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 2021-10-24 03:10  

摘 要

近年来,随着4G广泛普及以及5G网络通信时代的展望,游戏行业一直行进在飞速发展的可观前景道路之中。从单机游戏、端游、手游的不断演变,可以看出玩家用户对于游戏的需求以及质量等有了更高的要求。当下的各种爆款游戏,像是《球球大作战》、《王者荣耀》、《纪念碑谷》等等,而这些游戏有个共同点便是都由Unity3D引擎开发。Unity3D引擎作为当下最为流行的游戏开发引擎,集结众多优点与特性。本人所制作的《丧尸猎人》(Zombie Hunter)即是基于此引擎所开发的一款3D角色扮演游戏(RPG),游戏整体设计方向为在传统RPG游戏基础上,简化玩家操作,采用自动攻击方式,玩家只需通过点击屏幕进行行走,当怪物进入玩家攻击范围时玩家会自动进行攻击,击杀怪物后可以获得金币奖励,以及随机掉落装备,实现了“单手操作,随走随停,放置挂机”的游戏特色,游戏的核心玩法即“消灭怪物获得奖励→强化自身实力→消灭怪物获得奖励”这样一个闭环。




3.使用Unity3D强大的UGUI搭建了游戏整体UI框架与操作交互,实现了血条系统、背包系统、场景跳转等功能 。





In recent years, with the widespread popularization of 4G and the prospect of 5G network communication era, the game industry has been on the road of rapid development of considerable prospects. From the continuous evolution of stand-alone games, side games and mobile game, it can be seen that players and users have higher requirements for the demand and quality of games. Current hot style games, such as game of ball, glory of Kings, monument valley, etc., have one thing in common: they are all developed by Unity3D engine. As the most popular game development engine, Unity3D gathers many advantages and features. I made the "Zombie Hunter" is based on the engine developed by a 3 d roleplaying game (RPG), the overall design direction for the traditional RPG game, based on the simplified operation, adopts auto attack mode, players need to walk by clicking on the screen, when the monster into players attack range player will automatically attack, kill monsters can be obtained after the gold award, and random drops equipment, implement the "as you go, single hand operation, stop, put hang up" game features, The core gameplay of the game is "kill a monster to get reward → strengthen their own strength → kill a monster to get reward" such a closed loop.

The game adopts a third person Angle of 45° to show the characteristics of the battle and model, and USES the prefabricated system, particle system, rendering technology, light probe system and so on in the selected engine to achieve the construction of high-precision and high-simulation game scene map. In order to realize the overall UI interface design and interaction functions of the game, the UGUI system with powerful functions that comes with Unity3D system is used. In the logic of realizing the overall function of the game, the game object is equipped with script components and the engine's own collision detection system, AI system and animation system components through writing C# scripts to achieve the relevant functional requirements. The research results obtained in the overall development process are as follows:

1. Set up the game scene to show the game style through the use of shader materials and maps and the light probe system. The complex but excellent particle system of Unity3D was used to realize the special effects of flames, dust and fireflies in the scene.

2. Write scripts with C# language to match colliders and triggers in the game to achieve logic functions such as in-game attack, pathfinding, tracking and monster refresh.

3. Used the powerful UGUI of Unity3D to build the overall UI framework and operation interaction of the game, and realized the functions of blood bar system, backpack system, scene jump, etc.

4. Realized the production of a simple game with smooth functional operation, novel gameplay and good user experience.

This paper introduced the history of the game industry both at home and abroad, as well as the revolutionary breakthrough of engine in China's history, this paper roughly "zombie hunter" overall development in the process of using the Unity3D involved in related technical points, and then from the game needs analysis, the overall gameplay and the frame structure design, game development three stages are introduced in detail the whole process of development, finally completed the "zombie hunter" the game. In practice, I have mastered more techniques and skills in the process of Unity3D developing game clients.

Keywords: Unity3D, RPG, Game Development, UGUI, Lighting Probe

目 录

摘 要 I

目 录 1

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.3本论文研究的目标和主要内容 4

第2章 Unity3D特性介绍 4

2.1 Unity3D游戏引擎 4

2.2脚本语言 6

2.3UGUI 7

第3章 游戏需求分析与设计 8

3.1概要说明 8

3.2目标玩家与需求分析 9

3.3Roguelike玩法 10

3.4本章总结 10

第4章 游戏实现 11

4.1场景搭建 11

4.1.1地面搭建 12

4.1.2物体装饰 13

4.1.3光照探头系统 14

4.1.4粒子特效 16

4.2怪物刷新机制 20

4.3怪物系统 21

4.4动画系统 23

4.5UI系统 24

4.5.1血条系统 24

4.5.2场景跳转 25

第5章 总结 27

5.1概述 27

5.2展望 27

参考文献 28

致 谢 29

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景及意义


那么富含历史印记的RPG到底代表什么样的游戏模式呢?RPG即Role-Playing-Game(角色扮演游戏),由此字面上意思可延伸出诸多问题,谁扮演,扮演谁,怎么扮演,要解答这些问题可从《龙与地下城》这款最具有代表性的RPG起源游戏来说明。《龙与地下城》最初是一款桌游游戏,其宏大且丰富的玩法规则DnD规则,包含了可成长游戏角色、剧情、随机事件等等富有特色与创意的玩法。但束缚于桌游的系统下,显现了受限于玩家数固定、传播缓慢等缺陷,然而在八十年代初改编移植到电子平台之后,这些缺陷被完美解决,由电子系统操控游戏中“上帝”角色,系统运算化身为“骰子”,基于此,RPG游戏的雏形已经显现,DnD规则也被不断引用改进,诞生了更为经典的《最终幻想》、《勇者斗恶龙》以及欧美三大RPG鼻祖《创世纪》、《巫术》、《魔法门》,因为OpenGL等图形API技术的发展,游戏画面愈发精美,游戏的数值系统的重要性以及完善程度对于游戏的可玩性的影响也开始逐渐的体现出来。九十年代随着ID Software公司开发了第一款游戏引擎Commander Keen energy以及第一款3D游戏引擎Wolfenstein 3D,空前强大的游戏引擎的出现,不仅大大缩短了游戏制作开发的时间,也给每一个爱好与致力于游戏开发的人提供了一个强大的工具。不仅如此,短短几年之后,相继问世的DOOM引擎(毁灭战士)与Quake引擎(雷神之锤)以及他们的同名游戏都成为ID Software公司里程碑式的成就。不同于寻常追名逐利的商人,ID Software公司创始人公布游戏源代码,与全世界游戏开发者共享技术,这么一种空前绝后的行为,为游戏引擎的快速发展作出了伟大贡献。

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