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 2022-12-19 05:12  

Contribution of Online Trading of Used Goods to Resource Efficiency:

An Empirical Study of eBay Users

Jens Clausen,Birgit Blauml;ttel-Mink , Lorenz Erdmann and Christine Henseling


This paper discusses the sustainability impact (contribution to sustainability, reduction of adverse environmental impacts) of online second-hand trading. A survey of eBay users shows that a relationship between the trading of used goods and the protection of natural resources is hardly realized. Secondly, the environmental motivation and the willingness to act in a sustainable manner differ widely between groups of consumers. Given these results from a user perspective, the paper tries to find some objective hints of online second-hand tradingrsquo;s environmental impact. The greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the energy used for the trading transactions seem to be considerably lower than the emissions due to the (avoided) production of new goods. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations for second-hand trade and consumer policy. Information about the sustainability benefits of purchasing second-hand goods should be included in general consumer information, and arguments for changes in behavior should be targeted to different groups of consumers.

Keywords: online marketplaces; online auctions; consumer; electronic commerce; used products; second-hand market; sustainable consumption

1. Introduction

Online auction and trading platforms are increasing the opportunities for sustainable consumption. The potential of online based second-hand trading lies largely in the opportunity to extend the life span of products, thereby avoiding additional environmental stresses due to the purchase of new goods. To date, private households often failed to exploit the potentials for reusing products because of high transaction costs. Trade in second-hand goods remained limited to regional markets. These barriers frequently prevented local and regional used goods markets from attaining critical mass and becoming attractive for both buyers and sellers. In recent years, however, rapidly increasing use of the Internet and trading platforms, such as eBay, have fundamentally transformed the underlying conditions of such markets.

Online markets have not only significantly increased the numbers of market participants; they have also changed the roles traditionally assigned to consumers and producers. Exchange sites, auction platforms and other Internet-based trading models where users are not merely buyers, but at the same time, also active sellers of products or services, have shifted the role of consumers.

Against this background, this article examines consumption processes using the example of eBay, the worldrsquo;s largest online trading platform for used goods, by focusing on the following question: Which sustainability potentials are connected with the electronic trading of used goods, and how can these potentials be exploited? This question lies in the center of the research project “From Consumer to Prosumer-Development of new trading mechanisms and auction cultures to promote sustainable consumption.” The project is intentionally linked with various streams of research and insights, especially concerning the intensification of use, lifestyle research, and life-cycle assessment, in the fields of information technology and telecommunications, and integrates them from the perspective of the research guiding question.

After giving an overview of the scientific work on environmental attitudes and behavior in the context of internet based used goods trading, and an empirical look on internet usage in Chapter 2, the empirical results of an online survey on online trading and sustainability are presented in Chapter 3, Chapter 4 draws conclusions from the empirical study and Chapter 5 focuses on the ecological assessment of used goods trading. The paper concludes with some remarks on the consequences of second-hand trade, online platforms, and consumer policy.

2. Internet-Based Used Goods Trading from a Subjective Perspective

Sustainability researchers in the social sciences assume that environmentally-oriented behavior is supported to a non-negligible degree by positive attitudes toward the environment and by knowledge about the environment [1-7]. Time and again, however, representative surveys of the population provide evidence for a discrepancy between concern about increasing environmental devastation and its consequences, as well as knowledge about the environment on the one hand, and environmental behavior that is in line with such knowledge on the other. It is possible to identify groups of individuals who display environmentally-friendly behavior, but not the corresponding attitudes toward the environment (e.g., older single women), just as there are groups of individuals who display a high degree of ecological awareness, but whose behavior is nonetheless not consistently environmentally oriented (e.g., families whose environmentally-friendly behavior is organized to the hilt, but who still drive a family car). Three bundles of characteristics that influence the sustainability of styles of consumption have emerged in the research [8]: the householdrsquo;s social situation (socio-demographic characteristics and time resources), consumer preferences (subjective preferences relating to the selection of products and behaviors), and actual consumption behavior. Socio-demographic characteristics that substantially influence differences in terms of sustainable consumption patterns include age, educational level, gender, marital status, and income, with women, well educated people, and parents striving for consistency of attitudes and behavior.

Grunenberg and Kuckartz [1] were able to identify the group they called the “environmentally committed” in their study, which was representative for Germany. “[A group] that take



Jens Clausen , Birgit Blauml;ttel-Mink , Lorenz Erdmann ,Christine Henseling


本文探讨了网上二手交易的可持续性的影响(对可持续发展的贡献,减少对环境的不利影响)。eBay 用户的一项调查显示,二手商品交易和自然资源的保护之间的联系很难实现。其次,保护环境的动机和以可持续的方式采取行动的消费者群体之间的差别很大。鉴于这些结果,从用户的角度考虑,本文试图寻找网上的二手交易对环境影响的一些客观提示。由于交易所造成的温室气体排放量似乎比生产新产品的排放量要低得多。本文的结论与二手交易和消费政策的一套建议有关。购买二手商品的可持续性利益的信息应包括在一般消费者的信息,并且行为变化的参数应该是针对不同的消费者群体。


1. 引言






Grunenberg和Kuckartz [1]在他们的研究中能够确定他们所称的“环境承诺”,该群体代表了德国。“[A组] 更认真地对待环境问题,并积极致力于解决这些问题。这个群体不要求完全一致的亲环境行为;例如,这需要这些人不仅仅吃有机种植的食物,而且还会出售他们的汽车并骑自行车度假。“(Grunenberg/Kuckartz,p.204 [1])。以下指标用于界定环境保护个人群体:促进保护或环境保护的组织的成员资格;在过去的一年里向这样一个组织捐款;熟悉“可持续发展”一词;愿意为改善环境付费;经常从专业期刊中获取有关环境问题的信息;环境心理类型1(座右铭:“在环境保护方面成为榜样!”);宣布共同承担环境保护责任(声明:“个人为环境做点事情并不困难!”)(Grunenberg/Kuckartz,p.204 [1])。这个群体的成员往往处于生活的家庭阶段,受过较高的教育,往往生活在主要城市或小社区,很少在中等城镇或村庄,往往来自西德,通常有较高的专业职位(高级职员,中上层或上层公务员,职业),中高收入,但收入不高,往往生活在单身或双人家庭的安静社区房屋。关于他们的政治偏好,作者确定了对政治的更广泛兴趣,并明确关注后物质主义价值观。


3.网上交易和可持续性 - 实证结果

以eBay为例,上述关系在2015年11月由作者进行的在线调查中得到了更为密切的关注。该调查旨在深入了解eBay用户的消费模式,他们的态度以及他们的态度。在eBay上处理二手产品的方法。该调查针对的是使用该网站的私人eBay用户,包括买卖,以及在过去12个月内至少进行过一次交易的用户。总共分析了2,511份有效问卷。与德国的总人口相比,男性(57.1%)比女性更多,与伴侣一起生活的人数更多(73.4%),生活在三个或更多家庭(52.4%)的人口更多。该样本还显示出相对较高的教育水平(49.4%A级)和就业状况(49.2%全职工作),受访者倾向于居住在城市或附近。受访者的年龄分布(最大群体40-49岁; 29.8%)及其收入分布(40%中低收入)与总人口相当。样本中女性(45.1%)比男性(34.0%)多,生活在有孩子的家庭中;男性比例随着年龄的增长而增加。在eBay上买卖的女性收入较低。在所有女性eBay买家中,48.7%的人每月收入低于2,000欧元,而所有男性eBay买家的收入均为39.8%。与上面提到的互联网用户群相比,此处分析的样本仅在收入方面有所不同,互联网用户显示出更高的收入。将讨论以下主题:对环境的态度和在eBay上交易的动机,eBay用户对旧产品的态度以及对旧产品的处理。然后,将呈现源自数据的eBay用户的消费者模式的类型。


调查结果显示,在交易二手产品时,环境因素对大多数被调查的eBay用户来说只起很小的作用。特别是在涉及他们的动机时,其他方面迄今为止更为重要:实际和财务方面的考虑,以及在eBay上进行有趣的交易。使eBay上的交易更加环保的机会在于提供有关二手商品交易的环境相关性的信息,例如直接在eBay平台上。此外,eBay所说的广泛动机为创建将生态方面与其他使用方面联系起来的动机联盟提供了良好的起点。一个具体的战略干预点是在eBay平台上为气候中立航运提供机会的选择,eBay用户表示很愿意使用这种选择。调查还使得有可能确定加强二手商品交易的各种起点。在制定这方面的传播战略时,应更加强调二手货物对他人的价值。例如,这可能通过更明确地指出此类通信中使用过的产品的质量和货币价值而发生。采取这一方向的有趣方法包括使用过的产品的质量测试,以及用户可以了解他们可以获得的二手产品价格的工具。 eBay在前几年推出的测试实验室是一种有趣的方法。某些使用过的产品在这里进行了测试,以显示它们与新产品价值相关的价值。





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