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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2022-01-27 15:19:18  


摘 要




Intelligent shared vehicle application based on Android


The global sharing economy is in the high speed development period, the population participating in the shared economy is increasing, the income of the shared economic platform has been greatly improved, and the share of the economic field is expanding continuously. According to statistics, the housing accommodation sharing platform Airbnb has already covered more than 34000 cities worldwide, and the market is valued at 25 billion 500 million US dollars. By the end of 2015, the number of institutions willing to invest and share the economy in the United States increased from less than 20 in 2010 to 198, and this figure is still rising. From the field of shared economy, the statistics of the United States, Britain and China show that shared finance, transportation, housing and living services are the most important areas of the shared economy.

Aiming at the direction of traffic in the field of shared economy. The Java language is used to design the application program of intelligent shared vehicle based on Android. It mainly realizes the functions of registration and login, car network query, auto idle inquiry, idle car use, personal identity information and so on. This paper introduces the research background, development environment, database design and function requirement analysis of the system. The system provides shared car services to the masses. Through mobile phone clients, it can collect, book, use and pay for shared cars. It can also improve the user's personal information, modify the password of the account, and give the service to the server to improve the system. At the server side, you can manage cars, manage user accounts, view feedback, and recharge user accounts. To provide users with fast, efficient and high-quality services.

Keywords: Smartphone; Android; The Sharing car software system; JAVA

目 录

摘 要 I


目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 课题研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容 2

1.4 主要设计思路 2

第二章 开发环境介绍 8

2.1 Android系统架构 3

2.1.1 应用程序 3

2.1.2 应用程序框架 3

2.1.3 系统运行库 3

2.1.4 Linux内核 4

2.2 开发环境的搭建 5

2.3 java语言介绍 5

第三章 需求分析 8

3.1 系统可行性分析 8

3.1.1 技术可行性 8

3.1.2 操作可行性 8

3.2 功能需求 8

3.3 开发运行环境需求 8

3.4 性能需求 9

第四章 系统总体设计 10

4.1 概述 10

4.2 百度地图介绍 10

4.2.1 API申请 10

4.2.2 接口参数说明 11

4.3系统功能结构图 11

4.4 系统流程图 13

4.5 系统交互图 14

4.6 数据库设计 14

4.6.1 实体图设计 15

4.6.2 E-R图设计 15

4.6.3数据表设计 16

第五章 系统的实现 18

5.1 系统搭建 18

5.2 注册登陆信息 19

5.3汽车查询模块及地图实现 21

5.4汽车使用模块实现 22

5.5 后台注册登陆模块实现 24

5.6 管理员模块实现 25

第六章 系统的测试 29

6.1 测试方案设计 29

6.1.1 测试策略 29

6.1.2 测试内容 33

6.2测试方法 29

6.3 测试分析 30

6.4 测试结果 30

参考文献 32

总 结 33

第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景


1.2 课题研究现状

Android可以让人随意的实现心中所想,发展前景十分好,而且市场份额高达70%,现在已经逐渐超过IOS系统,并在多方面发展,使用它的人也越来越多安卓应用程序也越来越多,多达数百万,大部分的开发将单独开发应用软件发布到市场,通过吸引用户,推广应用而逐渐发展壮大。随着系统的整合推广移动地图服务的发展,使的Google map API与Android的整合也推动了地图的发展,使用手机服务地图,虽然功能强大,但繁琐的操作,以及一些国内手机不支持谷歌地图,所以不能安装使用它,所以就出现了其他的手机地图服务第三方。如,百度地图等,这就使得开发一款基于手机Android的地图定位系统出现非常必要[5]。



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