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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 电子商务 > 正文


 2022-01-06 08:01  


摘 要

互联网的普及,缩短了人与人之间的距离,使人们的社交方式由线下逐渐转化为线上。这种社交方式的改变也给传统的电商模式带来了一次革新,即社交化电子商务逐渐代替了传统的电子商务。拼多多靠其“社交 电商”的营销策略在短短的三年间就收获了三亿多的用户,成为国内数一数二的电商平台。拼多多的成功引起了业界的关注,让人们重视到社交化电子商务。多年来也有许多国内外学者对社交化电子商务进行了研究,肯定其成效的同时也提出了社交化电子商务的问题和相应解决措施。然而缺少对具体社交化电子商务平台的案例分析。而拼多多作为最具有代表性的社交电商平台更是值得去研究其营销策略。本文针对拼多多的营销策略问题展开进一步探究。



关键词:社交化电子商务 营销策略 拼多多

Research on Marketing Strategy of Social E-commerce Platform-- Take Pinduoduo for Example


With the popularity of Internet, the distance between people has been shortened, and people's social ways have gradually changed from offline to online. The change of this kind of social way also brings an innovation to the traditional e-commerce mode, that is, social e-commerce gradually replaces the traditional e-commerce. Pinduoduo has gained more than 300 million users in just three years by its "social e-commerce" marketing strategy, and has become one of the top e-commerce platforms in China. Pinduoduo's success has attracted the attention of the industry, and made people pay attention to social e-commerce. Over the years, many scholars at home and abroad have studied social e-commerce, affirmed its effectiveness, and put forward the problems and corresponding solutions of social e-commerce. However, there is no case analysis of specific social e-commerce platform. As the most representative social e-commerce platform, pinduoduo is worth studying its marketing strategy. This paper aims at the marketing strategy of pinduoduo.

This paper is divided into six parts. First, through the analysis of the research background, it explains the existing problems of social e-commerce and the necessity of solving this problem. Through quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, this paper analyzes the marketing strategy of pinduoduo. Second, through reading the relevant literature to summarize the current research status and results, on this basis, to spell a lot of case thinking. Thirdly, it analyzes the marketing strategy of pinduoduo by SWOT analysis, and puts forward the improvement strategy. Fourth, design and distribute the questionnaire, collect the data and analyze the marketing strategy of pinduoduo. Fifthly, through the analysis of questionnaire, this paper summarizes the marketing strategy of pinduoduo and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. Sixth, through the case study, we hope to promote the development of social e-commerce platform in China.

The theoretical significance of this paper is that Duoduo has created a unique social e-commerce thinking. This paper uses SWOT analysis and questionnaire survey to analyze the marketing strategy of pinduoduo, find out the marketing strategy problems of pinduoduo and put forward corresponding strategies, which has certain practical value. The practical significance of this paper is that pinduoduo is the mainstream social e-commerce platform at present. Through the case analysis of pinduoduo, it can provide reference for the marketing strategy of social e-commerce platform, so as to promote the development of e-commerce in China.

Key Words: Social e-commerce; Marketing strategy; Pinduoduo

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目标和内容 2

1.3研究方法和思路 3

第二章 理论基础与文献综述 6

2.1基础概念和理论 6

2.1.1社交化电子商务 6

2.1.2网络营销 6

2.2文献综述 6

2.2.1社交化电子商务文献综述 6

2.2.2网络营销文献综述 7

2.3研究现状评价 8

2.4小结 9

第三章 拼多多市场分析 10

3.1主流的社交电商平台 10

3.2拼多多swot分析 11

3.2.1优势 11

3.2.2劣势 11

3.2.3机会 11

3.2.4威胁 12

3.3小结 14

第四章 拼多多营销策略问题的研究 15

4.1 问卷设计与数据分析 15

4.1.1 问卷设计 15

4.1.2 数据收集 15

4.1.3 问卷分析 15

4.2 拼多多营销存在的问题 25

4.2.1 社交分享购物模式 25

4.2.2 拼团商品质量 25

4.2.3 品牌形象 25

4.3 小结 25

第五章 拼多多营销策略优化建议 26

5.1 拼多多营销策略问题总结 26

5.1.1 社交分享购物模式接受度不高 26

5.1.2 商品质量差 26

5.1.3 品牌形象不受认可 26

5.2 拼多多营销策略分析 26

5.2.1 改善分享标准,提升用户好感 26

5.2.2 加强平台监管,建立赏罚制度 27

5.2.3 树立品牌,流量自我生产 27

5.3 小结 27

第六章 总结与研究展望 28

6.1 总结 28

6.2 研究局限性和研究展望 28

参考文献 30

附 录 32

致 谢 36

第一章 绪论


互联网时代,人们的很多行为都由线下逐渐转为线上,人们的网络互动行为也使得了社交化电子商务的出现。社交化电子商务逐渐代替了传统的电子商务形式[1]。作为社交电商的代表,拼多多通过“社交 电商”融合的方式,发展了微信用户。利用低价 拼团的策略在社交平台大为推广,成立之后短短的几年内便拥有了大量用户。和老牌的电商企业京东和天猫相比,创建了仅仅三年的时间拼多多就拥有了三亿多用户。2019年底,拼多多以市值464亿美元超过了京东,成为中国市值第四大的互联网企业。如今,拼多多在电商领域中具有举足轻重的地位[2]

拼多多是利用用户在社交平台的购物拼团分享链接来销售产品的社交电商平台。在成立之后的短短几年时间内便在我国电商行业占领高位,这都是得益于其独特的“社交 电商”的新思维。这种新的营销方式给拼多多带来显著成效,但时间久后,这种营销思维的弊端也逐渐显现出来[3]。第一,压迫式拉新方式:由于社交平台频繁出现的分享链接,很容易丧失新用户对平台的好感,导致用户的流失。第二,商品质量问题:低门槛、低价营销策略会使得不良商家的滋生、产品以次充好。商品没有质量保障,社交拼团模式将无法长期发展。第三,品牌形象差:低价导致的商品质量问题和压迫式拉新导致的用户不信任和反感。拼多多是电子商务市场的一匹黑马,更是社交电商平台的代表。研究优秀的社交电商平台发展的案例对其他企业有着很强的借鉴意义。拼多多利用微信作为入口,利用用户在微信平台分享商品链接销售产品,形成了其独特的新社交电商模式。“社交 电商”思维给拼多多带来了许多成效,但时间一久弊端就显现出来了。社交化电子商务的实际运营过程中,还存在着很多问题,例如客户接受度,可控性低、难以评价的弊端。鉴于上述拼多多面临的问题:压迫式拉新方式、商品质量问题、品牌形象差既有拼多多自身运营战略导致的问题也有社交电商本身会存在的问题,然而不及时解决这些弊端都会导致平台用户流失,对拼多多的长期发展很不利。如果拼多多想要长久发展就需要完善社交电商营销策略,避免引起用户反感,失去用户信任,最终流失客户[4]


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