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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-11-08 09:11  

摘 要






In today's world, the problem of energy scarcity is becoming increasingly prominent. As a new energy source, solar energy has become increasingly important for the development of today's society. Vigorous development of solar power generation technology and the establishment of a new energy system have a decisive role in previous social development.

In the marine environment, the battery modules are often interfered by various external environment, which makes them unable to operate in the best condition. The photovoltaic modules on the ship run in the environment of high temperature, high humidity and high salinity all the year round. The modules are often covered by sea water and salt particles, which will lead to the accelerated corrosion and aging of photovoltaic modules. Therefore, the power voltage (P-V) and current voltage (I-V) characteristics of photovoltaic modules will change to varying degrees, which will directly affect the performance of MPPT control. The change of P-V / I-V characteristics is usually caused by the degradation of the performance of the battery board itself, which can be considered as a long-term environmental interference. For the ship photovoltaic system, in order to obtain better MPPT control performance under various environmental conditions, there are many technologies worth studying in overcoming the above-mentioned long-term environmental disturbance. Therefore, for a specific photovoltaic array, it is of great significance to study the MPPT control method based on data-driven, especially the dynamic update method of knowledge base with time window, to realize the effective tracking of the decay of the working characteristics of photovoltaic modules, so as to ensure the stable and efficient operation of photovoltaic system.

Based on a large number of domestic and foreign literature, this paper constructs the MPPT control model of photovoltaic system based on the neural network theory, and analyzes its output power under normal light conditions and long-term disturbance by the marine environment. The experimental data shows that the output power of the battery plate under long-term disturbance by the marine environment is significantly lower than that under normal conditions. On this basis, the maximum power point sample data of photovoltaic system used for neural network training are compared with the data without adding time window. The simulation results show that the prediction results of photovoltaic system for maximum power point under load environment are significantly better than that without adding time window group after adding time window. It can be seen that the neural network based on time window studied in this paper is effective for accurately predicting the maximum power point of ship photovoltaic system.

Key words:Photovoltaic array; maximum power point; green ship; neural network


摘要 3

Abstract 4

第1章 绪 论 7

1.1 研究背景与研究意义 7

1.2 国内外研究现状与趋势 8

1.3 本文主要研究内容 9

1.4论文章节安排 10

第2章 光伏发电系统 11

2.1 光伏电池 11

2.1.1 太阳能电池的材料 11

2.1.2 光伏电池的工作原理 11

2.1.3 光伏电池的等效电路模型 12

2.2 局部遮阴对光伏系统的影响 15

2.2.1 电池板局部遮阴产生的原因 16

2.2.2 局部遮阴的影响分析 16

2.2.3 旁路二极管和阻塞电阻 18

2.3 本章小结 19

第三章 光伏组件的仿真模型 21

3.1光伏组件 21

3.2光伏组件的仿真模型 21

3.2.1 不同条件下3*8TCT结构光伏组件输出特性曲线 23

3.3 本章小结 29

第四章 长期扰动BP-ANN模型的建立 31

4.1基于ANN的离线MPPT 31

4.2基于Pamp;O的在线MPPT 33

4.3 本章小结 34

第五章 仿真预测和结果 35

5.1 离线BP-ANN模型的检验 35

5.2 长期干扰的案例研究 36

5.3 本章小结 42

第六章 总结与展望 43

6.1 工作总结 43

6.2 工作展望 43

参考文献 44

致 谢 46

第1章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景与研究意义

能源是一个国家和社会发展的必须品,从钻木取火开始,人类就一直寻找着各种各样的能源以满足自己的日常生活。随着科学技术的发展,人类创造出了各种各样新的能源,能源也经历着一次又一次的更新换代,不同的时期有着不同的主导能源。在需求不断变化的今天,人们利用的能源从煤碳到石油到天然气再到现如今的电气,能源经理了一次又一次的更新换代,历久弥新的变换过程。纵观国内外的经济发展过程,经济的发展离不开电力的供应,电力的产生又依赖于能源的消耗。酸雨、臭氧空洞、极端的天气则是环境问题的主要表现。所以,不可再生能源不断减少,环境危机和能源危机频发的问题已经迫在眉睫。为了达到环境友好型生态文明目标,人类需要采取有效的行动。在环境破坏达到不可逆转之前应该有效的使用清洁能源,减少化石能源的使用。关于一次能源消费情况,到2030年之前,中国计划将非化石能源的消费比重定为25%左右。可再生能源的使用程度将以年均7%的速度增长,使可再生能源在全球一次能源消费中的比重不断提高,由 2017年的占比4%升至2035年的占比9%。在减少化石能源消耗的基础上,还应着力控制二氧化碳的排放。将风、水运动产生的势能,以及地壳产生的热能和太阳散发的辐射利用起来,这种的可再生持续性能源将会得到更多的开发和利用。发展可再生能源发电技术对电力行业未来的长足发展意义重大,电力行业未来的长足发展更是取决于此[1]


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