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 2022-12-29 11:12  



关键词:替代概念和误解; 教师的学科知识; 物理


直到最近,科学教育研究者改变了他们研究兴趣的焦点:儿童的学习从疲惫和分类。学生的先入之见和错误观念,以确定概念错误的来源和寻找。促进概念变化的新策略(驱动程序)。1994年,Wandersee et al., 1994)。研究另一方面,教师的发展集中于教师认知的变化(Pajares,(1992)和其他与之相关的宏观方面。教师专业(Kagan, 1992)。虽然对科学教师中学科内容知识水平低的问题进行了报道。(喇叭,1997;温纳,1995),著名的当代研究范式似乎已经模糊。教师掌握学科内容在科学教学中的重要性。

理论和常识都支持教师在学科内容上的不足。知识也会影响教学效果。作为学生的学习(球和McDiarmid, 1989)。的课程活动的复杂性和多样性(Berliner, 1984),如选择合适的内容、规划和进行富有成效的学习活动,问一些有意义的问题,回答毫无准备。问题,诊断学习困难,评估学生的进步要求教师有一个。良好的学科知识。作为教师的角色不仅仅是传递信息。来自教科书的信息,她/他的主题内容。知识应该超越认知水平。以及课程的具体主题。根据舒尔曼(1986),


具体来说,就是在教授牛顿第三定律的时候。如果一个教师具备了理解能力。规定的条件的深度及其与其他物理法则的关系可以使他拥有教学内容知识在教学中的规律。也就是说,他知道最好的介绍方式。对一组学生的法律(Frazer, 1994),它是如何应用的,学生们常见的误解是什么,以及如何澄清误解?实证的或思想的例子和非例子(Gagne, 1977)。

一些研究人员报告了测试职前教师对科学和教育的认识数学(Goodwin,1995; Linder和Erickson,1989; 威尔森和威廉姆斯,1996年); 然而,很少有研究测试主题知识的在职中学教师。 现在报告是我们启动的研究项目的一部分,以检讨香港学校的情况,找出答案科学教师所表现的概念性错误的性质,并提出可能的改进措施。



替代性概念。 Driver and Easley(1978),Good(1991),Hashweh(1988)和Wandersee et al(1994)指的是在学习科学观点之前对物理世界中的现象进行了天真的解释,这些观点是由学习者根据主观 经验和日常的含义。它们在基本物理概念中比较常见,如力量和动量,因为这些术语是从日常语言中泄漏出来的,但在科学学科中却有着特殊的意义,在许多大学物理专业和 即使是物理教师也可能持有科学家的观点和他们的另一种观点都没有意识到它们之间的不一致性。

误解。 Ausubel(1968),Lawrenz(1986)和Yip(1996)对学习过程中学习者创造的科学概念进行了不正确的描述,错误解释或不准确的解释。 误解往往有多种原因。 这些包括由于缺乏必要的知识,或者对规则背后的条件和假设的疏忽,或者由于证据不足而导致原则的过度泛化,部分理解概念。 误解也可能是由于学习干扰造成的材料,不正当地接受不正确的信息,或由于错误的推理而导致错误的推论。 例如,与牛顿第三定律相关的错误观念往往是由不完全理解所规定的条件而产生的法律。 它不能是一个完全由学习者创造的天真解释。

“缺乏物质”。 克拉克斯顿(1993)和卢卡斯(1995)包括缺乏常识性知识,缺乏实例和概念的非例子插图和对物理法律应用的无知。 这个维度还包括更加微妙的不能力(Beers,1988; Kuhn,1962; Lawson,1994),就像缺乏寻找模式,假设,设计实验,验证结果和确定物理法律的联系和等级秩序。 没有看到“源的内阻”和“外部电路的电压降”之间的联系属于这一类。不同于先前的观念和误解在大脑中包含一个活跃的模式,缺乏实质意义的是头脑中的空虚,或者模式太孤立或太遥远,无法从长期记忆中恢复。 后者经常发生在教师需要教授超越其专业领域的话题上。

缺乏解决问题的技巧。 无能的最终形式是缺乏解决问题的能力(Helgeson,1994)。 有时,教师不具备解决科学和数学中认知要求高的问题的能力。 虽然,这种类型在预科水平及其以外的教师中,无能的现象非常普遍,在初中教学中发生频率较低。


外文文献出处:科学教育与技术杂志 vol. 7, no. 4, 1998


The Subject Matter Knowledge in Physics Related

Topics of Hong Kong Junior Secondary Science Teachers

  1. Y. Yip, 1 C. M. Chung, 1 and S. Y. Mak 1,2 Journal of Science Education and Technology,


The subject matter competence in physics related topics of 147 inservice junior secondary science teachers in Hong Kong was identified using a true-or-false instrument based on a framework conceptualized by the authors. The findings of this study showed that teachers are weak both in factual knowledge and conceptions in these topics. Although physics majors outperform nonphysics majors significantly in the test, their own performance is by no means satisfactory on criterion referenced terms. Items incorrectly answered by over 40% of the teachers are listed with corrections given. The sources of conceptual mistakes and specific remedial measures were elaborated for items incorrectly answered by more than 60% of the teachers. General implications and possibilities for improvement in tertiary education, science teaching, and teacher education were discussed.

KEY WORDS: Alternative conceptions and misconceptions; subject matter knowledge of teachers; physics


Not until recently, science education researchers have changed their focus of interest in research on childrens learning from exhausting and classifying pupils preconceptions and misconceptions, to identifying sources of conceptual errors and searching for new strategies that facilitate concept changes (Driveret al., 1994 Wandersee et al., 1994). Research on teacher development, on the other hand, has concentrated on changes in teacher cognition (Pajares,1992) and other macroscopic dimensions related to the teaching profession (Kagan, 1992). Although concerns has been reported on the low level of subject content knowledge among science teachers

(Trumper, 1997; Wenner, 1995), prominent contemporary research paradigms seem to have obscured the importance of teachers mastery of subject content in science teaching.

Both theory and common sense support the argument that teachers inadequacy in subject content knowledge will affect teaching performance as well as pupils learning (Ball and McDiarmid, 1989). The complexity and multiplicity (Berliner, 1984) of a lesson event, such as selecting suitable content, planning and conducting productive learning activities,asking meaningful questions, answering unprepared questions, diagnosing learning difficulties, and assessing students progress demand teachers to have a good command of subject knowledge.

As a teachers role is more than delivering the information from a textbook, her/his subject content knowledge should extend beyond the cognitive level and specific topics of the curriculum. According to Shulman (1986),

Teachers must not only be capable of defining for

students the accepted truths in a domain. They must

also be able to explain why a particular proposition

is deemed warranted, why it is worth knowing, and

how it relates to other propositions.

Specifically, in teaching Newtons 3rd law, only if a teacher is equipped with an understanding in depth of conditions imposed by the law and its relation with other physical laws can s/he possess the pedagogical content knowledge in teaching the law.That is to say, s/he knows the best way to introduce t


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