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 2022-11-26 08:11  

SHT1x / SHT7x

Humidity amp; Temperature Sensor

- Relative humidity and temperature sensors

- Dew point

- Fully calibrated, digital output

- Excellent long-term stability

- No external components required

- Ultra low power consumption

- Surface mountable or 4-pin fully interchangeable

- Small size

- Automatic power down

SHT1x / SHT7x Product Summary

The SHTxx is a single chip relative humidity and temperature multi sensor module comprising a calibrated digital output. Application of industrial CMOS processes with

patented micro-machining (CMOSensreg; technology) ensures highest reliability and excellent long term stability. The device includes a capacitive polymer sensing element for relative humidity and a bandgap temperature sensor. Both are seamlessly coupled to a 14bit analog to digital converter and a serial interface circuit on the same chip. This results in superior signal quality, a fast response time and insensitivity to external disturbances (EMC) at a very competitive price.Each SHTxx is individually calibrated in a precision humidity chamber with a chilled mirror hygrometer as reference. The calibration coefficients are programmed into the OTP memory. These coefficients are used internally during measurements to calibrate the signals from the sensors. The 2-wire serial interface and internal voltage regulation allows easy and fast system integration. Its tiny size and low power consumption makes it the ultimate choice for even the most demanding applications.The device is supplied in eith surface-mountable LCC (Leadless Chip Carrier) or as a pluggable 4-pin single-in-line type package. Customer specific packaging options may beavailable on request.



_ Automotive

_ Consumer Goods

_ Weather Stations

_ Humidifiers

_ Dehumidifiers

_ Test amp; Measurement

_ Data Logging

_ Automation

_ White Goods

_ Medical

2 Interface Specifications

Figure 2 Typical application circuit

2.1 Power Pins

The SHTxx requires a voltage supply between 2.4 and 5.5 V. After powerup the device needs 11ms to reach its “sleep” state. No commands should be sent before that time.Power supply pins (VDD, GND)maybedecouplewita100 nF capacitor.

2.2 Serial Interface (Bidirectional 2-wire)

The serial interface of the SHTxx is optimized for sensor readout and power consumption and is not

compatible with I2C interfaces, see FAQ for details.

2.2.1 Serial clock input (SCK)

The SCK is used to synchronize the communication between a microcontroller and the SHTxx. Since the interface consists of fully static logic there is no minimum SCK


2.2.2 Serial data (DATA)

The DATA tristate pin is used to transfer data in and out of the device. DATA changes after the falling edge and is valid on the rising edge of the serial clock SCK. During transmission the DATA line must remain stable while SCK is high. To avoid signal contention the microcontroller should only drive DATA low. An external pull-up resistor (e.g. 10 kOmega; ) is required to pull the signal high. (See Figure 2) Pull-up resistors are often included in I/O circuits of microcontrollers. See Table 5 for detailed IO characteristics.

2.2.3 Sending a command

To initiate a transmission, a “Transmission Start” sequence has to be issued. It consists of a lowering of the DATA line while SCK is high, followed by a low pulse on SCK and raising DATA again while SCK is still high.

Figure 3 'Transmission Start' sequence

The subsequent command consists of three address bits (only “000” is currently supported) and five command bits. The SHTxx indicates the proper reception of a command by pulling the DATA pin low (ACK bit) after the falling edge of the 8th SCK clock. The DATA line is released (and goes high) after the falling edge of the 9th SCK clock.

2.2.4 Measurement sequence (RH and T)

After issuing a measurement command (lsquo;00000101rsquo; for RH, lsquo;00000011rsquo; for Temperature) the controller has to wait for the measurement to complete. This takes approximately 11/55/210 ms for a 8/12/14bit measurement. The exact time varies by up to plusmn;15% with the speed of the internal oscillator. To signal the completion of a measurement, the SHTxx pulls down the data line and enters idle mode. The controller must wait for this “data ready” signal before restarting SCK to readout the data. Measurement data is stored until readout, therefore the controller can continue with other tasks and readout as convenient.

Two bytes of measurement data and one byte of CRC checksum will then be transmitted. The uC must acknowledge each byte by pulling the DATA line low. All

values are MSB first, right justified. (e.g. the 5th SCK is MSB for a 12bit value, for a 8bit result the first byte is not used). Communication terminates after the acknowledge bit of the CRC data. If CRC-8 checksum is not used the controller may terminate the communication after the measurement dat LSB by keeping ack high. The device automatically returns to sleep mode after the measurement and communication have ended. Warning: To keep self heating below 0.1 °C the SHTxx should not be active for more than 10% of the time (e.g. max. 2 measurements / second for 12bit accuracy).

2.2.5 Connection reset sequence

If communication with the device is lost the following signal sequence will reset its serial interface:

While leaving DATA high, toggle SCK 9 or more times. This must be followed by a “Transmission Start” sequence preceding the next command. This sequence resets the

interface only. The status register preserves its con


数字温湿度传感器(SHT 1x/ SHT 7x)

_ 相对湿度和温度测量

_ 兼有露点

_ 全标定输出,无需标定即可互换使用

_ 卓越的长期稳定性

_ 两线制数字接口,无需额外部件

_ 基于请求式测量,因此低能耗

_ 表面贴片或4 针引脚安装

_ 超小尺寸

_ 自动休眠

SHT1x / SHT7x 产品概述

SHTxx 系列产品是一款高度集成的温湿度传感器芯片, 提供全标定的数字输出。它采用专利的CMOSensreg; 技术,确保产品具有极高的可靠性与卓越的长期稳定性。传感器包括一个电容性聚合体测湿敏感元件、一个用能隙材料制成的测温元件,并在同一芯片上,与14 位的A/D 转换器以及串行接口电路实现无缝连接。因此,该产品具有品质卓越、超快响应、抗干扰能力强、极高的性价比等优点。

每个传感器芯片都在极为精确的湿度腔室中进行标定,以镜面冷凝式湿度计为参照。校准系数以程序形式储存在OTP 内存中,在标定的过程中使用。两线制的串行接口与内部的电压调整,使外围系统集成变得快速而简单。微小的体积、极低的功耗,使其成为各类应用的首选。产品提供表面贴片 LCC 或4 针单排引脚封装。特殊封装形式可根据用户需求而提供。

应用领域 框图

_ 暖通空调HVAC

_ 汽车

_ 消费品




_ 测试及检测设备

_ 数据记录器

_ 自动控制

_ 家电

_ 医疗

2 接口说明

2 典型应用电路

2.1 电源引脚

SHTxx 的供电电压为2.4~5.5V。传感器上电后,要等待11ms 以越过“休眠”状态。在此期间无需发送任何指令。电源引脚(VDD,GND)之间可增加一个100nF 的电容,用以去耦滤波。

2.2 串行接口 (两线双向)

SHTxx 的串行接口,在传感器信号的读取及电源损耗方面,都做了优化处理;但与I2C 接口不兼容,详情参见 FAQ

2.2.1 串行时钟输入 (SCK)

SCK 用于微处理器与SHTxx 之间的通讯同步。由于接口包含了完全静态逻辑,因而不存在最小SCK 频率。

2.2.2 串行数据 (DATA)

DATA 三态门用于数据的读取。DATA 在SCK 时钟下降沿之后改变状态,并仅在SCK 时钟上升沿有效。数据传输期间,在SCK 时钟高电平时,DATA必须保持稳定。为避免信号冲突,微处理器应驱动DATA 在低电平。需要一个外部的上拉电阻(例如:10kOmega;)将信号提拉至高电平(参见图2)。上拉电阻通常已包含在微处理器的I/O 电路中。详细的IO特性,参见表 5。

2.2.3 发送命令

用一组“ 启动传输”时序,来表示数据传输的初始化。它包括:当SCK 时钟高电平时DATA 翻转为低电平,紧接着SCK 变为低电平,随后是在SCK 时钟高电平时DATA 翻转为高电平。

3 '启动传输' 时序

后续命令包含三个地址位(目前只支持“000”),和五个命令位。SHTxx 会以下述方式表示已正确地接收到指令:在第8 个SCK 时钟的下降沿之后,将DATA 下拉为低电平(ACK 位)。在第9 个SCK 时钟的下降沿之后,释放DATA(恢复高电平)。

表2 SHT控制命令代码













2.2.4 测量时序(RH T)

发布一组测量命令(lsquo;00000101rsquo;表示相对湿度RH,lsquo;00000011rsquo;表示温度T)后,控制器要等待测量结束。这个过程需要大约11/55/210ms,分别对应8/12/14bit 测量。确切的时间随内部晶振速度,最多有plusmn;15%变化。SHTxx 通过下拉DATA 至低电平并进入空闲模式,表示测量的结束。控制器在再次触发SCK 时钟前,必须等待这个“数据备妥”信号来读出数据。检测数据可以先被存储这样控制器可以继续执行其它任务在需要时再读出数据。接着传输2 个字节的测量数据和1 个字节的CRC 奇偶校验。uC 需要通过下拉DATA 为低电平,以确认每个字节。所有的数据从MSB 开始,右值有效(例如:对于12bit 数据,从第5 个SCK 时钟起算作MSB; 而对于 8bit 数据, 首字节则无意义)。用 CRC 数据的确认位,表明通讯结束。如果不使用CRC-8 校验,控制器可以在测量值LSB 后,通过保持确认位ack 高电平, 来中止通讯。在测量和通讯结束后,SHTxx 自动转入休眠模式。

警告:为保证自身温升低于0.1℃,SHTxx 的激活时间不要超过15%(例如,对应12bit 精度测量,每秒最多进行3 次测量)。

2.2.5 通讯复位时序

如果与 SHTxx 通讯中断,下列信号时序可以复位串口:当DATA 保持高电平时,触发SCK 时钟9 次或更多。在下一次指令前,发送一个“传输启动”时序。这些时序只复位串口,状态寄存器内容仍然保留。

4 通讯复位时序

2.2.6 CRC-8 校验

数字信号的整个传输过程由 8bit 校验来确保。任何错误数据将被检测到并清除。详情可参阅应用说明“CRC-8 校验”。

6 测量时序概览 (TS = 启动传输)

2.3 状态寄存器

SHTxx 的某些高级功能可以通过状态寄存器实现。下面的章节概括介绍了这些功能。


图 7 状态寄存器读 图 8 状态寄存器写

2.3.1 测量分辨率

默认的测量分辨率分别为14bit(温度)、12bit(湿度),也可分别降至12bit 和8bit。通常在高速或超低功耗的应用中采用该功能。

2.3.2 电量不足

“电量不足”功能可监测到Vdd 电压低于2.47V 的状态。精度为plusmn;0.05V。

2.3.3 加热元件

芯片上集成了一个可通断的加热元件。接通后,可将SHTxx 的温度提高大约5℃(9℉)。功耗增加8mA@ 5V。


bull; 在高湿 (gt;95 %RH) 环境中,加热传感器可预防结露,同时缩短响应时间,提高精度。

警告: 加热 SHTxx 后温度升高、相对湿度降低,较之加热前,示值略有差异。

3 输出转换为物理量

3.1 相对湿度


RHlinear = c1 c2 bull;SORH c3 bull;

6 湿度转换系数 表 7 温度补偿系数


10 从 SORH 转换到相对湿度

3.1.1 相对湿度对于温度依赖性的补偿

由于实际温度与测试参考温度25℃ (~77℉)的显著不同, 应考虑湿度传感器的温度修正系数:RHtrue = (T°C - 25)bull;(t1 t2 bull;SORH) RHlinear

3.2 温度

由能隙材料PTAT (正比于绝对温度) 研发的温度传感器具有极好的线性。可用如下公式将数字输出转换为温度值:Temperatur e = d1 d2 bull;SOT

8 温度转换系数

3.3 露点

由于湿度与温度经由同一块芯片测量,SHTxx 系列产品可以同时实现高质量的露点测量。可参阅应用说明“露点计算”。

4 应用信息

4.1 工作与贮存条件

11 建议的工作条件

超出建议的工作范围可能导致最大3%的RH 信号暂时性漂移。当恢复到正常工作条件后,传感器会缓慢自恢复到校正状态。可参阅4.3 小节的“恢复处理”以加速恢复进程。在非正常条件下的长时间使用,会加速产品的老化。

4.2 暴露在化学物质中


4.3 恢复处理

暴露在极端工作条件或化学蒸汽中的传感器,可通过如下处理,使其恢复到校准状态。在80-90℃ (176-194℉) 和lt; 5%RH 的湿度条件下保持 24小时(烘干); 随后在20-30℃ (70-90℉) 和gt;74%RH 的湿度条件下保持48 小时(重新水合)

4.4 温度影响

气体的相对湿度,在很大程度上依赖于温度。因此在测量湿度时,应尽可能保证湿度传感器在同一温度下工作。如果与释放热量的电子元件共用一个印刷线路板,在安装时应尽可能将SHTxx远离电子元件,并安装在热源下方,同时保持外壳的良好通风。为降低热传导,SHT1x 与印刷电路板其它部分的铜镀层应尽可能最小,并在两者之间留出一道缝隙。

4.5 薄膜

薄膜可防止灰尘进入,以保护传感器。同时会减少化学蒸汽的浓度。为获取最佳的响应时间,薄膜内的空气量必须保持在最少。对于SHT1X 封装系列,盛世瑞恩推荐使用SF1 型过滤罩,以达到最优的IP67 保护等级。

4.6 光线

SHTxx 对光线不敏感。但长时间暴露在太阳光下或强烈的紫外线辐射中,会使外壳老化。

4.7 用于密封和安装的材质

许多材质吸收湿气并将充当缓冲器的角色,这会加大响应时间和迟滞。因此传感器周边的材质应谨慎选用。推荐使用的材料有:所有的金属, LCP,POM (Delrin), PTFE (Teflon), PE, PEEK,PP, PB,PPS, PSU, PVDF, PVF用于密封和粘合的材质(保守推荐):推荐使用充满环氧树脂的方法进行电子元件的封装,或是硅树脂。这些材料释放的气体也有可能污染SHTxx(见4.2)。加工后应将传感器置于通风良好处,或在50℃的环境中干燥24小时,以使其在封装前将污染气体释放。

4.8 接线注意事项与信号完整性




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