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 2022-08-21 11:08  








1. Introduction

1.1 Installation

YALMIP is entirely based on m-code, and is thus easy to install. Remove any old version of YALMIP, unzip the file YALMIP.zip and add the following directories to your MATLAB path











A lazy way to do this is addpath (genpath(yalmiprootdirectory)).

If you have MPT installed, make sure that you delete the YALMIP distribution residing inside MPT and remove the old path definitions.

If you have used YALMIP before, type clear classes or restart MATLAB before using the new version.

The solvers should be installed as described in the solver manuals. Make sure to add required paths.

To test your installation, run the command yalmiptest. For further examples and tests, run code from this Wiki!

If you have problems, please read the FAQ.

YALMIP is primarily developed on a Windows machine using MATLAB 7.12 (2011a). The code should work on any platform, but is developed and thus most extensively tested on Windows. Most parts of YALMIP should in principle work with MATLAB 6.5, but has not been tested (to any larger extent) on these versions. MATLAB 5.2 or earlier versions are definitely not supported.

1.2 Basics

The following piece of code introduces essentially everything you ever need to learn. It defines variables, constraints, objectives, options, checks result and extracts solution (Note that the code specifies the solver to CPLEX. If you dont have CPLEX installed, simply remove that solver selection in the definition of options. YALMIP will pick some other solver it finds installed)

% Define variables

x = sdpvar(2,1);

% Define constraints and objective

Constraints = [sum(x) lt;= 1, x(1)==0, x(2) gt;= 0.5];

Objective = x*x norm(x);

% Set some options for YALMIP and solver

options = sdpsettings(verbose,1,solver,cplex,cplex.qpmethod,1);

% Solve the problem

sol = optimize(Constraints,Objective,options);

% Analyze error flags

if sol.problem == 0

% Extract and display value

solution = value(x)


display(Hmm, something went wrong!);




Having seen that, let us start from the beginning.

1.2.1 YALMIPs symbolic variable

The most important command in YALMIP is sdpvar. This command is used to the define decision variables. To define a matrix (or scalar) P with n rows and m columns, we write

P = sdpvar(n,m)

A square matrix is symmetric by default!. To obtain a fully parameterized (i.e. not necessarily symmetric) square matrix, a third argument is needed.

P = sdpvar(3,3,full)

The third argument can be used to obtain a number of pre-defined types of variables, such as Toeplitz, Hankel, diagonal, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices. See the help text on sdpvar for details. Alternatively, the associated MATLAB commands can be applied to a vector.

x = sdpvar(n,1);

D = diag(x) ; % Diagonal matrix

H = hankel(x); % Hankel matrix

T = toeplitz(x); % Hankel matrix

Scalars can be defined in three different ways.

x = sdpvar(1,1); y = sdpvar(1,1);

x = sdpvar(1); y = sdpvar(1);

sdpvar x y

Note that due to a bug in MATLAB, the last command-line syntax fails in some cases (inside functions), if the variable name is the same as some built-in function or variable (i, j, e, beta, gamma).

The sdpvar objects are manipulated in MATLAB as any other variable and most functions are overloaded. Hence, the following commands are valid

P = sdpvar(3,3) diag(sdpvar(3,1));

X = [P P;P eye(length(P))] 2*trace(P);

Y = X sum(sum(P*rand(length(P)))) P(end,end) hankel(X(:,1));

In some situations, coding is simplified with a multi-dimensional variable. This is supported in YALMIP with two different constructs, cell arrays and multi-dimensional sdpvar objects.

The cell array is nothing but an abstraction of the following code

for i = 1:5

X{i} = sdpvar(2,3);


By using vector dimensions in sdpvar, the same cell array can be setup as follows

X = sdpvar([2 2 2 2 2],[3 3 3 3 3]);

The cell array can now be used as usual in MATLAB.

The drawback with the approach above is that the variable X not can be used directly, as a standard sdpvar object. As an alternative, a completely general multi-dimensional sdpvar is available. We can create an essentially equivalent object with this call.

X = sdpvar(2,3,5);

The difference is that we can operate directly on this object, using standard MATLAB code.

Y = sum(X,3)


Note that the two first slices are symmetric (if the two first dimensions are the same), according to standard YALMIP syntax. To create a fully paramterized higher-dimensional, use trailing flags as in the standard case.

X = sdpvar(2,2,2,2,full);

For an illustration of multi/dimensional variables, check out the Sudoku example.

1.2.2 Constraints

To define a collection of constraints, we simply define and concatenate them. The meaning of a constraint is context-dependent. If the left-hand side and right-hand side are Hermitian, th



混合性的问题有时也是具有两重性的,也就是说问题涉及两双约束和原始的形式。约束在对偶形式S(y)ge;0中自动更改为S(y)minus;X=0,Xge;0, 并且二元化算法会应用于这个新问题。注意问题涉及对偶形式半定约束通常无法获得两重性,除非对偶形式约束很少和小于原始的形式约束。

一个问题涉及接受锥体Xge;C,其中对称不变的量C会自动转换为是标准的原始形式下的一个问题,没有额外的模糊的变量。因此,一个被限制低一点的变量问题通常会减少两重大小,因为没有自由变量或模糊量需要这个锥模型。实践证明,简单数据绑定约束的类型Xge;L其中L是一个大型的负数可以导致为了把它写成一个简单的LP锥而试图改变执行相关的变量的问题。从本质上看,将包含大量双重成本。原始问题{min cTx, Ax=b, xge;-L}将转化为 {min cTz, Az=b AL, zge;0}和双倍的 {min (b AL)Ty, ATyle;c}。如果你想避免翻译LP视锥细胞的检测(从而把涉及变量作为自由变量),在第四个双重性的论点上。


x = sdpvar(n,1);
F = [cone(x(2:end),x(1))];

是一个二阶约束的标准原始形式。如果你的锥约束违反了这种形式,模糊量将被引入,除了解释二阶锥,就像在半定的例子里。注意,你需要一个能够解决二阶锥约束本身的非解算器为了恢复原来的变量(一般地,SeDuMi和SDPT3混合半定二阶锥问题, 或Mosek纯二阶锥问题)。



原始矩阵(X与Y在以上举例中)必须定义在一个简单的调用,以使原始结构的检测。换句话说,一种约束 [Xgt;=0]X是用代码定义x = sdpvar(10,1);X = [x(1) x(6);x(6) x(2)] 不会被归类为原始矩阵,但随着矩阵约束三个自由变量的对偶形式。


出于完整性的考虑, 一个叫原始形式的功能是可用的。这个函数接受一个优化问题的对偶形式,并返回一个YALMIP模型的原始形式。考虑以下SDP 3自由变量, 1等式约束,1 SDP维度2的约束。

C = eye(2);
A1 = randn(2,2);A1 = A1*A1;
A2 = randn(2,2);A2 = A2*A2;
A3 = randn(2,2);A3 = A3*A3;
y = sdpvar(3,1);

obj = -sum(y) % Maximize sum(y) i.e. minimize -sum(y)
F = [C-A1*y(1)-A2*y(2)-A3*y(3) gt;= 0, y(1) y(2)==1]


[Fp,objp,free] = primalize(F,-obj);Fp

| ID| Constraint| Type|

| #1| Numeric value| Matrix inequality 2x2|
| #2| Numeric value| Equality constraint 3x1|




[Fd,objd,X,free] = dualize(Fp,objp);Fd

| ID| Constraint| Type|

| #1| Numeric value| Matrix inequality 2x2|
| #2| Numeric value| Equality constraint 1x1|



n = 50;
A = randn(n);A = A - max(real(eig(A)))*eye(n)*1.5; % Stable dynamics
B = randn(n,1);
C = randn(1,n);

t = sdpvar(1,1);
P = sdpvar(n,n);

obj = t;
F = [kyp(A,B,P,blkdiag(C*C,-t)) lt;= 0]


[Fp,objp] = primalize(F,-obj);Fp

| ID| Constraint| Type|

| #1| Numeric value| Matrix inequality 51x51|
| #2| Numeric value| Equality constraint 1276x1|

ans =


ans =
yalmiptime: 0.2410
solvertime: 32.4150
info: No problems detected (SeDuMi)
problem: 0


ans =
yalmiptime: 0.3260
solvertime: 32.2530
info: No problems detected (SeDuMi)
problem: 0

那么为什么我们要执行二元化? 我们先让YALMIP删除等式约束!

ans =
yalmiptime: 2.6240
solvertime: 1.1860
info: No problems detected (SeDuMi)
problem: 0


3.4 Multiparametric编程





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