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 2023-01-07 03:01  

杭 州 师 范 大 学



原文作者 Gabriele Kaiser(德国) Morten Blomhoslash;j(丹麦)

Bharath Sriraman(美国)

摘要:数学教育研究在某种程度上缺乏其自身的典范式理论(正在进行的相关讨论,请参见ZDM,2005年,第6期,ZDM 2006年,第1期)。数学教育的理论通常是从背景科学中借鉴而来,如教育学、社会学、心理学等的一般学习理论。这导致我们的领域受到许多批评(例如,Lerman,2006; Lester,2005; Sirraman&English,2005,2006; Steen,1999)。因此,寻找在数学教育中可能会通过研究数学教学过程而产生理论的领域是有意义的。在本期ZDM中,我们介绍并讨论了我们认为是数学教育研究领域中正在发展的理论(即用于数学建模的教与学的理论)的示例。在过去的几十年中,对数学建模过程以及相关的教与学过程的一致的理论理解已经出现。这是通过课程开发,教学实践,实验教学,理论反思与研究之间的紧密相互作用而实现的。与信息技术的使用一起,数学建模和应用程序的引入是数学教学实践(特别是中学阶段教学)的最新发展的突出的一般特征。在这一发展中,教学研究已经发挥了重要作用,我们发现数学建模理论的发展是数学教育研究的普遍兴趣,因为数学建模是与教学实践紧密联系的发展理论的范例。







实际上,有关一般数学建模过程的想法实际上是用于教学和学习数学建模的理论的主要组成部分之一。原则上,每个数学模型背后都有一个建模过程。这意味着某人显式或隐式地经历了建立现实生活状况与数学之间关系的过程。换句话说,为了创建和使用数学模型,原则上必须进行建模过程。从分析上讲,可以将数学建模过程描述为涉及五个或六个子过程的循环过程,就像在几篇论文中所做的那样。描述一般建模过程的不同方式引起了有趣的争论。 Borromeo Ferri的论文解决了这个问题,在Burkhardt(由Pollak支持)的论文中,我们发现了对建模图在数学建模历史中的作用的一些反思。


  1. 追溯分析真实的数学建模过程,以便理解和验证可能构成重要应用程序和决策基础的过程。这样的分析可以用作选择和设计建模问题和情况的基础,这些问题和情况以某种方式代表了真实的数学建模和真实的模型应用。 Lingefjauml;rd的论文介绍并讨论了不同类型的真实模型,以及相关的历史和当代建模问题实例,这些实例已引起了数百年来数学家的关注。
  2. 确定数学建模能力中的关键要素。这是Maaszlig;论文的重点,它同时应用了理论和经验方法。
  3. 回顾性地分析学生的建模工作,以确定他们所使用的周期的哪一部分,采取的路径以及在建模活动中遇到的困难的类型。 Galbraith和Stillman的论文详细分析了建模过程,以描述和进一步分析学生在建模活动中遇到的障碍。本文与Borromeo Ferri的分析有关。
  4. 作为支持学生的建模工作及其相关的元认知的工具。 Kaiser&Schwarz在论文中对用于支持学生在建模课程中工作的建模过程进行了简化的教学描述。 Maaszlig;在她的论文中明确讨论了使用建模周期的这种方式。
  5. 作为规划建模课程或项目的教学工具。学生应该在建模周期的哪一部分工作?在活动期间如何根据教学情境的设计或与老师的互动来挑战他们?他们在周期中的哪些地方需要支持?这种使用建模周期的方法是由Blomhoslash;j和Hoff Kjeldsen在论文中描述和分析的课程设计和分析的背后。
  6. 作为定义和分析数学教学中课程元素的一种方式。许多论文在其特定的上下文中都参考和讨论了有关数学建模教学的官方指南和规章,因此,它们使用一般建模周期的描述作为参考。


如前所述,本期的论文讨论了各个级别的建模的教与学,特别强调了概念困难和在建模过程中起作用的认知过程。 Borromeo Ferri在对建模过程的现有描述中深入研究了不同的建模周期,并从认知角度即心理学角度重新构建了这些周期。根据COMsup2;项目的结果(数学课中建模过程的认知心理分析),Borromeo Ferri凭经验描述了建模过程的认知阶段以及准确区分这些阶段的难度。对于文献中对建模周期的不同描述,本文还可以作为通俗易懂的入门指南。




Blomhoslash;j和Hoff Kjeldsen分析并开发了针对10-12年级(丹麦体育馆)的高中数学老师的项目工作和数学建模在线课程的经验。这些作者报告说,教师对课程项目和相关课堂讨论的反思揭示了人们对如何在中学课堂中教授建模的担忧。特别是,教师报告了在安排“场景设置”阶段以及与学生进行对话以支持和挑战他们在建模项目中的过程中遇到的困难。本文是对Maaszlig;和Galbraith&Stillman作品的补充,因为它传达了教师在课堂上开展建模活动的观点和困难,并帮助学生成功地度过了艰难的阶段,从而成为合格的数学建模者。




有关建模的特殊问题的B部分(第38卷,第3期)将包括世界范围内对当前数学建模研究的其他观点,包括对模型激发活动的适应性和有效性(Lesh&Doerr,2003; Lesh&Sriraman,2005)。在不同的地理位置。本期的论文还将研究由建模文献引起的不同理论观点,并探讨是否可以实现理论观点的兼容性。本着最新ZDM问题的精神,我们也将包括对本期文章的评论。评论之一将试图解决建模活动是否促进数学素养的问题(例如,Skovsmose&Valero,2002)。如果是这样,他们将促进哪种类型的理论?我们是否希望学生只发展功能性的读写能力,从历史上看,这与保持一定比例的人口有能力胜任工作有关,从而维持现状,而不是进行旨在促进批判性素养的建模活动,而这将是更民主和重要的事情。


[1] Blum, W., Galbraith, P., Henn, H-W., amp; Niss, M. (Eds.). (2006) Applications and Modelling in Mathematics Education. New ICMI Studies Series no. 10, New York: Springer. To appear.

[2] Lerman, S. (2006). Theories of mathematics education: Is plurality a problem? Zentralblatt fuuml;r Didaktik der Mathematik, 38(1), 8-13.

[3] Lesh, R. amp; Doerr, H. (Eds.) (2003). Beyond ConstructivismModels and Modeling Perspectives on Mathematics Problem Solving, Learning and Teaching. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.

[4] Lesh, R. amp; Sriraman, B. (2005). Mathematics Education as Design Science. Zentralblatt fuuml;r Didaktik der Mathematik, vol. 37 (6), p. 490-505.

[5] Lester, F. K. (2005). On the theoretical, conceptual, and philosophical foundations for research in mathematics education. Zentralblatt fuuml;r Didaktik der Mathematik, 37(6), 457-467.

[6] Skovsmose, O., amp; Valero, P. (2002). Democratic access to powerful mathematics ideas


Towards a didactical theory for mathematical modelling

Gabriele Kaiser (Germany) Morten Blomhoslash;j (Denmark) Bharath Sriraman (USA)

Introduction: The issue of theory building

Mathematics education research has been somewhat short of its own paradigmatic theories (see ZDM, 2005, issue 6 and ZDM 2006, issue 1 for an ongoing discussion). Theories are often borrowed from the background sciences and applied to the field of mathematics education e.g. general learning theories from pedagogy, sociology, psychology etc. This has led to our field being a subject to a host of criticisms (e,g., Lerman, 2006; Lester, 2005; Sriraman amp; English, 2005, 2006; Steen, 1999). Therefore it is relevant to look for areas in mathematics education where theories may emerge from studying the processes of teaching and learning mathematics. In this issue of ZDM we present and discuss what we consider to be an example of a developing theory within the field of mathematics education research, namely a theory for the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling. During the last decades a coherent theoretical understanding of mathematical modelling processes and connected teaching and learning processes has been emerging. This has happened through a close interplay between the development of curricula, teaching practices, experimental teaching, theoretical reflections and research. Together with the use of information technology, the introduction of mathematical modelling and applications is a prominent general feature of the recent developments in the practice of mathematics teaching, especially with regard to secondary level teaching. In this development, didactical research has already played an important role and we find it of general interest for mathematics education research to examine the development of a theory for mathematical modelling as a paradigmatic case for developing theory in close interplay with teaching practice.

Towards a theory of teaching and learning in the domain of mathematical modelling

It is an open discussion to what degree we actually have a theory for teaching and learning mathematical modelling and indeed this discussion depends on which notion of theory we are using.

However, we would like to claim that we do have a global theory for teaching and learning mathematical modelling, in the sense of a system of connected viewpoints covering all didactical levels: learning goals, fundamental reasons for pursuing these goals at different levels of the educational systems, tested ideas about how to support teacherrsquo;s in implementing learning goals and recognised didactical challenges and dilemmas related to different ways of organising the teaching, theoretical and empirical based analyses of learning difficulties connected to modelling and ideas about different ways to assess studentsrsquo; learning in modelling activities and related pitfalls.

The 14th ICMI-study on applications and modelling in mathematics education, which held its conference in 2004, documented the state of affairs in this field of research and contributed significantly to a picture of a discipline with growing coherence in the overall theoretical framework (Blum et al. 2006).

Obviously the theory of teaching and learning mathematical modelling is far from being complete. Much more research is needed, especially in order to enhance our understanding on micro levels, meaning teaching and learning problems which occur in particular educational settings where students are engaged in modelling activities. This is exactly the focus of many of the papers presented in this issue. As a common feature, many of the papers develop and use a detailed general description of a mathematical modelling process as an analytical tool for identifying the competencies involved in modelling, the blockages that students experience working with modelling or the related challenges for the teaching of mathematical modelling.

Perspectives in this issue

The idea about a general mathematical modelling process is in fact one of the main components of the theory for teaching and learning mathematical modelling. In principal there is a modelling process behind every mathematical model. This means that someone explicitly or implicitly has gone through a process of establishing a relation between a real life situation and mathematics. In other words, in order to create and use a mathematical model it is, in principal, necessary to carry through a modelling process. Analytically it is possible to describe a mathematical modelling process as a cyclic process involving five or six sub-processes as it is done in several of the papers. The different ways of describing the general modelling process give raise to interesting debate. The paper by Borromeo Ferri

addresses this issue and in the paper by Burkhardt (supported by Pollak) we find some reflections on the role of modelling diagrams in the history of mathematical modelling.

However, from an overall perspective on the theory for teaching and learning modelling the important thing is the commonly accepted idea about a general mathematical modelling process. Different models of the general modelling process can be used and are being used for many different research purposes as illustrated in this issue. We are offering the following list with six different purposes for using a general modelling cycle as an analytical tool, which are represented by papers in this issue.

  1. Analysing authentic mathematical modelling processes retrospectively in order to understand and validate the process that might form the basis for important applications and decisions. Such analyses can serve as a basis for selecting and designing modelling problems and situations that are representative in some way for authentic mathematical modelling and authentic applications of models. The paper by Lingefjauml;rd presents and discusses different



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