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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-23 10:03  

摘 要




This graduation design is mainly for the design of a temperature controller, need to use 29V to control the power supply circuit, the 10 to 20 ml of water can be maintained at a roughly constant temperature, the temperature controller is a ubiquitous in life items, the most common way to drinking machine, of course water temperature prediction, and control the temperature in a temperature range to drinking water machine, water temperature controller designed in this paper is the need to control between positive and negative one degree Celsius, reduces the accuracy requirements. Not only the water fountain and the thermostat, but also in all other areas of life, chemistry, medicine, and all places requiring precise temperature control will require this design. Control method is to use C52 microcontroller to control the whole circuit. Firstly, the temperature is measured by the temperature detector, then the water temperature is changed into digital signal and transmitted to the microcontroller. In addition the keyboard will be to enter the preset temperature digital signal transmission to the microcontroller, the microcontroller will compare the two signals, determining who is large or small, if the temperature is higher than the preset temperature detected by the temperature detector, the microcontroller will control the heating plate began to work until now than the preset temperature, the microcontroller will control the heater off continue heating by Yu heating tablets. The temperature will continue to rise for a period of time, and then decreased, when the water temperature is lower than the preset temperature, microcontroller will control the heating plate began to work again, make the temperature rise again, so the cycle continues. And in the whole process of the operation of the system, there will be a four bit digital tube at any time to show the temperature of the water. My software is divided into a main program and a subroutine, the first is a main program, the main program running to reach certain conditions will enter into the subroutine, subroutine in certain conditions, and jump back to the main program, so repeatedly.

According to the overall thinking, I designed the circuit diagram, and added a memory chip, and edit the program to the microcontroller, switch keyboard design related functions, the keyboard can be input to a preset temperature for the entire system. But in the burning process of the emergence of many problems, often go wrong, this time on the need to have been modified until the function of the whole system can run normally, I use AD10 drawing software, this software produced by the circuit is relatively easy, when software programming and circuit part is completed, I begin to buy material DIY, welding circuit board only to circuit diagram of welding line, but in the experimental stage is completed, and found only if the preset temperature is compared, will always exceed 1 degrees Celsius, so I have to modify the program, so that the water temperature is lower than the preset temperature is 0.5 degrees Celsius start off heating, re opening temperature of 0.6 degrees Celsius lower than the preset temperature, so that changes after experimental data will be accepted, so fine Degrees are kept within one degree celsius.

Key Words:Water temperature controller box;Constant temperature; single chip microcomputer; C52 programming


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 设计目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外现状 2
第2章 水温控制系统设计 4

2.1 设计要求 4

2.2 设计指标 4

2.3 设计总体思路 4
2.3.1 加热电路 4
2.3.2 控制电路 5
第3章 硬件设计 6

3.1 主要电路硬件 6
3.1.1 加热片 6
3.1.2 三极管 6
3.1.3 继电器 8

3.2 控制电路硬件 9
3.2.1 控制器 9

3.2.2 显示器 12

3.2.3 键盘部分 13
3.2.4 温度传感器 14

第4章 软件部分 15

4.1 控制思路 15

4.2 控制流程 15

4.2.1 主程序流程 15

4.2.2 子程序流程 17

参考文献 18

附录一 21

附录二 21

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