀涂一层薄的导热油脂,可以降低25〜30%的热阻。 风扇用于风冷,这使得散热器散热片方向平行于流动方向。 散热器基于传热系数大的铜材料,散热片由铝合金材料制成。 散热片和散热器的组合增加了散热器和空气之间的接触面积,并且通过散热片的空气流形成涡流,使得从散热器传递的热量被快速地发射到空气中。

4 硬件电路设计温度控制系统


小温度控制系统的基本原理是TEC的冷侧直接与受控温度装置接触,热敏电阻用于实时测量温度变化,此外单片机控制比例,积分和微分 (PID)控制器,集成了具有超低温漂移的斩波型运算放大器和积分放大器。 PID控制器调节加载在TEC上的工作电流,TEC根据电流的方向执行加热或冷却,以使温度保持在预设温度。 温度控制系统具有精度高,响应速度快,稳定性好,可适应外部温度的变化[7]。 温度控制系统硬件电路设计图如图3所示。

Figure3. Design diagram of temperature control system hardware circuit

B. MAX1978电路

MAX1978是用于TEC模块的最小,最安全和最精确的温度控制微芯片。 MAX1978具有与集成在同一芯片上的控制回路和功率管FET的高度集成,并且最小化外部电路,使得整个温度控制系统更紧凑。芯片可选择MOSFET的500 kHz和1 MHz开关频率。芯片的独特纹波消除方法不仅降低了电路噪声,而且还优化了芯片的效率和尺寸。同时,内部MOSFET的开关速度已优化,以减少噪声和电磁干扰(EMI)。 MAX1978的直接输出是电流而不是电压,可以直接消除浪涌电流。加热和冷却的独立电流和电压限制为TEC提供了最安全的保护,使整个温度控制系统更加安全可靠。单电源使TEC提供双极性plusmn;3A输出电流成为可能,以实现无死区温度控制,并避免在低电流工作时的非线性问题。 MAX1978集成了具有超低温漂的斩波型运算放大器和集成放大器,构成比例积分(PI)或比例积分微分(PID)控制器,能够保持f 0.001的温度稳定性。 MAX1978温度控制框图如图4所示[8]。

Figure4. MAX1978 temperature control block diagram


图5 MAX1978温度控制硬件电路原理图

D. PID控制算法设计

基于MAX1978芯片的PID补偿网络是TEC温度控制中最关键的部分,它直接影响温度控制系统的响应速度和控制精度。 为了解决调节速度和调节精度之间的矛盾,PID参数必须连续优化。 PID调节器的公式如下式(5)所示。

包括:KP,TI和TD分别为比例增益系数,积分增益系数和微分增益系数。 由于PID控制器具有三个可用参数KP,TI和TD,因此,在采用不同增益系数的情况下,可以实现控制器的不同组合。 PID控制器原理图如图6所示。

Figure6. PID controller schematic

在温度控制系统中,R6在限制电流方面起很大作用,C9在补偿相中起作用,这提高了电路的稳定性。 R7,R5,C11,C10确定PID电路的比例增益系数,积分增益系数和微分增益系数。 可以得到式(6),式(7)和式(8)

在本文中,采用经验公式ZN来获得三个参数,如式(9),式(10)所示,可以看出, 和式(11)。



在本实验中,控制系统的温度从0℃逐渐升高到55℃,每5℃记录一次温度数据。 然后重复10次并计算平均值。 环境温度为24℃。 表1示出了实验的结果。


试验后,控制系统的温度范围可在5℃-55℃,室温24℃下实现。温度范围与环境温度有关。此外,可以观察到温度控制系统从 室温至5℃ - 小于1分钟,从5℃升至55℃仅为2分钟。因此,加热和冷却非常迅速。


在本文中,我们提出一个基于TEC的小温度控制系统。 在室温24℃,温度控制范围为5℃〜55℃,可连续调节,精度可达0.5℃。 该系统具有体积小,功耗低,效率高,集成度高,寿命长,无噪音,无机械运动,柔性加热或冷却,高精度温度控制,无制冷剂,无环境污染的优点。 它可以提高半导体激光二极管的温度稳定性,并迅速达到稳定工作状态。


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